openMF / digital-bank-ui

Digital Bank user interface for staff on top of Fineract CN
Mozilla Public License 2.0
18 stars 27 forks source link

Dependency Dashboard #91

Open renovate[bot] opened 2 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:

Datasource Name Replacement PR?
npm npm-run-all Available
npm protractor Unavailable
npm tslint Unavailable


These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.


These updates have been manually edited so Renovate will no longer make changes. To discard all commits and start over, click on a checkbox.


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Detected dependencies

.github/workflows/azure.yml - `actions/checkout v2` - `actions/setup-node v1` - `azure/webapps-deploy v2`
package.json - `@akveo/ng2-completer ^9.0.1` - `@angular/animations ^9.0.4` - `@angular/cdk ^9.1.2` - `@angular/common ^9.0.4` - `@angular/compiler ^9.0.4` - `@angular/core ^9.0.4` - `@angular/forms ^9.0.4` - `@angular/material ^9.2.4` - `@angular/platform-browser ^9.0.4` - `@angular/platform-browser-dynamic ^9.0.4` - `@angular/router ^9.0.4` - `@asymmetrik/ngx-leaflet 3.0.1` - `@covalent/core 3.0.1` - `@nebular/auth 5.0.0` - `@nebular/eva-icons 5.0.0` - `@nebular/security 5.0.0` - `@nebular/theme 5.0.0` - `@ngrx/core ^1.2.0` - `@ngrx/effects ^9.2.0` - `@ngrx/store ^9.2.0` - `@ngrx/store-devtools ^9.2.0` - `@ngx-translate/core ^12.1.2` - `@ngx-translate/http-loader ^5.0.0` - `@swimlane/ngx-charts ^13.0.2` - `angular2-chartjs 0.4.1` - `bootstrap 4.3.1` - `chart.js 2.7.1` - `classlist.js 1.1.20150312` - `core-js 2.5.1` - `echarts ^4.0.2` - `eva-icons ^1.1.3` - `intl 1.2.5` - `ionicons 2.0.1` - `leaflet 1.2.0` - `moment ^2.27.0` - `nebular-icons 1.1.0` - `ng2-smart-table ^1.6.0` - `ng2-tree ^2.0.0-rc.11` - `ngrx-store-localstorage ^9.0.0` - `ngx-echarts ^4.2.2` - `normalize.css 6.0.0` - `pace-js 1.0.2` - `roboto-fontface 0.8.0` - `rxjs 6.5.4` - `rxjs-compat 6.3.0` - `sass ^1.59.2` - `socicon 3.0.5` - `style-loader ^1.1.3` - `tslib ^1.10.0` - `typeface-exo 0.0.22` - `web-animations-js ^2.3.2` - `zone.js ~0.10.2` - `@angular-devkit/build-angular ~0.900.4` - `@angular/cli ^9.0.4` - `@angular/compiler-cli ^9.0.4` - `@angular/language-service 9.0.4` - `@compodoc/compodoc 1.1.11` - `@fortawesome/fontawesome-free ^5.2.0` - `@types/d3-color 1.0.5` - `@types/jasmine 2.5.54` - `@types/jasminewd2 2.0.3` - `@types/leaflet 1.2.3` - `@types/node ^12.11.1` - `codelyzer ^5.1.2` - `conventional-changelog-cli 1.3.4` - `husky 0.13.3` - `jasmine-core 2.6.4` - `jasmine-spec-reporter 4.1.1` - `karma 1.7.1` - `karma-chrome-launcher 2.1.1` - `karma-cli 1.0.1` - `karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter 1.3.0` - `karma-jasmine 1.1.0` - `karma-jasmine-html-reporter 0.2.2` - `npm-run-all 4.0.2` - `protractor 5.1.2` - `rimraf 2.6.1` - `stylelint 7.13.0` - `ts-node 3.2.2` - `tslint ^5.7.0` - `tslint-language-service ^0.9.9` - `typescript 3.7.5`
.travis.yml - `node 10`

Arsh-sharma commented 4 months ago

is this issue still available?