openSUSE / obs-build

OBS build script, can be used with OBS or stand alone
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Update configs/arch.conf #903

Closed luc14n0 closed 1 year ago

luc14n0 commented 1 year ago

Revamp the file to preinstall the most basic packages that a minimum Arch Linux system expects, but avoiding the addition of packages that are not really needed due to the hermetic nature of our build system. Based on

Also preinstall the minimum set of packages makepkg expects in a basic build environment, thus excusing them from being explicitly required in a PKGBUILD script. Based on the base-devel package group (


luc14n0 commented 1 year ago

Rather than using:

Preinstall: archlinux-keyring bash bzip2 coreutils file filesystem findutils
Preinstall: gawk gcc-libs gettext glibc grep gzip pacman sed tar util-linux xz

a simple Preinstall: base would suffice, but that would pull questionably useful packages such as:

iproute2, iputils, licenses, pciutils, procps-ng, psmisc, systemd, systemd-sysvcompat

And can someone tell me, which configs get precedence, the ones in here or the ones from OBS? Or do the both of them add up?

luc14n0 commented 1 year ago

Gentle ping @adrianschroeter @mlschroe, please. Arch builds are broken, if the user doesn't workaround the issue, requiring gzip either directly in the PKGBUILD or in the project configuration.

mlschroe commented 1 year ago

The "Preinstall" packages are not the "minimum arch linux system", but the packages needed to get the package manager running. So they are typically a subset of the "minimum system".

The "minimum system" is specified by the "Support" / "Required" lines. The difference is that "Required" packages will be tracked and result in an automatic rebuild if they change. For example, you might want to put a compiler in the required list, because you want an automatic rebuild if the compiler changes. You might want to put "make" in the support list, because a new make version is usually should not trigger a rebuild of all packages.

mlschroe commented 1 year ago

Regarding precedence: The OBS version is what is used in OBS. The version from the build package is only used if you want to directly run the "build" or "pbuild" commands from this package. Thus, the version here usually lags behind the one in OBS.

mlschroe commented 1 year ago

Oh, and the goal is to keep the "Preinstall" package list as small as possible.

luc14n0 commented 1 year ago

The "Preinstall" packages are not the "minimum arch linux system", but the packages needed to get the package manager running. So they are typically a subset of the "minimum system".

Ah, OK. Noted!

The "minimum system" is specified by the "Support" / "Required" lines. The difference is that "Required" packages will be tracked and result in an automatic rebuild if they change. For example, you might want to put a compiler in the required list, because you want an automatic rebuild if the compiler changes. You might want to put "make" in the support list, because a new make version is usually should not trigger a rebuild of all packages.

Yes, I'm aware of the Required/Support nuances. But, honestly, I was a bit skeptical about OBS triggering rebuilds for such projects using DoD, or it's better to keep this distinction - organize them appropriately under Required and Support - in the event someone decides to build e.g GCC in their projects for Arch? Makes sense to me.

Regarding precedence: The OBS version is what is used in OBS. The version from the build package is only used if you want to directly run the "build" or "pbuild" commands from this package. Thus, the version here usually lags behind the one in OBS.

Yeah, right. Makes perfect sense now. Thanks for all the information.

So, the summary is:

On it.

luc14n0 commented 1 year ago

Expanding on my comment in open-build-service#13403. Here's the difference between a meta-package and a package-group.

If the idea of creating a meta-package based on the base-devel package group, sounds interesting, just let me know.


This won't work, as we want the ability to split packages between Required and Support!

luc14n0 commented 1 year ago

I tried, to the best of my ability, to separate the packages between Required and Support there.

luc14n0 commented 1 year ago
