> gdaps -d DC-SLES-amd-sev spellcheck --lang en_US --spellchecker=aspell
Neither file nor rootid specified, using rootid from DC-file
Checking /local/git/doc-sle/xml/MAIN.SLEDS.xml...
Error: The file "/usr/share/suse-documentation-dicts/en/en_US-suse-doc-aspell.rws" is not in the proper format. Incompatible hash function.
> gdaps -d DC-SLES-amd-sev spellcheck --lang en_US --spellchecker=aspell Neither file nor rootid specified, using rootid from DC-file Checking /local/git/doc-sle/xml/MAIN.SLEDS.xml... Error: The file "/usr/share/suse-documentation-dicts/en/en_US-suse-doc-aspell.rws" is not in the proper format. Incompatible hash function.
Name : aspell Version : 0.60.8-1.2 Arch : x86_64