openMSX / wxcatapult

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[Bug] Extensions are not working in wxGTK Catapult [sf#202] #10

Closed openMSX-import closed 9 years ago

openMSX-import commented 9 years ago

Reported by witchopaan on 2005-06-22 12:23 UTC Hmm, catapult don't like my "Extensions:" choices :(. Any thing that i select in this panel, don't make change in the "openmsx run line" (i can't see the -ext using ps -auxw, see *). Using the command line to start openmsx work file, see **. I'm using a clean Slackware 10.1 install, and use this procedure:

Install SDL 1.2.8/SDL_image 1.2.4/SDL_mixer 1.2.6 (./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var && make && make install) Install wxGTK 2.6.1(./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var && make && make install) Install wxGTK-contrib 2.6.1 (make && make install) Install openmsx 0.5.2 (./configure && make && make install) Install catapult 0.5.2-R1 (make && make install)

Using GCC 3.3.4

For example, select IDE on Extensions, and a TR on MSX type, put my IDE rom copy on the correct dir, and make a hdd.dsk image, click on "start" and the IDE don't show up. Remove the ROM, and "start" again, don't stop with error message.

The previous openmsx/catapult version 0.5.1 using wxGTK 2.6.0 (compile in same way few weeks ago) works fine

** /opt/openMSX/bin/openmsx -machine Panasonic_FS-A1GT -ext ide

ps -auxw|grep -i openmsx witcho 9067 1.4 0.0 0 0 ? Z 09:04 0:14 [openmsx] <defunct> witcho 9502 14.6 4.0 44340 31000 ? S 09:21
0:01 /opt/openMSX/bin/openmsx -machine Panasonic_FS-A1GT -control stdio witcho 9505 0.0 4.0 44340 31000 ? S 09:21
0:00 /opt/openMSX/bin/openmsx -machine Panasonic_FS-A1GT -control stdio witcho 9506 0.0 4.0 44340 31000 ? S 09:21
0:00 /opt/openMSX/bin/openmsx -machine Panasonic_FS-A1GT -control stdio witcho 9507 0.0 4.0 44340 31000 ? S 09:21
0:00 /opt/openMSX/bin/openmsx -machine Panasonic_FS-A1GT -control stdio witcho 9508 0.4 4.0 44340 31000 ? S 09:21
0:00 /opt/openMSX/bin/openmsx -machine Panasonic_FS-A1GT -control stdio witcho 9511 0.0 0.0 1688 608 pts/3 R+ 09:21 0:00 grep -i openmsx witcho@witcho:~$

openMSX-import commented 9 years ago

Commented by manuelbi on 2005-06-23 21:06 UTC Logged In: YES user_id=78178


Thanks for your bug report. I can reproduce it and I think I found the cause.

It's caused by a bug in wxGTK, the GetSelections function doesn't work on disabled ListBox items. There is an easy work around: you should move wxCatapultFrm.cpp:326 (Enable(false)) to line 337 or so. This is the diff:

diff -r1.65 wxCatapultFrm.cpp 326d325 < Enable(false); 337a337,338 > Enable(false); // Disable this frame only after getting the selections >

I'll commit it to CVS and ask for the Win32 folks to check if things are still OK. After that, we might release a fixed version to solve this problem.

Sorry for not testing good enough with Catapult on non-Windows!

openMSX-import commented 9 years ago

Commented by witchopaan on 2005-06-24 12:48 UTC Logged In: YES user_id=1300734


Thanks for the fast response :) I've made the changes and now the openMSX/catapult works very well :))

Don't apologize, you guys have a lot of work making the program, the minimal thing i must do, is report something. I'm very glad to help you in making openMSX the very best emulator :)

Sorry about my poor english :((

openMSX-import commented 9 years ago

Commented by manuelbi on 2005-06-25 13:37 UTC Logged In: YES user_id=78178

Your English is fine!

We will release an update shortly.

openMSX-import commented 9 years ago

Updated by manuelbi on 2005-06-25 13:37 UTC

openMSX-import commented 9 years ago

Updated by joxy on 2013-07-30 03:27 UTC