openSUSE / openSUSEway

dotfiles for Sway on openSUSE
MIT License
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Don't force enviroment in profile.d and enviroment.d #28

Closed denisok closed 3 years ago

denisok commented 3 years ago

Now I realize the right way to go.

Use case scenarios:

  1. upstream Sway
  2. branded Sway
  3. openSUSEway

1 sway or patterns-sway-sway packages with default branding this one doesn't have any customization and ppl either already have their own config or would do all the steps documented upstream.

2 sway-openSUSE-branding package provide custom desktop, target and service files that will cover systemd use case. For ppl that have DM/Login Manager that supports Wayland sessions. For those that have tty? Maybe custom script that will run sway with needed vars ?

3 openSUSEway package(or pattern) full blown OS with preinstalled DE. Will have greetd as login manger that would have custom script to setup envs and start sway as process.