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Trying to change default shell to fish #64

Closed enrique-mp closed 2 years ago

enrique-mp commented 2 years ago

Hi all. I'm trying to change the default shell to fish, but when I do that, sway doesn't start from login manager (sddm in my case). Plasma starts well. If I revert the default shell to bash, sway boots from sddm without problem.

I don't know if the problem is maybe de .sh wrapper file invoked from de sway.desktop or anything else.

Can you help me with this issue? Thanks.

mcepl commented 2 years ago

Don’t setup fish as a shell for root, because (quoting its help): “Fish is intentionally not POSIX-compatible and as such some of the things you are used to work differently.”, so whenever any script has a shebang #!/bin/sh (which is almost all of them) it fails.

enrique-mp commented 2 years ago

Thank for the advice. I read the fish documentation and other articles related to login and interactive shells, and I decide to leave fish as a interactive shell for commands and navigating purposes. Still leave bash as a default login shell.