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ofAppEGLWindow: fixed some errors in x11 + non x11 mouse working #44

Closed arturoc closed 11 years ago

arturoc commented 11 years ago

mouse working for non-x11 windows. this is kind of crazy but since there's no hardware mouse cursor in non x11 and the coordinates you get are relative i'm drawing our own mouse cursor using a texture :)

should work on the rpi but perhaps test before merging

also had to give permissions to /dev/input/mouse0 to make it work:

chgrp user /dev/input/mouse0

if you are working as root then it should be ok, there is a way to make this happen automatically when the system starts i'll look into it and post instructions

arturoc commented 11 years ago

yes i think in this same thread should be ok, i'll add x11 events later with a similar pattern we used to start the setup the window by having separate functions called from the thread.

i've added a type enum in the mouse event args, we'll need the same for the key event args.

bakercp commented 11 years ago

Mouse stuff works out of the box after commenting out the thread priority stuff. Testing the rest now.

bakercp commented 11 years ago

P.S. Raspberry pi doesn't require permission changes to /dev/input/mouse0 -- it seems to work out of the box. It works in other apps as well.