openSUSE / open-build-service

Build and distribute Linux packages from sources in an automatic, consistent and reproducible way #obs
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[production][submissions#create] Mysql2::Error: Data too long for column 'payload' at row 1 #15104

Closed danidoni closed 7 months ago

danidoni commented 11 months ago

See this exception on Errbit

Mysql2::Error: Data too long for column 'payload' at row 1






May 14 10:37am




  "action" => "create",
  "add_revision" => "yes",
  "authenticity_token" => "9W1oCp0X6R0u0o6WYHGdJekwrBk95Bd0qnvgmfFg2GgLSvLRXFKnMp7eg07XxIwqoFjAMNxXadrgjmUT0O1LBA==",
  "bs_request" => {
    "bs_request_actions_attributes" => {
      "0" => {
        "source_package" => "fldigi",
        "source_project" => "home:wkazubski:test:science",
        "source_rev" => "5",
        "sourceupdate" => "cleanup",
        "target_package" => "fldigi",
        "target_project" => "hardware:sdr",
        "type" => "submit"
    "description" => "- Update to version 4.1.22\r\n  * add missing call to set_mode_afc in Save/Restore AFC by mode\r\n- Update to version 4.1.21\r\n  * IPC log report: change logging date report to date ON vice date OFF\r\n  xmlrpc methods\r\n  * add new methods all data in ADIF 3.1.2 compliant format:\r\n    + logbook.last_record\r\n    + logbook.all_records\r\n  * add new methods as ADIF 3.1.2 compliant strings:\r\n    + modem.get_mode\r\n    + modem.get_submode\r\n  * add new date-time methods\r\n      . log.get_time_on\r\n      . log.get_date_on\r\n      . log.get_time_off\r\n      . log.get_date_off\r\n   * date-time correctly synchronized and in ZULU time\r\n  CW h/w weight\r\n  * provide control to control keying weight for DTR/RTS keying.\r\n  build m4 script\r\n  * correction to m4 build script for libmbedtls test\r\n  TRX FFT\r\n  * Add fft monitoring of transmitted signal\r\n  flrig poll\r\n  * provide user configurable poll interval\r\n  CW/FSK\r\n  * update flrig cw/rtty code\r\n  * update rigcat FSK code\r\n    - separate all bit timing from main thread\r\n    - adjust sleep method for OS-X performance\r\n    - adjust sleep method for Windows OS\r\n  * add missing FSK commport control initialization\r\n  * update cwio DTR/RTS rigcat keying\r\n    - replace bit timing with high resolution interval timer\r\n    - deprecate timing compensation\r\n    - test satisfactory on Linux, 5 to 100 WPM\r\n  log macro\r\n  * fix parsing bug when a trailing <HS, <LOCK etc is in macro text\r\n  psk reporter\r\n  * update to report generation logic\r\n  FFT Monitor update\r\n  * Add complex signal processing to FFT usage\r\n  CW multi-channel\r\n  * changed cw viewer multi-decoder filtering to use independent\r\n    fir bandpass filter centered on 50 Hz intervals\r\n    . out-of-band reject 60 dB between adjacent channels\r\n  * add right click clears channel to cw viewer\r\n  FSK keying\r\n  * add ability to key xcvr in FSK using either\r\n    . a DTR or RTS serial signal line (default RTS).\r\n    . serial port can be shared with rigio or a separate port\r\n  * SPACE always sent as LETTERS character\r\n  * 100% functional on Linux including Pi3/4\r\n  * 100% functional on on macOS 11.6, 10.13.6, and 10.7.5\r\n  * 100% functional on Win-10\r\n  * BUG - fixed excessive CPU usage while Tx without text (idle)\r\n  * TIMING - tune timing loop for slow cpu's such as Pi3\r\n  * update to accu_sleep\r\n    . improved function performance\r\n    . move accu_sleep to util.cxx\r\n  * update to baudot generator\r\n  * add flrig / FSK interface\r\n  xmlrpc QSY\r\n  * add enable/disable QSY xmlrpc command for server\r\n  dxcluster\r\n  * bug - do not change mode if comments do not contain\r\n    a valid ADIF mode name\r\n  * set correct mode based on dxline contents\r\n  * qsy to rf/sweetspot for identified mode Mode Parameters\r\n  * save squelch settings by mode and reapply when\r\n    mode selected: squelch value, squelch button\r\n    . setting saved in file squelch_by_mode.prefs located\r\n      in the fldigi main files folder. prefs files are\r\n      user editable text format which are read during\r\n      program start up.\r\n  * save and reapply AFC state by mode\r\n  * save and reapply TX level attenuator by mode\r\n  * initialize all values to current states on first\r\n    execution, or when file mode_state.prefs is deleted.\r\n  Documentation update\r\n  * add/update documentation for Domino-EX Micro, OFDM modes,\r\n    Thor Micro, Thor 25/50/100, 8 psk modes\r\n  Polish translation update\r\n  * update to pl.po provided by Roman Baginski, SP4JEU\r\n  synop event reporting\r\n  * changed default event reporting to VERBOSE to reduce event\r\n    log noise for users not operating SYNOP\r\n  using namespace std\r\n  + remove all use of \"using namespace std\"\r\n  + add explicit \"std::\" predecessor for every standard lib reference\r\n- Update to version 4.1.20\r\n  * Add OFDM modes for NBEMS\r\n    - OFDM-500F for HF SSB\r\n    - OFDM-750F for HF SSB\r\n    - OFDM-2000F for HF-SSB/FM\r\n    - OFDM-2000 for HF-SSB/FM\r\n    - OFDM-3500 for FM 9600-port\r\n    - OFDM-2000F CPU-load fix\r\n  * Added Vestigial-carrier based AFC to OFDM modes\r\n    - Increases robustness and tolerance to drift\r\n  * OFDM 2000F hold\r\n  * commented out OFDM 2000 and 2000F modes for bugfixes\r\n  * OFDM 500F, 750F, and 3500 are complete\r\n  Cosmetic changes\r\n  * Fix cosmetic issues reported by Bob, VK2YQA\r\n  * Fix parse of macro <PUSH>\r\n  Gleam scheme\r\n  * add fltk 'gleam' UI scheme\r\n  xmlrpc id\r\n  * add client ID to client requests\r\n  * add client ID to server parsing\r\n  cw tracking\r\n  * adjust tracking filter constants to improve power detection\r\n  Navtex modem\r\n  * make single bit flip correction guess a little smarter\r\n  Smeter Pwr_meter\r\n  * correction to xmlrpc procedure to get smeter and power out\r\n    meter from flrig\r\n  My Callsign\r\n  * modify edit code to maintain cursor position\r\n  Contest fields\r\n  * Change to Rx text field parsing\r\n  * Change to cut number parsing\r\n  gpio ptt\r\n  * fix for pi3/4 gpio h/w UDRC-II operation\r\n- Update to version 4.1.19\r\n    * maintenance release\r\n  Vestigial AFC fixes\r\n     * Fix OFDM and 8PSK AFC jumping randomly to noise-signals\r\n  C-Media PTT support\r\n    * add support for C-Media ptt signal, used by DAR-30 etal\r\n  LNW macro tag\r\n    * add missing add to log call\r\n  Notes\r\n    * add Notes as a retrieve field for last worked call lookup in\r\n      logbook\r\n  lower case tx\r\n    * defeat lower case TX when text source is from arq or xmlrpc\r\n      socket interface.\r\n Qso Party Cabrillo\r\n    * add state & country selections\r\n  mxe scripts update\r\n  cwid\r\n    * enable cwid for\r\n      . T/R button reset to Rx\r\n      . ^r in xmlrpc transmit text strings\r\n      . ^r in macro text\r\n      . ^r in transmit text\r\n      NOTE: recommend disabling cwid for all ARQ type message\r\n      transmissions; flarq / flmsg.\r\n  Doxygen srcdoc fix\r\n   * MBEDTLS breaks the cppcheck tool, bypass checking for now\r\n  Dxcluster freq\r\n    * change to accommodate either '.' or ',' as the integer\r\n      fractional part of frequency in kHz.\r\n  Documentation update\r\n    * image and text associated with menu items\r\n      . View/Rig/Log Controls\r\n      . View/Waterfall\r\n  Carat r/R\r\n    * if modem is not IFKP, change to identical function for ^r and\r\n      ^R transmit character sequence\r\nCompiler warnings\r\n    * fix compiler warning on use of memset\r\n      . rsid.cxx\r\n      . ifkp.cxx\r\n  flrig cwio\r\n    * DTR/RTS CW keying using xmlrpc commands to flrig\r\n  Set/Get Notch\r\n    * Correct notch processing when used with flrig\r\n    * RigCAT notch processing\r\n      . Add wait 2 poll cycles between set and get notch\r\n  FMT mod\r\n    * limit estimation error to user defined value, reset tracking if\r\n      error exceeds the set value\r\n    * add +/- 5 and +/- 10 plot ranges\r\n  Tx Monitor Level\r\n    * Change control to dB scale to allow greater range of user control\r\n  fh baud\r\n    * modify fh parameter printout\r\n  dxcluster\r\n    * Immediate cmd\r\n      . ! character as first in command definition will cause the command\r\n        to be send immediate upon selection of that command button\r\n  WF-only mode menu\r\n    * add missing modes\r\n  PSK-modes fix false triggers of DCD-OFF\r\n    * Certian character combinations were triggering DCD-OFF\r\n    * DCD-OFF code now searches over 6-bit window\r\n    * Prevents rare data-loss bug mid-transmission\r\n  fmt\r\n    * add callback handlers to\r\n      . btn_unk_enable\r\n      . btn_ref_enable\r\n      . btn_fmt_record\r\n    * reset frequency whenever ref or unk button is pressed\r\n  CW punctuation\r\n    * Allow user to suppress decode/encode of specific punctuation\r\n      characters\r\n    * Allow user to select character to display noise decodes\r\n      . default '*'\r\n      . '_'\r\n      . ' '\r\n      . none\r\n  WX\r\n    * Correct <WX:xxx> weather macro text substitution\r\n  Canada\r\n    * Add missing provinces / regions\r\n  PulseAudio Server String\r\n    * always enable PA server string control to allow user to\r\n      clear or modify entry\r\n    * fix hanging up on server fault message dialog\r\n      . caused by message dialog on being re-entrant\r\n  Waterfall buttons\r\n    * Set all buttons to visibile for new installation\r\n  Audio Codec\r\n    * fix for Portaudio h/w codec missing during fldigi startup\r\n      . missing h/w could cause segmentation fault on some systems\r\n      . added try{}catch{} to trx audio path\r\n      . display error message\r\n      . reset audio device to NULL codec\r\n- Update to version 4.1.18\r\n  WF fft controls\r\n    * Restore averaging, fft pre filter, latency controls\r\n  Debug text\r\n    * add millisecond timing to debug time stamp\r\n  flarq build\r\n    * fix broken build for ./configure --disable-fldigi --enable-debug\r\n  Exit processing\r\n    * Set PTT off if user elects to close fldigi with PTT enabled.\r\n      - works for both Files/Exit and the dreaded windows decoration\r\n        bar 'X' button.\r\n  Scheduled Macro\r\n    * Add PTT OFF during scheduled count down\r\n    * Add clock display on status bar during scheduled count down\r\n    * remove end-of-line '\\n' white space between macro tags, i.e.\r\n        <!WPM:24>\r\n        <LOCAL><!SKED:12:00>how now brown cow<RX>\r\n      becomes\r\n        ^!^!how now brown cow\r\n      after parser substitutions\r\n    * Add space ' ' to end of inserted file <FILE:...> if file does\r\n      not contain either ' ' or '\\n' as last character\r\n  xmlrpc\r\n    * flrig detection update\r\n  flarq debug\r\n    * fix to allow --enable-debug with flarq build\r\n  Doc update\r\n    * CW CAT keying, add IC705 to list of tested transceivers\r\n- Update to version 4.1.17\r\n  N3FJP support\r\n    * remove sending OTHER8 category for all logs\r\n  CW keying\r\n    * added Elecraft KY cat command CW string keying\r\n      . K3S tested\r\n    * added Kenwood KY cat command CW string keying\r\n      . TS-480 tested\r\n    * added Icom cat command CW string keying\r\n      . IC-7100, IC-705 tested\r\n    * added Yaesu cat CW string keying\r\n      . FT-991a tested\r\n    * For use ONLY with\r\n      . RigCAT transceiver control\r\n      . flrig transceiver control\r\n        - requires flrig 1.3.53 or greater\r\n  Rx Monitor\r\n    * fluid source cleanup\r\n    * split UI sou[Truncated]"
  "commit" => "Submit",
  "controller" => "webui/requests/submissions",
  "package_name" => "fldigi",
  "project_name" => "home:wkazubski:test:science"


  "_csrf_token" => "OBfgY184G+YJCFthORVuolJ0ZASszwwroPJ3jsnaSgM=",
  "session_id" => "45fe7ee9eda9071ec23992ef85ef8258"


148:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/mysql2-0.5.4/lib/mysql2/client.rb -> **_query**
148:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/mysql2-0.5.4/lib/mysql2/client.rb -> **block in query**
147:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/mysql2-0.5.4/lib/mysql2/client.rb -> **handle_interrupt**
147:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/mysql2-0.5.4/lib/mysql2/client.rb -> **query**
206:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **block (2 levels) in execute**
48:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **block in permit_concurrent_loads**
187:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **yield_shares**
47:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **permit_concurrent_loads**
205:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **block in execute**
696:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **block (2 levels) in log**
26:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **block (2 levels) in synchronize**
25:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **handle_interrupt**
25:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **block in synchronize**
21:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **handle_interrupt**
21:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **synchronize**
695:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **block in log**
24:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **instrument**
687:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **log**
204:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **execute**
52:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **execute**
215:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **execute_and_free**
57:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **exec_query**
136:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **exec_insert**
171:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **insert**
22:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **insert**
375:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **_insert_record**
929:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **_create_record**
166:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **_create_record**
79:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **_create_record**
201:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **_create_record**
461:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **block in _create_record**
106:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **run_callbacks**
20:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/airbrake-9.4.3/lib/airbrake/rails/active_record.rb -> **run_callbacks**
824:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **_run_create_callbacks**
461:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **_create_record**
108:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **_create_record**
900:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **create_or_update**
457:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **block in create_or_update**
98:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **run_callbacks**
20:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/airbrake-9.4.3/lib/airbrake/rails/active_record.rb -> **run_callbacks**
824:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **_run_save_callbacks**
457:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **create_or_update**
126:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **create_or_update**
474:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **save**
47:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **save**
298:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **block in save**
354:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **block in with_transaction_returning_status**
318:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **transaction**
350:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **with_transaction_returning_status**
298:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **save**
44:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **save**
38:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **create**
938:  app/models/bs_request.rb -> **notify**
427:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **block in make_lambda**
235:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **block in halting_and_conditional**
516:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **block in invoke_after**
516:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **each**
516:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **invoke_after**
107:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **run_callbacks**
20:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/airbrake-9.4.3/lib/airbrake/rails/active_record.rb -> **run_callbacks**
824:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **_run_create_callbacks**
461:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **_create_record**
108:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **_create_record**
900:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **create_or_update**
457:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **block in create_or_update**
117:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **block in run_callbacks**
385:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **around_save_collection_association**
126:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **block in run_callbacks**
137:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **run_callbacks**
20:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/airbrake-9.4.3/lib/airbrake/rails/active_record.rb -> **run_callbacks**
824:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **_run_save_callbacks**
457:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **create_or_update**
126:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **create_or_update**
507:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **save!**
53:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **save!**
302:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **block in save!**
354:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **block in with_transaction_returning_status**
320:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **block in transaction**
319:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **block in within_new_transaction**
26:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **block (2 levels) in synchronize**
25:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **handle_interrupt**
25:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **block in synchronize**
21:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **handle_interrupt**
21:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **synchronize**
317:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **within_new_transaction**
320:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **transaction**
350:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **with_transaction_returning_status**
302:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **save!**
48:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **save!**
19:  app/controllers/webui/request_controller.rb -> **create**
21:  app/controllers/webui/requests/submissions_controller.rb -> **create**
6:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **send_action**
228:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **process_action**
30:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **process_action**
42:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **block in process_action**
106:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **run_callbacks**
41:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **process_action**
22:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **process_action**
34:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **block in process_action**
203:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **block in instrument**
24:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **instrument**
203:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **instrument**
33:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **process_action**
249:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **process_action**
27:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activerecord- -> **process_action**
165:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **process**
39:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionview- -> **process**
190:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **dispatch**
254:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **dispatch**
50:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **dispatch**
33:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **serve**
19:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **block in <class:Constraints>**
49:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **serve**
50:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **block in serve**
32:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **each**
32:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **serve**
842:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **call**
77:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/flipper-0.24.1/lib/flipper/middleware/memoizer.rb -> **memoized_call**
42:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/flipper-0.24.1/lib/flipper/middleware/memoizer.rb -> **call**
37:  config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb -> **call**
44:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/rack-2.2.3/lib/rack/deflater.rb -> **call**
15:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/rack-2.2.3/lib/rack/tempfile_reaper.rb -> **call**
27:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/rack-2.2.3/lib/rack/etag.rb -> **call**
40:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/rack-2.2.3/lib/rack/conditional_get.rb -> **call**
12:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/rack-2.2.3/lib/rack/head.rb -> **call**
22:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **call**
19:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **call**
266:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/rack-2.2.3/lib/rack/session/abstract/id.rb -> **context**
260:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/rack-2.2.3/lib/rack/session/abstract/id.rb -> **call**
689:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **call**
27:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **block in call**
98:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **run_callbacks**
26:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **call**
18:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **call**
32:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/airbrake-9.4.3/lib/airbrake/rack/middleware.rb -> **call!**
21:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/airbrake-9.4.3/lib/airbrake/rack/middleware.rb -> **call**
29:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **call**
33:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **call**
18:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/lograge-0.12.0/lib/lograge/rails_ext/rack/logger.rb -> **call_app**
26:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/railties- -> **block in call**
99:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **block in tagged**
37:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **tagged**
99:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **tagged**
26:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/railties- -> **call**
81:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **call**
81:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **call**
19:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/request_store-1.5.1/lib/request_store/middleware.rb -> **call**
26:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **call**
24:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/rack-2.2.3/lib/rack/method_override.rb -> **call**
22:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/rack-2.2.3/lib/rack/runtime.rb -> **call**
29:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/activesupport- -> **call**
14:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **call**
18:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/rack-2.2.3/lib/rack/lock.rb -> **call**
110:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/rack-2.2.3/lib/rack/sendfile.rb -> **call**
142:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/actionpack- -> **call**
539:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/railties- -> **call**
207:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/railties- -> **public_send**
207:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/railties- -> **method_missing**
74:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/rack-2.2.3/lib/rack/urlmap.rb -> **block in call**
58:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/rack-2.2.3/lib/rack/urlmap.rb -> **each**
58:  /GEM_ROOT/gems/rack-2.2.3/lib/rack/urlmap.rb -> **call**
107:  /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/passenger-6.0.12/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/rack/thread_handler_extension.rb -> **process_request**
157:  /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/passenger-6.0.12/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/request_handler/thread_handler.rb -> **accept_and_process_next_request**
110:  /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/passenger-6.0.12/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/request_handler/thread_handler.rb -> **main_loop**
419:  /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/passenger-6.0.12/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/request_handler.rb -> **block (3 levels) in start_threads**
113:  /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/passenger-6.0.12/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/utils.rb -> **block in create_thread_and_abort_on_exception**


Key Value
program_name Passenger RubyApp: /srv/www/obs/api (production)
HTTP_USER_AGENT Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Falkon/22.04.0 Chrome/87.0.4280.144 Safari/537.36
eduardoj commented 11 months ago

This seems to be a recurrent issue. Related to:

danidoni commented 11 months ago

I think it would just be a matter of slicing what comes into the payload field...

rubhanazeem commented 7 months ago

Should be fixed after #15649