openSUSE / fonts-config

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TODO: List applications which does not pick a correct variant from Noto Sans/Serif/Sans Mono CJK #6

Open ftake opened 6 years ago

ftake commented 6 years ago

As far as I heard, there are several applications that cannot pick a correct variant of Noto (Sans/Serif/Sans Mono) CJK according to LC_CTYPE. For example, under LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.UTF-8, some applications use JP glyph fron Noto Sans/Serif CJK SC (selected by alphabetical order).

Since fontconfig does support this feature, most applications using GTK or Qt should work fine. So we need to know how many applications does not work for the future release.

How to test quickly:

  1. LC_CTYPE=$(locale you want to test) gedit
  2. change gedit's font to Noto Sans CJK SC Regular
  3. input , which looks different in JP and SC
marguerite commented 6 years ago


maybe we could discontinue shipping Noto Sans/Serif Mono CJK and use substitutions too? (since CJK fonts are proportional )

BTW, are you sure "fontconfig does support this feature"?

ftake commented 6 years ago

maybe we could discontinue shipping Noto Sans/Serif Mono CJK and use substitutions too? (since CJK fonts are proportional )

Sorry, I cannot understand your point.

BTW, are you sure "fontconfig does support this feature"? Honestly speaking, I am not sure which layer (e.g., FreeType2, fontconfig, pango, GTK3, Qt5) this feature is implemented by.

Now I created two test cases to simplify the features we need to confirm.

(1) Is it possible to pick SC glyph from Noto Sans Mono CJK SC under LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.UTF-8? (2) Is it possible to pick SC glyph from Noto Sans Mono CJK JP under LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.UTF-8?

(1) is a basic mandatory feature, and every application should support. We decided to discontinue Noto Sans/Serif/(Sans Mono) CJK JP/KR/SC/TC and use Noto Sans JP/KR/SC/TC instead because there are some applications (but not sure) which do not support this.

(2) is additional feature to support to see SC glyphs under Japanese environment and vise versa. If an application does not provide this feature, many users does not care about that.

Here is my test result on Leap 15.0 beta.

The reason I still want to survey this fact is that Noto Sans/Serif/(Sans Mono) JP/KR/SC/TC might be discontinued by community in the future. We will provide substitution (alias) but it does not resolve problems like interoperability of documents. For example, when a user of openSUSE make a document with Noto Sans JP, the document cannot be opened correctly on FLOSS OS like Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, ..., since they have Noto Sans CJK JP but does not have Noto Sans JP.

Some application now expect Noto Sans CJK JP