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Replace chameleon logo with numbers in waybar #141

Closed antisocrates closed 4 months ago

antisocrates commented 4 months ago

The waybar workspaces without numbers indicating the workspace is very confusing.

For example, if you open a terminal, in workspace 1, 2, 3 you can see at a glance which one is open. Mod+1 for 1st, mod+2 for 2nd etc.

Now if you close the terminal in workspace 2. It's not so apparent unless you remember which workspace is which. Mod+1 takes you to the 1st, Mod+2 opens a new workspace. Which number is the other open workspace? Will have to try 3 to 9 to check.

This is counterproductive and makes no sense, please revert to something like the default waybar for workspaces.

P. S. : It can be changed by the user, but it adds an extra burden for new installs, as it's unusable out of the box, and not user friendly as the project aims to be.

Bonus: smart_gaps on, should be the default for single windows to maximize screen estate usage.

FilippoBonazziSUSE commented 4 months ago

If you want to open a PR with these changes, feel free to. Otherwise I can get to it sometime this week hopefully.

denisok commented 4 months ago

they are cute though )))) I don't mind the change. Maybe leave one icon on the left as an icon, either that just does nothing or maybe assign wofi to it

FilippoBonazziSUSE commented 4 months ago

I'm planning to submit a change like I have in my configuration, with the active workspace having the geeko and number, and the inactive ones having just the number: 20240226_10h05m22s_grim

Opinions welcome about smart_gaps as I don't use gaps at all so I don't know

denisok commented 4 months ago

3 and geeko is the same color.

FilippoBonazziSUSE commented 4 months ago

Yes. It's because 3 is the active workspace and has the geeko. This is how it's done in my config:

    "sway/workspaces": {
        "format": "{index} {icon}",
        "format-icons": {
            "urgent": "",
            "focused": "",
            "default": ""

The geeko icon does not show here but it's this one:

jubalh commented 4 months ago

I am personally against removing the geeko altogether, it's nice!

with the active workspace having the geeko and number

That's cool!

denisok commented 4 months ago

Yes. It's because 3 is the active workspace and has the geeko.

where is 4 ? :)

FilippoBonazziSUSE commented 4 months ago

Ah, it's just not there. I didn't create it, that's just my workflow. Sorry I see how that could be confusing. The screenshot only contains workspaces 1, 3, 5 and 6.

FilippoBonazziSUSE commented 4 months ago

I've transfered your smart_gaps suggestion to a poll.

Please try to keep issues limited to a single topic.