openSUSE / openSUSEway

dotfiles for Sway on openSUSE
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patterns-openSUSEway pulls in perl #126

Open lnussel opened 8 months ago

lnussel commented 8 months ago

patterns-openSUSEway pulls in perl via gfxboot-branding-openSUSE, git and xdg-utils. For the latter I've filed How about not pulling in the former two?

jubalh commented 8 months ago

git seems to have been added in in openSUSEway 0.6 but I'm not sure why. I don't see git being used in any of our config files. I guess it was just added along with other "favourite applications" like image viewer, file manager. I'm fine with dropping it.

gfxboot-branding-openSUSE was added before 0.11: Add gfxboot and gfxboot-branding-openSUSE to have better boot experience.

Waiting for @denisok on this :)

denisok commented 8 months ago

@lnussel depends on what you would like to achieve. DE might provide some basic user experience. git probably is a personal preference and could be removed.

gfxboot-branding-openSUSE provides a nice booting experience, hiding the console and showing some pic/progress instead.

xdg-utils provide xdg-open so you can click some link and the browser would ask permission to execute an external app that is installed in flatpak for example so it will be opened in Zoom app, Telegram app, Slack and etc.

What would you like to achieve? there is patterns-sway-sway which is quite minimal.

krishjainx commented 5 months ago

There hasn't been much activity here and I feel this would be more suitable for GitHub Discussions ( @denisok

denisok commented 5 months ago

Lets see what @lnussel would like to achieve. Why having perl is a problem? openSUSEway is a good candidate for minimal system for sure, but xdg-utils is quite crucial for a normal DE experience.

denisok commented 1 week ago

thinking about ARM boards and minimal install for it, gfxboot is not there, so there is only xdg-open , which is super useful.

Interesting enough looks like the package that provides it has a tiny dependency on perl:

maybe that package/tool needs to be fixed.