openSUSE / cpanspec

Create openSUSE spec files form cpan tar files
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Read from META.json and more #29

Closed perlpunk closed 3 years ago

perlpunk commented 3 years ago


Issue:, #21

perlpunk commented 3 years ago

Example statistics output:

# STATS # # JSON::Validator, 4.17
# STATS # ---
# STATS # abstract:
# STATS #   metajson: Validate data against a JSON schema
# STATS #   metayaml: Validate data against a JSON schema
# STATS # dynamic: 0
# STATS # got_prereqs: 1
# STATS # license:
# STATS #   metajson:
# STATS #   - artistic_2
# STATS #   metayaml: artistic_2
# STATS #   spec: Artistic-2.0
# STATS # metajson: 1
# STATS # metayaml: 1
# STATS # name: JSON::Validator
# STATS # provides: 0
# STATS # summary: Validate data against a JSON schema
# STATS # version: '4.17'

So the logs can easily be analyzed with this:

% perl -nwlE'if (s/^# STATS # //) { print }' logfile
# Outputs list of YAML documents which can be loaded in perl or other languages to analyze