openMVG / Image_datasets

Image dataset for testing OpenMVG
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generating pano error #3

Open mmcike opened 1 year ago

mmcike commented 1 year ago
  1. openMVG_main_ComputeMatches -i $dataset_out/matches/sfm_data.json -o $dataset_out/matches -g a INFO: [main_ComputeMatches.cpp:110] Unrecognized option -g it occurs a info when i execute this line. 2.openMVG_main_SfM -i $dataset_out/matches/sfm_data.json -m $dataset_out/matches -o $dataset_out/reconstruction ERROR: [main_SfM.cpp:409] Cannot load the match file.

How should i do? I run it on windows11.

pmoulon commented 1 year ago

Interface change slightly for OpenMVG V2. Please use the -g option on GeometricFilter binay. Thanks

mmcike commented 1 year ago

Interface change slightly for OpenMVG V2. Please use the -g option on GeometricFilter binay. Thanks

Got it. Thanks.

mmcike commented 1 year ago

It occurs those errors below when I execute "DensifyPointCloud scene.mvs" command in directory of OpenMVS.

20:58:57 [App ] Preparing images for dense reconstruction completed: 66 images (153ms) 20:58:57 [App ] error: reference image 22 has no good images in view 20:58:57 [App ] error: reference image 4 has not enough images in view 20:58:57 [App ] error: reference image 46 has no good images in view 20:58:57 [App ] error: reference image 58 has no good images in view 20:58:57 [App ] error: reference image 2 has not enough images in view 20:58:57 [App ] error: reference image 64 has no good images in view 20:58:57 [App ] error: reference image 10 has no good images in view 20:58:57 [App ] error: reference image 8 has not enough images in view 20:58:57 [App ] error: reference image 52 has no good images in view 20:58:57 [App ] error: reference image 28 has not enough images in view 20:58:57 [App ] error: reference image 40 has not enough images in view 20:58:57 [App ] error: reference image 34 has not enough images in view 20:58:57 [App ] error: reference image 14 has no good images in view 20:58:57 [App ] error: reference image 16 has no good images in view 20:58:57 [App ] Selecting images for dense reconstruction completed: 52 images (1ms)

Please tell me what should I do? Thanks.

pmoulon commented 1 year ago

This is an error related to OpenMVS. Can you first related to your OpenMVG scene and the stats at the end of the SfM process?

mmcike commented 1 year ago

这是与 OpenMVS 相关的错误。你能先谈谈你的OpenMVG场景和SfM过程结束时的统计数据吗?

This is how I execute the program:

print ("1. Intrinsics analysis")
pIntrisics = subprocess.Popen( [os.path.join(OPENMVG_SFM_BIN, "openMVG_main_SfMInit_ImageListing"),  "-i", input_dir, "-o", matches_dir, "-f", "1", "-c", "7"] )
# pIntrisics = subprocess.Popen( [os.path.join(OPENMVG_SFM_BIN, "openMVG_main_SfMInit_ImageListing"),  "-i", input_dir, "-o", matches_dir, "-f", "1", "-c", "7", "-d", camera_file_params] )

print ("2. Compute features")
pFeatures = subprocess.Popen( [os.path.join(OPENMVG_SFM_BIN, "openMVG_main_ComputeFeatures"),  "-i", matches_dir+"/sfm_data.json", "-o", matches_dir, "-m", "SIFT", "-f" , "1", "-n", "8"] )

print ("2. Compute matches")
pMatches = subprocess.Popen( [os.path.join(OPENMVG_SFM_BIN, "openMVG_main_ComputeMatches"),  "-i", matches_dir+"/sfm_data.json", "-o", matches_dir+"/matches.putative.bin", "-f", "1", "-n", "ANNL2"] )

print ("2. Filter matches" )
pFiltering = subprocess.Popen( [os.path.join(OPENMVG_SFM_BIN, "openMVG_main_GeometricFilter"), "-i", matches_dir+"/sfm_data.json", "-m", matches_dir+"/matches.putative.bin" , "-g" , "a", "-o", matches_dir+"/matches.f.bin" ] )

reconstruction_dir = os.path.join(output_dir,"reconstruction_sequential")
print ("3. Do Incremental/Sequential reconstruction") #set manually the initial pair to avoid the prompt question
pRecons = subprocess.Popen( [os.path.join(OPENMVG_SFM_BIN, "openMVG_main_SfM"), "--sfm_engine", "INCREMENTAL", "--input_file", matches_dir+"/sfm_data.json", "--match_dir", matches_dir, "--output_dir", reconstruction_dir] )

pRecons = subprocess.Popen( [os.path.join(OPENMVG_SFM_BIN, "openMVG_main_openMVGSpherical2Cubic"),  "-i", reconstruction_dir+"/sfm_data.bin", "-o", os.path.join(reconstruction_dir, "cubic")] )

print ("5. Colorize Structure")
pRecons = subprocess.Popen( [os.path.join(OPENMVG_SFM_BIN, "openMVG_main_ComputeSfM_DataColor"),  "-i", reconstruction_dir+"/sfm_data.bin", "-o", os.path.join(reconstruction_dir,"colorized.ply")] )

print ("4. Structure from Known Poses (robust triangulation)")
pRecons = subprocess.Popen( [os.path.join(OPENMVG_SFM_BIN, "openMVG_main_ComputeStructureFromKnownPoses"),  "-i", reconstruction_dir+"/sfm_data.bin", "-m", matches_dir, "-o", os.path.join(reconstruction_dir,"robust.ply")] )

# openMVG_main_openMVG2PMVS openMVG_main_openMVG2openMVS
pRecons = subprocess.Popen( [os.path.join(OPENMVG_SFM_BIN, "openMVG_main_openMVG2openMVS"),  "-i", os.path.join(reconstruction_dir, "cubic", "sfm_data_perspective.bin"), "-o", os.path.join(reconstruction_dir, "cubic", "scene.mvs"), "-d", os.path.join(reconstruction_dir, "cubic", "openmvs_images")] )

Thiis is log:

Using input dir : C:\Users\dmgz0\Downloads\ReleaseV2.0.Rainbow-Trout.WindowsBinaries_VS2019\360_Flat\images output_dir : C:\Users\dmgz0\Downloads\ReleaseV2.0.Rainbow-Trout.WindowsBinaries_VS2019\tutorial_out

  1. Intrinsics analysis INFO: [main_SfMInit_ImageListing.cpp:197] You called : ./openMVG_main_SfMInit_ImageListing --imageDirectory C:\Users\dmgz0\Downloads\ReleaseV2.0.Rainbow-Trout.WindowsBinaries_VS2019\360_Flat\images --sensorWidthDatabase --outputDirectory C:\Users\dmgz0\Downloads\ReleaseV2.0.Rainbow-Trout.WindowsBinaries_VS2019\tutorial_out\matches --focal 1 --intrinsics --camera_model 7 --group_camera_model 1 --use_pose_prior 0 --prior_weights 1.0;1.0;1.0 --gps_to_xyz_method 0 INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Listing images -] 50% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Listing images -] 100% WARNING: [main_SfMInit_ImageListing.cpp:458] Warning & Error messages: Unkown image file format.

INFO: [main_SfMInit_ImageListing.cpp:478] SfMInit_ImageListing report: listed #File(s): 12 usable #File(s) listed in sfm_data: 11 usable #Intrinsic(s) listed in sfm_data: 1 INFO: [main_ComputeFeatures.cpp:121] You called : ./openMVG_main_ComputeFeatures --input_file C:\Users\dmgz0\Downloads\ReleaseV2.0.Rainbow-Trout.WindowsBinaries_VS2019\tutorial_out\matches/sfm_data.json --outdir C:\Users\dmgz0\Downloads\ReleaseV2.0.Rainbow-Trout.WindowsBinaries_VS2019\tutorial_out\matches --describerMethod SIFT --upright 0 --describerPreset NORMAL --force 1 --numThreads 8

  1. Compute features INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- EXTRACT FEATURES -] 100% INFO: [main_ComputeFeatures.cpp:344] Task done in (s): 8
  2. Compute matches INFO: [main_ComputeMatches.cpp:114] You called : ./openMVG_main_ComputeMatches --input_file C:\Users\dmgz0\Downloads\ReleaseV2.0.Rainbow-Trout.WindowsBinaries_VS2019\tutorial_out\matches/sfm_data.json --output_file C:\Users\dmgz0\Downloads\ReleaseV2.0.Rainbow-Trout.WindowsBinaries_VS2019\tutorial_out\matches/matches.putative.bin --pair_list Optional parameters: --force 1 --ratio 0.8 --nearest_matching_method ANNL2 --cache_size unlimited --preemptive_feature_used/count 0 / 200 INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Regions Loading -] 100% INFO: [main_ComputeMatches.cpp:217] - PUTATIVE MATCHES - INFO: [main_ComputeMatches.cpp:280] Using ANN_L2 matcher INFO: [main_ComputeMatches.cpp:307] No input pair file set. Use exhaustive match by default. INFO: [main_ComputeMatches.cpp:317] Running matching on #pairs: 55 INFO: [Matcher_Regions.cpp:41] Using the OPENMP thread interface INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Matching -] 20% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Matching -] 40% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Matching -] 60% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Matching -] 80% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Matching -] 100% INFO: [main_ComputeMatches.cpp:363] Task (Regions Matching) done in (s): 1 INFO: [main_ComputeMatches.cpp:366] #Putative pairs: 55 INFO: [graph_stats.hpp:53] Graph statistics:

    nodes: 11

    cc: 1

    singleton: 0

    Node degree statistics: min: 10, max: 10, mean: 10, median: 10 'neato' �����ڲ����ⲿ���Ҳ���ǿ����еij��� ���������ļ���

  3. Filter matches INFO: [main_GeometricFilter.cpp:130] You called : ./openMVG_main_GeometricFilter --input_file: C:\Users\dmgz0\Downloads\ReleaseV2.0.Rainbow-Trout.WindowsBinaries_VS2019\tutorial_out\matches/sfm_data.json --matches: C:\Users\dmgz0\Downloads\ReleaseV2.0.Rainbow-Trout.WindowsBinaries_VS2019\tutorial_out\matches/matches.putative.bin --output_file: C:\Users\dmgz0\Downloads\ReleaseV2.0.Rainbow-Trout.WindowsBinaries_VS2019\tutorial_out\matches/matches.f.bin Optional parameters: --input_pairs
    --force false --geometric_model a --guided_matching 0 --cache_size unlimited INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Regions Loading -] 100% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Geometric filtering -] 20% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Geometric filtering -] 40% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Geometric filtering -] 60% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Geometric filtering -] 80% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Geometric filtering -] 100% INFO: [graph_stats.hpp:53] Graph statistics:

    nodes: 11

    cc: 1

    singleton: 0

    Node degree statistics: min: 9, max: 10, mean: 9, median: 10 INFO: [main_GeometricFilter.cpp:376] Task done in (s): 0 INFO: [main_GeometricFilter.cpp:379] Export Adjacency Matrix of the pairwise's geometric matches 'neato' �����ڲ����ⲿ���Ҳ���ǿ����еij��� ���������ļ���

  4. Do Incremental/Sequential reconstruction INFO: [main_SfM.cpp:135]

    Structure from Motion:

    INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Features Loading -] 100% INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:278] Track building INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:281] Track filtering INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:283] Track export to internal struct INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:309]

    -- Tracks Stats -- Tracks number: 5490 Images Id: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

    TrackLength, Occurrence 2 2806 3 1199 4 591 5 363 6 190 7 124 8 80 9 43 10 36 11 58

INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [Selection of an initial pair] 30% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [Selection of an initial pair] 40% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [Selection of an initial pair] 60% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [Selection of an initial pair] 70% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [Selection of an initial pair] 100% INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:495] Putative starting pair info: index:(0,10) view basename:(R0010210,R0010220) INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:538] Relative pose a-contrario upper_bound residual is: 12.4384 INFO: [sfm_data_BA_ceres.cpp:496] Bundle Adjustment statistics (approximated RMSE):

views: 2

poses: 2

intrinsics: 1

tracks: 147

residuals: 588

Initial RMSE: 10.4301 Final RMSE: 9.1971 Time (s): 0.108078

Used motion prior: 0 INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:648]

MSE Residual InitialPair Inlier:

INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:733] SequentialSfMReconstructionEngine::ComputeResidualsMSE. -- #Tracks: 108 -- Residual min: 0.000747662 -- Residual median: 0.963435 -- Residual max: 9.47588 -- Residual mean: 1.52124 INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:932] -- Trying robust Resection of view: 1 INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-377.749 inliers=86/97 precisionNormalized=4.79695e-06 precision=11.7745 (iter=0 ,sample=50,55,26,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-393.064 inliers=85/97 precisionNormalized=2.60941e-06 precision=8.68422 (iter=3 ,sample=25,11,95,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-396.961 inliers=85/97 precisionNormalized=2.32655e-06 precision=8.20003 (iter=9 ,sample=94,56,26,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-399.871 inliers=85/97 precisionNormalized=2.13465e-06 precision=7.85457 (iter=21 ,sample=50,27,24,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-407.661 inliers=85/97 precisionNormalized=1.69182e-06 precision=6.99256 (iter=22 ,sample=41,22,27,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-409.991 inliers=87/97 precisionNormalized=2.25528e-06 precision=8.07346 (iter=57 ,sample=94,48,91,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-410.254 inliers=86/97 precisionNormalized=1.87604e-06 precision=7.36343 (iter=160 ,sample=38,45,7,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-413.341 inliers=86/97 precisionNormalized=1.7123e-06 precision=7.03475 (iter=171 ,sample=53,33,5,) INFO: [SfM_Localizer.cpp:303]

-- Robust Resection statistics: -- Resection status: 1 -- #Points used for Resection: 97 -- #Points validated by robust Resection: 86 -- Threshold: 7.03475

INFO: [sfm_data_BA_ceres.cpp:496] Bundle Adjustment statistics (approximated RMSE):

views: 1

poses: 1

intrinsics: 1

tracks: 86

residuals: 172

Initial RMSE: 1.58634 Final RMSE: 1.4261 Time (s): 0.0020858

Used motion prior: 0 INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:932] -- Trying robust Resection of view: 9 INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-377.449 inliers=120/148 precisionNormalized=8.88742e-05 precision=50.6812 (iter=0 ,sample=104,85,76,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-445.91 inliers=128/148 precisionNormalized=4.70565e-05 precision=36.8781 (iter=1 ,sample=60,52,108,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-548.47 inliers=116/148 precisionNormalized=1.82898e-06 precision=7.27049 (iter=2 ,sample=58,90,53,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-553.628 inliers=120/148 precisionNormalized=2.65762e-06 precision=8.76407 (iter=10 ,sample=78,54,22,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-565.604 inliers=119/148 precisionNormalized=1.83727e-06 precision=7.28694 (iter=15 ,sample=53,51,128,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-568.271 inliers=118/148 precisionNormalized=1.53222e-06 precision=6.65456 (iter=111 ,sample=106,28,1,) INFO: [SfM_Localizer.cpp:303]

-- Robust Resection statistics: -- Resection status: 1 -- #Points used for Resection: 148 -- #Points validated by robust Resection: 118 -- Threshold: 6.65456

INFO: [sfm_data_BA_ceres.cpp:496] Bundle Adjustment statistics (approximated RMSE):

views: 1

poses: 1

intrinsics: 1

tracks: 118

residuals: 236

Initial RMSE: 1.31939 Final RMSE: 1.26906 Time (s): 0.0003055

Used motion prior: 0 INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:932] -- Trying robust Resection of view: 3 INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-1167.69 inliers=363/416 precisionNormalized=0.00011033 precision=56.4684 (iter=0 ,sample=156,293,328,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-1293.49 inliers=337/416 precisionNormalized=2.18139e-05 precision=25.1088 (iter=1 ,sample=195,375,400,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-1306.14 inliers=360/416 precisionNormalized=4.15142e-05 precision=34.6384 (iter=4 ,sample=157,263,245,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-1375.78 inliers=350/416 precisionNormalized=1.91543e-05 precision=23.5284 (iter=6 ,sample=202,265,243,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-1389.79 inliers=325/416 precisionNormalized=7.21118e-06 precision=14.4365 (iter=7 ,sample=172,67,109,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-1521.98 inliers=323/416 precisionNormalized=2.50911e-06 precision=8.51568 (iter=10 ,sample=83,330,360,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-1537.98 inliers=335/416 precisionNormalized=3.64699e-06 precision=10.2666 (iter=17 ,sample=199,63,351,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-1546.77 inliers=345/416 precisionNormalized=5.04616e-06 precision=12.0765 (iter=24 ,sample=119,42,181,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-1566.43 inliers=349/416 precisionNormalized=5.12541e-06 precision=12.1709 (iter=30 ,sample=351,263,343,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-1571.97 inliers=346/416 precisionNormalized=4.40548e-06 precision=11.2838 (iter=175 ,sample=91,328,339,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-1587.29 inliers=343/416 precisionNormalized=3.5266e-06 precision=10.0957 (iter=200 ,sample=140,13,181,) INFO: [SfM_Localizer.cpp:303]

-- Robust Resection statistics: -- Resection status: 1 -- #Points used for Resection: 416 -- #Points validated by robust Resection: 343 -- Threshold: 10.0957

INFO: [sfm_data_BA_ceres.cpp:496] Bundle Adjustment statistics (approximated RMSE):

views: 1

poses: 1

intrinsics: 1

tracks: 343

residuals: 686

Initial RMSE: 2.64004 Final RMSE: 1.96046 Time (s): 0.0007086

Used motion prior: 0 INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:932] -- Trying robust Resection of view: 8 INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-2245.13 inliers=531/597 precisionNormalized=1.1416e-05 precision=18.1642 (iter=0 ,sample=587,463,521,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-2389.56 inliers=528/597 precisionNormalized=5.58836e-06 precision=12.7087 (iter=2 ,sample=303,302,311,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-2401.08 inliers=528/597 precisionNormalized=5.30726e-06 precision=12.385 (iter=3 ,sample=199,464,500,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-2441.38 inliers=524/597 precisionNormalized=3.99144e-06 precision=10.7405 (iter=5 ,sample=215,222,257,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-2458.53 inliers=521/597 precisionNormalized=3.40962e-06 precision=9.92687 (iter=23 ,sample=503,197,72,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-2461.85 inliers=524/597 precisionNormalized=3.63594e-06 precision=10.251 (iter=33 ,sample=394,376,323,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-2479.7 inliers=520/597 precisionNormalized=3.01039e-06 precision=9.32761 (iter=69 ,sample=60,42,500,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-2484.31 inliers=502/597 precisionNormalized=1.77682e-06 precision=7.16607 (iter=73 ,sample=162,405,448,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-2489.11 inliers=505/597 precisionNormalized=1.89384e-06 precision=7.39828 (iter=95 ,sample=316,481,589,) INFO: [SfM_Localizer.cpp:303]

-- Robust Resection statistics: -- Resection status: 1 -- #Points used for Resection: 597 -- #Points validated by robust Resection: 505 -- Threshold: 7.39828

INFO: [sfm_data_BA_ceres.cpp:496] Bundle Adjustment statistics (approximated RMSE):

views: 1

poses: 1

intrinsics: 1

tracks: 505

residuals: 1010

Initial RMSE: 1.32358 Final RMSE: 1.30659 Time (s): 0.0007162

Used motion prior: 0 INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:932] -- Trying robust Resection of view: 2 INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-57.005 inliers=436/802 precisionNormalized=0.062474 precision=1343.72 (iter=0 ,sample=600,475,336,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-2769.12 inliers=749/802 precisionNormalized=4.59822e-05 precision=36.4548 (iter=0 ,sample=600,475,336,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3151.86 inliers=733/802 precisionNormalized=1.06351e-05 precision=17.532 (iter=3 ,sample=144,408,165,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3356.52 inliers=727/802 precisionNormalized=4.93381e-06 precision=11.9413 (iter=4 ,sample=443,295,309,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3519.65 inliers=716/802 precisionNormalized=2.31341e-06 precision=8.17684 (iter=5 ,sample=714,684,246,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3535.43 inliers=719/802 precisionNormalized=2.3318e-06 precision=8.20928 (iter=14 ,sample=635,712,280,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3572.02 inliers=718/802 precisionNormalized=2.01736e-06 precision=7.63574 (iter=16 ,sample=259,711,465,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3594.99 inliers=704/802 precisionNormalized=1.38006e-06 precision=6.31551 (iter=22 ,sample=72,4,653,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3678.57 inliers=723/802 precisionNormalized=1.5565e-06 precision=6.70709 (iter=32 ,sample=55,365,757,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3693.65 inliers=705/802 precisionNormalized=9.87786e-07 precision=5.34307 (iter=60 ,sample=505,691,423,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3697.88 inliers=724/802 precisionNormalized=1.488e-06 precision=6.55783 (iter=96 ,sample=725,199,588,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3701.62 inliers=702/802 precisionNormalized=8.93917e-07 precision=5.08286 (iter=122 ,sample=20,65,342,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3707.9 inliers=715/802 precisionNormalized=1.17861e-06 precision=5.8364 (iter=271 ,sample=716,360,794,) INFO: [SfM_Localizer.cpp:303]

-- Robust Resection statistics: -- Resection status: 1 -- #Points used for Resection: 802 -- #Points validated by robust Resection: 715 -- Threshold: 5.8364

INFO: [sfm_data_BA_ceres.cpp:496] Bundle Adjustment statistics (approximated RMSE):

views: 1

poses: 1

intrinsics: 1

tracks: 715

residuals: 1430

Initial RMSE: 1.355 Final RMSE: 1.01619 Time (s): 0.0011219

Used motion prior: 0 INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:932] -- Trying robust Resection of view: 5 INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-1808.43 inliers=504/638 precisionNormalized=3.88159e-05 precision=33.4938 (iter=0 ,sample=446,379,244,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-2077.01 inliers=467/638 precisionNormalized=4.44772e-06 precision=11.3378 (iter=4 ,sample=374,343,360,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-2095.57 inliers=469/638 precisionNormalized=4.2708e-06 precision=11.11 (iter=56 ,sample=214,246,408,) INFO: [SfM_Localizer.cpp:303]

-- Robust Resection statistics: -- Resection status: 1 -- #Points used for Resection: 638 -- #Points validated by robust Resection: 469 -- Threshold: 11.11

INFO: [sfm_data_BA_ceres.cpp:496] Bundle Adjustment statistics (approximated RMSE):

views: 1

poses: 1

intrinsics: 1

tracks: 469

residuals: 938

Initial RMSE: 2.352 Final RMSE: 2.10129 Time (s): 0.0018693

Used motion prior: 0 INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:932] -- Trying robust Resection of view: 7 INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-1279.75 inliers=691/836 precisionNormalized=0.00242663 precision=264.826 (iter=0 ,sample=688,388,280,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-2335.66 inliers=705/836 precisionNormalized=8.6398e-05 precision=49.9702 (iter=1 ,sample=4,227,706,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-2783.56 inliers=693/836 precisionNormalized=1.62375e-05 precision=21.663 (iter=2 ,sample=719,521,510,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-2835.45 inliers=679/836 precisionNormalized=1.07076e-05 precision=17.5916 (iter=3 ,sample=774,746,187,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3168.08 inliers=679/836 precisionNormalized=3.36772e-06 precision=9.86568 (iter=4 ,sample=634,41,7,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3228.2 inliers=698/836 precisionNormalized=3.95245e-06 precision=10.6879 (iter=16 ,sample=565,76,704,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3228.28 inliers=696/836 precisionNormalized=3.80285e-06 precision=10.4837 (iter=362 ,sample=161,489,693,) INFO: [SfM_Localizer.cpp:303]

-- Robust Resection statistics: -- Resection status: 1 -- #Points used for Resection: 836 -- #Points validated by robust Resection: 696 -- Threshold: 10.4837

INFO: [sfm_data_BA_ceres.cpp:496] Bundle Adjustment statistics (approximated RMSE):

views: 1

poses: 1

intrinsics: 1

tracks: 696

residuals: 1392

Initial RMSE: 2.39094 Final RMSE: 1.796 Time (s): 0.0012347

Used motion prior: 0 INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:932] -- Trying robust Resection of view: 6 INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-262.992 inliers=726/981 precisionNormalized=0.0613501 precision=1331.58 (iter=0 ,sample=308,183,452,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-556.522 inliers=838/981 precisionNormalized=0.0409555 precision=1087.97 (iter=1 ,sample=731,821,323,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-2415.84 inliers=843/981 precisionNormalized=0.00025618 precision=86.0463 (iter=1 ,sample=731,821,323,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3213.76 inliers=777/981 precisionNormalized=1.12678e-05 precision=18.0459 (iter=2 ,sample=129,377,833,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3434.03 inliers=771/981 precisionNormalized=5.25615e-06 precision=12.3252 (iter=4 ,sample=246,12,534,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3452.14 inliers=780/981 precisionNormalized=5.75609e-06 precision=12.898 (iter=6 ,sample=558,814,930,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3525.84 inliers=772/981 precisionNormalized=4.02986e-06 precision=10.7921 (iter=34 ,sample=892,656,705,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3533.2 inliers=759/981 precisionNormalized=3.15267e-06 precision=9.5455 (iter=52 ,sample=730,409,716,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3545.26 inliers=719/981 precisionNormalized=1.43787e-06 precision=6.44642 (iter=85 ,sample=74,319,538,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3551.42 inliers=764/981 precisionNormalized=3.24715e-06 precision=9.68748 (iter=97 ,sample=927,412,404,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3553.11 inliers=756/981 precisionNormalized=2.80752e-06 precision=9.00784 (iter=110 ,sample=902,207,724,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-3563.76 inliers=755/981 precisionNormalized=2.66577e-06 precision=8.7775 (iter=159 ,sample=706,163,556,) INFO: [SfM_Localizer.cpp:303]

-- Robust Resection statistics: -- Resection status: 1 -- #Points used for Resection: 981 -- #Points validated by robust Resection: 755 -- Threshold: 8.7775

INFO: [sfm_data_BA_ceres.cpp:496] Bundle Adjustment statistics (approximated RMSE):

views: 1

poses: 1

intrinsics: 1

tracks: 755

residuals: 1510

Initial RMSE: 1.98497 Final RMSE: 1.53731 Time (s): 0.0013371

Used motion prior: 0 INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:932] -- Trying robust Resection of view: 4 INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-742.642 inliers=1009/1089 precisionNormalized=0.0427321 precision=1111.31 (iter=0 ,sample=875,375,911,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-2854.74 inliers=868/1089 precisionNormalized=8.21101e-05 precision=48.7144 (iter=0 ,sample=875,375,911,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-2872.18 inliers=914/1089 precisionNormalized=0.000128692 precision=60.9867 (iter=2 ,sample=363,540,591,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-4042.9 inliers=862/1089 precisionNormalized=3.06275e-06 precision=9.40839 (iter=3 ,sample=923,640,886,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-4080.2 inliers=838/1089 precisionNormalized=1.86926e-06 precision=7.35012 (iter=12 ,sample=403,761,1000,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-4083.87 inliers=838/1089 precisionNormalized=1.84927e-06 precision=7.31071 (iter=77 ,sample=341,899,46,) INFO: [robust_estimator_ACRansac.hpp:440] nfa=-4108.2 inliers=834/1089 precisionNormalized=1.60778e-06 precision=6.81668 (iter=323 ,sample=854,658,834,) INFO: [SfM_Localizer.cpp:303]

-- Robust Resection statistics: -- Resection status: 1 -- #Points used for Resection: 1089 -- #Points validated by robust Resection: 834 -- Threshold: 6.81668

INFO: [sfm_data_BA_ceres.cpp:496] Bundle Adjustment statistics (approximated RMSE):

views: 1

poses: 1

intrinsics: 1

tracks: 834

residuals: 1668

Initial RMSE: 1.44038 Final RMSE: 1.27428 Time (s): 0.0009392

Used motion prior: 0 INFO: [sfm_data_BA_ceres.cpp:496] Bundle Adjustment statistics (approximated RMSE):

views: 11

poses: 11

intrinsics: 1

tracks: 4598

residuals: 27748

Initial RMSE: 1.06979 Final RMSE: 0.674594 Time (s): 0.0717567

Used motion prior: 0 INFO: [sfm_data_BA_ceres.cpp:496] Bundle Adjustment statistics (approximated RMSE):

views: 11

poses: 11

intrinsics: 1

tracks: 4464

residuals: 26776

Initial RMSE: 0.497741 Final RMSE: 0.47823 Time (s): 0.0689086

Used motion prior: 0 INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:733] SequentialSfMReconstructionEngine::ComputeResidualsMSE. -- #Tracks: 4458 -- Residual min: 4.50287e-05 -- Residual median: 0.530465 -- Residual max: 3.96923 -- Residual mean: 0.659335 INFO: [sequential_SfM.cpp:235]

-- Structure from Motion (statistics): -- #Camera calibrated: 11 from 11 input images. -- #Tracks, #3D points: 4458

Histogram of residuals: 0 | 7899 0.397 | 11706 0.794 | 3953 1.19 | 1608 1.59 | 742 1.98 | 425 2.38 | 194 2.78 | 115 3.18 | 49 3.57 | 24 3.97

INFO: [main_SfM.cpp:549] Total Sfm took (s): 1 INFO: [main_SfM.cpp:551] ...Generating SfM_Report.html INFO: [main_SfM.cpp:556] ...Export SfM_Data to disk. INFO: [main_openMVGSpherical2Cubic.cpp:63] force_recompute_images = 1 INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [Generating cubic views:] 100% size_cubic_images = 1024 INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [Creating cubic sfm_data structure:] 10% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [Creating cubic sfm_data structure:] 20% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [Creating cubic sfm_data structure:] 30% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [Creating cubic sfm_data structure:] 40% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [Creating cubic sfm_data structure:] 50% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [Creating cubic sfm_data structure:] 60% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [Creating cubic sfm_data structure:] 70% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [Creating cubic sfm_data structure:] 80% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [Creating cubic sfm_data structure:] 90% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [Creating cubic sfm_data structure:] 100% INFO: [main_openMVGSpherical2Cubic.cpp:276] #views: 66

poses: 66

intrinsics: 1

tracks: 4458

  1. Colorize Structure INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Compute scene structure color -] 10% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Compute scene structure color -] 20% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Compute scene structure color -] 30% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Compute scene structure color -] 40% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Compute scene structure color -] 50% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Compute scene structure color -] 60% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Compute scene structure color -] 70% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Compute scene structure color -] 80% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Compute scene structure color -] 90% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Compute scene structure color -] 100%
  2. Structure from Known Poses (robust triangulation) INFO: [main_ComputeStructureFromKnownPoses.cpp:57] Compute Structure from the provided poses INFO: [main_ComputeStructureFromKnownPoses.cpp:135] Loaded a sfm_data scene with:

    views: 11

    poses: 11

    intrinsics: 1

    tracks: 0

    INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- Regions Loading -] 100% INFO: [main_ComputeStructureFromKnownPoses.cpp:300] Robust triangulation of the tracks: [Triangulation of guided epipolar geometry matches] INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- PROCESS VIEWS -] 20% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- PROCESS VIEWS -] 30% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- PROCESS VIEWS -] 50% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- PROCESS VIEWS -] 70% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- PROCESS VIEWS -] 80% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- PROCESS VIEWS -] 100% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- UNDISTORT IMAGES ] 20% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- UNDISTORT IMAGES ] 30% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- UNDISTORT IMAGES ] 50% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- UNDISTORT IMAGES ] 70% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- UNDISTORT IMAGES ] 80% INFO: [loggerprogress.hpp:79] [- UNDISTORT IMAGES ] 100% INFO: [main_openMVG2openMVS.cpp:236] Scene saved to OpenMVS interface format:

    platforms: 1

    INFO: [main_openMVG2openMVS.cpp:241] platform ( 0 ) #cameras: 1 INFO: [main_openMVG2openMVS.cpp:243] 66 images (66 calibrated) 4458 Landmarks

Process finished with exit code 0