openSUSE / artwork

Contains the collaborative work of the openSUSE marketing and artwork teams. Content is licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License).
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Initial recognition example with openSUSE button #46

Closed lkocman closed 4 years ago

lkocman commented 4 years ago
hellcp commented 4 years ago

We have that unused leap tshirt design that we can reuse for graphics too

tigerfoot commented 4 years ago

Almost an exceptional work a ) Would you mind to fix the following error (mentionned by victorkhck) excaptional has to be written exceptional b) Why do you broke the indentation of the paragraph ? would be better to have it correctly done.

lkocman commented 4 years ago

Perhaps the quote "You took Leap to 15.2" just like on t-shirt sounds more cool than "Thanks for making Leap 15.2 happen". Sounds less of a sentence generated by buzzword generator :-)

tigerfoot commented 4 years ago

Your last comment bring up a nice moto

I've a last thing that bother me "font-family: Arial" ... Couldn't we replace that by some font normal people have like noto or any other included font on our * website ?

lkocman commented 4 years ago

Your last comment bring up a nice moto

I've a last thing that bother me "font-family: Arial" ... Couldn't we replace that by some font normal people have like noto or any other included font on our * website ?

Sure let me have a look

lkocman commented 4 years ago


This is the screenshot with the Source Sans Pro and also an extra line break in front of Dear user

lkocman commented 4 years ago

I received this graphics idea from Chris Branston! Do you like it more than the current banner? love

lkocman commented 4 years ago

Also I'm not persuaded about the border :-)

tigerfoot commented 4 years ago

@lkocman I'm confused now with Love :-) Do you want to use it for the same purpose ? The banner and the idea are really great.

+1000 for your work on the Banner and fixes about police. It will look nice on every computer, if they don't have open source, they will goes to their first sans-serif which mean it is always better than outdated/proprietary Arial :grin:

Now speaking about the border, if you want one I would adjust the size of the text and the border to the top banner and I would also use the dark background for the border. But it's really up to you :-)

lkocman commented 4 years ago


Thank you tigerfoot, I agree about that dark color for the border will work better with the current banner. Font size could be also increased.

Regarding the LOVE, it was just an idea from Chris that I wanted to share, since he spend some time to put it together. If we'd like it we could use it instead of the current banner, or at least get inspired about the style of graphics.

So take it as it's one of many options. Personally I like the aspect ratio of the "LOVE" image better, than the current aspect ratio. So I'll probably re-use it.

lkocman commented 4 years ago

commit 7c40217 looks lovely, larger fonts (18px) matching border and a letter spacing to move text further from border. This already looks pro. I also added a recognition for people who were not mentioned in retro but still deserve it. @hellcp @victorhck could you please merge it unless you have some comments or remarks?
