openSUSE / artwork

Contains the collaborative work of the openSUSE marketing and artwork teams. Content is licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License).
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add flyers dir and cheatsheet French translation #37

Closed sjpp closed 4 years ago

sjpp commented 4 years ago

I started to translate this nice flyer (which is very appreciated by the public on booth and FOSS events) quite some time ago from and... ukranian I guess, translation. It was the only SVG source I could find. If no English source file can be found, I will create one.

sjpp commented 4 years ago

Should be all good by now. Is there any English source files somewhere ? If not, is it worth that I translate those flyers in English (i.e. do they will be printed again for FOSS events ?)

hellcp commented 4 years ago

I certainly don't know where those would be, maybe @ddemaio does?

sjpp commented 4 years ago

In and I recreated and cleaned the source SVG in English, so now we have the source.