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Update footer links #45

Closed niklas-la closed 5 years ago

niklas-la commented 5 years ago

Google+ has been discontinued and therefore removed.

Discord is another important meeting place for the community and should therefore be listed as a contact point.

cboltz commented 5 years ago

Looks like the second half of #37 ;-) which already removed the "Google+ group" link.


(I'm not sure if I'll have time to deploy your changes before oSC. If not, I'll do it directly after the conference.)

niklas-la commented 5 years ago

Was also a bit suspicious where I saw the other request. But now everything is clear.

Take your time, I noticed too late that the Reddit Community is not insignificant and should also be listed. So I will start an extra pull-request again. Then you can deploy everything in peace.