openSUSE / branding

openSUSE branding for the distribution - both branding-openSUSE and branding-baseonopensuse
29 stars 40 forks source link

Use png for wallpapers starting by Leap 16.0 #147

Closed lkocman closed 3 months ago

lkocman commented 3 months ago
lkocman commented 3 months ago

Build looks clean now

rm -rf openSUSE/gfxboot
rm -rf openSUSE/gnome
rm -rf openSUSE/grub2
rm -rf openSUSE/icewm
rm -rf openSUSE/libreoffice
rm -rf openSUSE/wallpapers
rm -rf openSUSE/yast_wizard
rm -rf openSUSE/plymouth
rmdir openSUSE
rmdir: failed to remove 'openSUSE': No such file or directory
make: *** [Makefile:157: clean] Error 1
lkocman@localhost:~/Workspace/opensuse/branding> make
echo "Make sure to have rsvg-view, GraphicsMagick and optipng installed"
Make sure to have rsvg-view, GraphicsMagick and optipng installed
mkdir -p ~/.fonts openSUSE/gfxboot/data-boot/ openSUSE/gfxboot/data-install
cp gfxboot/SourceSansPro-Light.ttf ~/.fonts
for name in back welcome on off glow; do \
    rsvg-convert raw-theme-drop/${name}.svg -w 800 -a -o tmp-gfxboot.d.png; \
    gm convert -quality 100 -interlace None -colorspace YCbCr -geometry 800x600 -sampling-factor 2x2 tmp-gfxboot.d.png openSUSE/gfxboot/data-install/${name}.jpg; \
    rm tmp-gfxboot.d.png; \
rsvg-convert gfxboot/text.svg -w 114 -a -o tmp-gfxboot.d.png
gm convert -quality 100 -interlace None -colorspace YCbCr -sampling-factor 2x2 tmp-gfxboot.d.png openSUSE/gfxboot/data-install/text.jpg
rm tmp-gfxboot.d.png
rsvg-convert raw-theme-drop/back.svg -w 800 -a -o tmp-gfxboot.d.png
gm convert -quality 100 -interlace None -colorspace YCbCr -geometry 800x600 -sampling-factor 2x2 tmp-gfxboot.d.png openSUSE/gfxboot/data-boot/back.jpg
rm tmp-gfxboot.d.png
rm ~/.fonts/SourceSansPro-Light.ttf
mkdir -p openSUSE/gnome
sed "s:@VERSION@:16.0:g;s:@GNOME_STATIC_DYNAMIC@:static:g" gnome/ > openSUSE/gnome/wallpaper-branding-openSUSE.xml
cp gnome/openSUSE-default-static.xml openSUSE/gnome/openSUSE-default-static.xml
mkdir -p openSUSE/grub2
cp -a boot/grub2/theme openSUSE/grub2/
rm -rf openSUSE/icewm
mkdir -p openSUSE/icewm
cp -av icewm openSUSE/
'icewm/theme' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/theme'
'icewm/themes' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/LICENSE' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/LICENSE'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/closeA.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/closeA.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/closeO.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/closeO.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/default.theme' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/default.theme'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/frameAB.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/frameAB.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/frameABL.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/frameABL.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/frameABR.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/frameABR.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/frameAL.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/frameAL.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/frameAR.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/frameAR.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/frameAT.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/frameAT.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/frameATL.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/frameATL.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/frameATR.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/frameATR.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/icons' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/icons'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/icons/app_11x11.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/icons/app_11x11.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/icons/folder_11x11.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/icons/folder_11x11.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/icons/xterm.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/icons/xterm.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/maximizeA.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/maximizeA.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/maximizeO.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/maximizeO.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/menuButtonA.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/menuButtonA.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/menubg.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/menubg.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/menusel.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/menusel.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/minimizeA.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/minimizeA.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/minimizeO.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/minimizeO.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/taskbar' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/taskbar'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/taskbar/collapse.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/taskbar/collapse.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/taskbar/desktop.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/taskbar/desktop.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/taskbar/expand.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/taskbar/expand.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/taskbar/linux_backup.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/taskbar/linux_backup.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/taskbar/start.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/taskbar/start.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/taskbar/taskbarbg.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/taskbar/taskbarbg.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/taskbar/taskbuttonactive.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/taskbar/taskbuttonactive.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/taskbar/windows.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/taskbar/windows.xpm'
'icewm/themes/yast-installation/titleAB.xpm' -> 'openSUSE/icewm/themes/yast-installation/titleAB.xpm'
mkdir -p openSUSE/libreoffice/program
cp -r libreoffice/flat_logo.svg libreoffice/sofficerc libreoffice/shell openSUSE/libreoffice/program/
rsvg-convert libreoffice/intro.svg -o openSUSE/libreoffice/program/intro.png
optipng -o7 openSUSE/libreoffice/program/intro.png
** Processing: openSUSE/libreoffice/program/intro.png
500x200 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 30616 bytes
Input file size = 30727 bytes

  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 1     IDAT size = 30152
  zc = 9  zm = 8  zs = 0  f = 1     IDAT size = 30129
  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 5     IDAT size = 29712
  zc = 9  zm = 8  zs = 0  f = 5     IDAT size = 29670

Selecting parameters:
  zc = 9  zm = 8  zs = 0  f = 5     IDAT size = 29670

Output IDAT size = 29670 bytes (946 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 29745 bytes (982 bytes = 3.20% decrease)

mkdir -p openSUSE/wallpapers openSUSE/wallpapers/openSUSEdefault/contents/images
for size in 5120x3200 3840x2400 1280x1024 1600x1200 1920x1080 1920x1200 1350x1080 1440x1080; do \
    rsvg-convert raw-theme-drop/desktop-${size}.svg -o openSUSE/wallpapers/openSUSEdefault/contents/images/${size}.png; \
    optipng -o5 openSUSE/wallpapers/openSUSEdefault/contents/images/${size}.png; \
** Processing: openSUSE/wallpapers/openSUSEdefault/contents/images/5120x3200.png
5120x3200 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 70945 bytes
Input file size = 71116 bytes

  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 0     IDAT size = 67772

Selecting parameters:
  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 0     IDAT size = 67772

Output IDAT size = 67772 bytes (3173 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 67847 bytes (3269 bytes = 4.60% decrease)

** Processing: openSUSE/wallpapers/openSUSEdefault/contents/images/3840x2400.png
3840x2400 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 44457 bytes
Input file size = 44592 bytes

  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 0     IDAT size = 39575

Selecting parameters:
  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 0     IDAT size = 39575

Output IDAT size = 39575 bytes (4882 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 39650 bytes (4942 bytes = 11.08% decrease)

** Processing: openSUSE/wallpapers/openSUSEdefault/contents/images/1280x1024.png
1280x1024 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 11906 bytes
Input file size = 11993 bytes

  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 0     IDAT size = 9229

Selecting parameters:
  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 0     IDAT size = 9229

Output IDAT size = 9229 bytes (2677 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 9304 bytes (2689 bytes = 22.42% decrease)

** Processing: openSUSE/wallpapers/openSUSEdefault/contents/images/1600x1200.png
1600x1194 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 14329 bytes
Input file size = 14416 bytes

  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 0     IDAT size = 11448

Selecting parameters:
  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 0     IDAT size = 11448

Output IDAT size = 11448 bytes (2881 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 11523 bytes (2893 bytes = 20.07% decrease)

** Processing: openSUSE/wallpapers/openSUSEdefault/contents/images/1920x1080.png
1920x1080 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 14583 bytes
Input file size = 14670 bytes

  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 0     IDAT size = 11922

Selecting parameters:
  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 0     IDAT size = 11922

Output IDAT size = 11922 bytes (2661 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 11997 bytes (2673 bytes = 18.22% decrease)

** Processing: openSUSE/wallpapers/openSUSEdefault/contents/images/1920x1200.png
1920x1200 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 15784 bytes
Input file size = 15871 bytes

  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 0     IDAT size = 12919

Selecting parameters:
  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 0     IDAT size = 12919

Output IDAT size = 12919 bytes (2865 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 12994 bytes (2877 bytes = 18.13% decrease)

** Processing: openSUSE/wallpapers/openSUSEdefault/contents/images/1350x1080.png
1350x1080 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 12721 bytes
Input file size = 12808 bytes

  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 0     IDAT size = 9996

Selecting parameters:
  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 0     IDAT size = 9996

Output IDAT size = 9996 bytes (2725 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 10071 bytes (2737 bytes = 21.37% decrease)

** Processing: openSUSE/wallpapers/openSUSEdefault/contents/images/1440x1080.png
1440x1080 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 12349 bytes
Input file size = 12436 bytes

  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 0     IDAT size = 10048

Selecting parameters:
  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 0     IDAT size = 10048

Output IDAT size = 10048 bytes (2301 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 10123 bytes (2313 bytes = 18.60% decrease)

for size in 1600x1200 1920x1200 1920x1080; do \
    cp wallpapers/default-${size}.png.desktop openSUSE/wallpapers; \
    sed "s:@VERSION@:16.0:g;s:@VERSION_NO_DOT@:`echo 16.0 | sed 's:\.::g'`:g" wallpapers/openSUSE-${size} > openSUSE/wallpapers/openSUSE`echo 16.0 | sed 's:\.::g'`-${size}.png.desktop; \
    ln -sf openSUSE`echo 16.0 | sed 's:\.::g'`-${size}.png openSUSE/wallpapers/default-${size}.png; \
    ln -sf openSUSEdefault/contents/images/${size}.png openSUSE/wallpapers/openSUSE`echo 16.0 | sed 's:\.::g'`-${size}.png; \
rsvg-convert raw-theme-drop/desktop-1920x1200.svg -o openSUSE/wallpapers/openSUSEdefault/screenshot.png
optipng -o5 openSUSE/wallpapers/openSUSEdefault/screenshot.png
** Processing: openSUSE/wallpapers/openSUSEdefault/screenshot.png
1920x1200 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 15784 bytes
Input file size = 15871 bytes

  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 0     IDAT size = 12919

Selecting parameters:
  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 0     IDAT size = 12919

Output IDAT size = 12919 bytes (2865 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 12994 bytes (2877 bytes = 18.13% decrease)

cp -p kde-workspace/metadata.desktop openSUSE/wallpapers/openSUSEdefault/metadata.desktop
mkdir -p openSUSE/yast_wizard
cp -a yast/* openSUSE/yast_wizard
mkdir -p openSUSE/plymouth
cp -r plymouth/config/plymouthd.defaults openSUSE/plymouth
lkocman@localhost:~/Workspace/opensuse/branding> ls
boot  gfxboot  gnome  icewm  kde-workspace  libreoffice  LICENSE  logo.svg  Makefile  openSUSE  plymouth  raw-theme-drop  SUSE-brand  wallpapers  yast
lkocman@localhost:~/Workspace/opensuse/branding> cd wallpapers/
lkocman@localhost:~/Workspace/opensuse/branding/wallpapers> ls
default-1600x1200.png.desktop  default-1920x1080.png.desktop  default-1920x1200.png.desktop
lkocman@localhost:~/Workspace/opensuse/branding/wallpapers> cd ..
lkocman@localhost:~/Workspace/opensuse/branding> ls
boot  gfxboot  gnome  icewm  kde-workspace  libreoffice  LICENSE  logo.svg  Makefile  openSUSE  plymouth  raw-theme-drop  SUSE-brand  wallpapers  yast
lkocman@localhost:~/Workspace/opensuse/branding> cd openSUSE/
lkocman@localhost:~/Workspace/opensuse/branding/openSUSE> ls
gfxboot  gnome  grub2  icewm  libreoffice  plymouth  wallpapers  yast_wizard
lkocman@localhost:~/Workspace/opensuse/branding/openSUSE> cd wallpapers/
lkocman@localhost:~/Workspace/opensuse/branding/openSUSE/wallpapers> ls
default-1600x1200.png          default-1920x1080.png          default-1920x1200.png          openSUSE160-1600x1200.png          openSUSE160-1920x1080.png          openSUSE160-1920x1200.png          openSUSEdefault
default-1600x1200.png.desktop  default-1920x1080.png.desktop  default-1920x1200.png.desktop  openSUSE160-1600x1200.png.desktop  openSUSE160-1920x1080.png.desktop  openSUSE160-1920x1200.png.desktop
lkocman@localhost:~/Workspace/opensuse/branding/openSUSE/wallpapers> cat *desktop
Name=openSUSE 16.0
Name=openSUSE 16.0
Name=openSUSE 16.0
lkocman@localhost:~/Workspace/opensuse/branding/openSUSE/wallpapers> ls openSUSEdefault/
contents  metadata.desktop  screenshot.png
lkocman@localhost:~/Workspace/opensuse/branding/openSUSE/wallpapers> ls -la openSUSEdefault/
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 1 lkocman users    76 Apr  4 15:04 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 lkocman users   678 Apr  4 15:04 ..
drwxr-xr-x 1 lkocman users    12 Apr  4 15:03 contents
-rw-r--r-- 1 lkocman users   206 Jan 30 13:27 metadata.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 lkocman users 12994 Apr  4 15:04 screenshot.png
lkocman@localhost:~/Workspace/opensuse/branding/openSUSE/wallpapers> ls -la openSUSEdefault/contents/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 1 lkocman users  12 Apr  4 15:03 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 lkocman users  76 Apr  4 15:04 ..
drwxr-xr-x 1 lkocman users 208 Apr  4 15:04 images
lkocman@localhost:~/Workspace/opensuse/branding/openSUSE/wallpapers> ls -la openSUSEdefault/contents/images/
total 184
drwxr-xr-x 1 lkocman users   208 Apr  4 15:04 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 lkocman users    12 Apr  4 15:03 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 lkocman users  9304 Apr  4 15:04 1280x1024.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 lkocman users 10071 Apr  4 15:04 1350x1080.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 lkocman users 10123 Apr  4 15:04 1440x1080.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 lkocman users 11523 Apr  4 15:04 1600x1200.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 lkocman users 11997 Apr  4 15:04 1920x1080.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 lkocman users 12994 Apr  4 15:04 1920x1200.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 lkocman users 39650 Apr  4 15:04 3840x2400.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 lkocman users 67847 Apr  4 15:03 5120x3200.png
lkocman commented 3 months ago

Related SR to the apple-touch-icon.svg/png