Running source_service 'node_modules' ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/obs/service/node_modules", line 630, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/obs/service/node_modules", line 382, in main
File "/usr/lib/obs/service/node_modules", line 347, in process_packagelock_file
File "/usr/lib/obs/service/node_modules", line 318, in collect_v3_deps
raise Exception("unexpected module key: " + module)
Exception: unexpected module key: make
Aborting: service call failed: /usr/lib/obs/service/node_modules --cpio node_modules.obscpio --output --source-offset 10000 --outdir /home/ben/src/osc/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-bokeh/tmp6sfw2iag.node_modules.service
As per the instructions, the package-lock.json is created by running npm install --package-lock-only --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts inside bokehjs
Trying to use this for bokeh:
As per the instructions, the package-lock.json is created by running
npm install --package-lock-only --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts
inside bokehjs:memo: package-lock.json