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laser plasma diagnostics get_laser_waist() #370

Open jwood99 opened 1 year ago

jwood99 commented 1 year ago


Did you update how this function works recently? I have been getting some weird results: even using the 'fit' option the w0 this function returns is about 3 times larger than I expect.

I compared this to a simple function I wrote that simply takes the column of the electric field data containing the highest peak field and fitting a gaussian to it, which gave a w0 of approx 10 um compared to the get_laser_waist() function that gave a 35 um width.

My memory of running get_laser_waist() on the same simulation data a few months ago was that it also gave a 10um waist, although unfortunately I was over-zealous in my sleuthing and over-wrote these old results.

Best wishes, and high praise for the generally great software that you have created

Jon Wood

RemiLehe commented 1 year ago

Hi Jon,

Thanks for raising this issue. It could be that this is related to this change in the code:

Would you be willing to post the openPMD file from which you are extracting the waist? That way, we could reproduce and debug the issue ourselves.

jwood99 commented 1 year ago

Dear Remi

I would be happy to send you an openPMD file but the filesize is 1.5 GB for this file. If you let me know your email address I should be able to send you a One Drive link to the file.

