openSUSE / cpanspec

Create openSUSE spec files form cpan tar files
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Read from META.json rather than META.yml if available #21

Open perlpunk opened 4 years ago

perlpunk commented 4 years ago

META.json is more recent and supports things like dual licenses, e.g. In such cases the META.yml generated by ExtUtils::MakeMaker is wrong.

perlpunk commented 3 years ago

This should be fixed soon. Another example is: Modules like Test::Deep are only listed in TEST_REQUIRES and in META.json, and cpanspec apparently doesn't read any of those.

Not fixing this will create more and more manual work for d:l:p maintainers.

perlpunk commented 3 years ago

Some authors even start to remove META.yml and only provide META.json:

perlpunk commented 3 years ago

This is an example where the license in META.json says gpl3 and META.yml says gpl. According to the pod, gpl3 is the correct one: