openSUSE / cpanspec

Create openSUSE spec files form cpan tar files
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add Data::FormValidator, Crypt::Argon2, PHP::Functions::Password #35

Open peterdd opened 2 years ago

peterdd commented 2 years ago

Please make Data::FormValidator, Crypt::Argon2, PHP::Functions::Password installable by yast/zypper on Leap 15.3/15.4

To workaround I added to Vagrantfile provision area

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "generic/opensuse15"

  config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL


  # idea: for Data::FormValidator to speed up install by installing their dependencies as ready RPM packages (but maybe does not help?)
  zypper --non-interactive install perl-Digest-HMAC perl-Regexp-Common perl-Image-Size perl-MIME-Types perl-File-MMagic perl-Net-DNS

  # for PHP::Functions::Password
  #zypper install perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder
  zypper --non-interactive install perl-Crypt-Eksblowfish perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random

  # nicht direkt in yast/zypper verfuegbar
  cpanm Data::FormValidator
  cpanm Crypt::Argon2
  cpanm PHP::Functions::Password


and the compiling everytime is much slower than just installing the RPM. Now even this is getting more troublesome since some iterations of 15.3.

perlpunk commented 2 years ago

Hi @peterdd , I just created this wiki page:

Submitting a new perl module to openSUSE is out of scope for the cpanspec project. You could get an account on the openSUSE Build Service and submit the module(s) there, like described in the Wiki page.

But we can't include all CPAN modules. The modules are updated automatically in general, but a lot of modules need manual handling when updating for various reasons (failing tests upstream, failing tests only in our build, a custom patch not applicable anymore, ..). So not every module you submit might be accepted, because we need resources for that. Help is welcome :)

In your case, it might speed things a bit up if you skip running module tests, e.g. cpanm -n Module1 Module2.