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Initial refactor of ofAppRaspberryPiWindow into ofEGLWindow #29

Closed bakercp closed 11 years ago

bakercp commented 11 years ago

Include initial support for more ofBaseWindow features (like framerate, etc).

This is a work in progress, but it should be a drop in replacement for the current window.

bakercp commented 11 years ago

@arturoc and all -- this is obviously not finished yet, but it is a first attempt at a refactor. Currently it is an abstract base class requiring subclasses to implement getScreenRect() and requestNewWindowRect(). Also, the void ofEGLWindow::setupEGL(NativeWindowType nativeWindow) seems like it will require a platform specific subclass to call it. I'm quite new to the EGL / embedded game -- and from what I can gather, the platform specific stuff in ofAppRaspberryPiWindow::setupOpenGL that creates creates the nativeWindow that is passed into ofEGLWindow::setupEGL(&nativeWindow); is all hardware / platform / windowing system specific. Is it possible to have a non-abstract ofEGLWindow? Or will we always need to implement a subclass that interacts with the hardware (i.e. the bcm_host in the case of the RPI)?.

I am going to also add the generic linux keyboard and mouse stuff to the ofEGLWindow class tomorrow.

Finally, should the base class be called ofEGLWindow or ofEGLAppWindow?

bakercp commented 11 years ago

(p.s. RPI team -- please wait merge this PR until I add a few missing features and clean it up a bit more).

arturoc commented 11 years ago

the usual naming is ofAppEGLWindow. i'm not sure but my filing is that there's really few different configurations even if there's lots of arm boards out there, probably we can even do it without subclassing just using some ifdefs for the includes of the specifc platforms

anyway will try to install my panda board today and give it a try

bakercp commented 11 years ago

This was pulled into @arturoc's #32. I'm closing this and focussing on #32.