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Incorrect XML output with GPG options #390

Closed PrimaryCanary closed 3 years ago

PrimaryCanary commented 3 years ago

Zypper (version 1.14.43) seems to output incorrect XML when a repo with any GPG option is printed using the --xmlout option.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start by adding any repo with a GPG option: sudo zypper addrepo --gpgcheck-allow-unsigned packman

  2. Verify its correctness:

    $ zypper repos
    #  | Alias                     | Name                               | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh
    1 | packman                   | packman                            | Yes     | ( p) Yes  | No
    <more below>

$ cat /etc/zypp/repos.d/packman.repo [packman] enabled=1 autorefresh=0 baseurl= gpgcheck=1 repo_gpgcheck=0 pkg_gpgcheck=0

3. Verify its XML:

$ zypper --xmlout repos <?xml version='1.0'?> ``` Note that the XML GPG options are all one. This has been reproduced by others as well. See and beyond.
mlandres commented 3 years ago

Well, zypper --xmlout repos prints the effective settings. They are computed from the (optional) values in the .repo file and the global settings (or builtin defaults). I dare not changing the semantic of the attributes, but I can add (optional) raw_*gpgcheck attributes showing the values as they occur in the .repo file.

mlandres commented 3 years ago

Will be available with libzpp-17.27.0 (Will go as online update to all Code15 distributions and TW)