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patterns-openSUSEway missing fonts? #125

Closed lnussel closed 5 months ago

lnussel commented 8 months ago

I started off with a plain MicroOS and installed patterns-openSUSEway. Starting sway works but no fonts are installed. I guess the pattern needs to either require the right ones or pull another pattern for that?

Note recommends are off on MicroOS so has to be a requirement

jubalh commented 8 months ago

Comparing with the LXQt pattern I see it Requires: pattern() = x11. And that one seems to Requires: xorg-x11-fonts-core. So I assume that's how they get the fonts that are shipped with X11.

Probably we need something similar for us on Wayland. Choosing some font?

denisok commented 8 months ago

You are right, we should do that.

So far we explicitly specify fonts in:

Right now we have this requirement:

Requires:       fontawesome-fonts

Actually is doesn't work for me too, system just pick some font, but what we need is adobe-sourcesanspro-fonts. I will create a patch.

lnussel commented 8 months ago

There's a fonts pattern too. I've filed

denisok commented 8 months ago

Comparing with the LXQt pattern I see it Requires: pattern() = x11. And that one seems to Requires: xorg-x11-fonts-core. So I assume that's how they get the fonts that are shipped with X11.

Probably we need something similar for us on Wayland. Choosing some font?

yeah, in Wayland we probably don't want to require x11. Installing any font will get xorg-x11-fonts-core as a dependency.

I would just get the basic ones that we explicitly require in configs, and let the user choose and configure any other ones. I personally have jetbrains-mono for my terminal.

FilippoBonazziSUSE commented 8 months ago

Yes, I would be against adding additional Requires other than the two we use in the default config (Fontawesome and Source Sans Pro). It would just result in unremoveable dependencies for users who choose to use other fonts - a problem we already have for some packages in this pattern (mako comes to mind). We intentionally list useful or suggested packages as Recommends to avoid exactly this.

I see why not installing Recommends is the default on MicroOS. However it breaks on such cases where flexibility is desired. And moving Recommends to Requires as a consequence would be counterproductive.

EDIT: Even adding hard requires on the default fonts we use is questionable. It would be better to have them as Recommends.

lnussel commented 8 months ago

Recommends are broken for OS components really. Imagine /usr was an image as in other modern OSes. No recommends there. Either components are part of the OS or they aren't.

denisok commented 5 months ago

added fonts as part of: