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Misc command fixes #540

Closed mlandres closed 3 months ago

mlandres commented 3 months ago

@bzeller a couple of independent commits.

Important is the last one fixing bsc#1222086. It's basically done. Just formating the Time since last refresh needs to be done (ATM just NUM s)

bzeller commented 3 months ago
Other repo                                                  : 3107504 s
code                                                        : 59839 s
Main Repository (NON-OSS)                                   : 59838 s
Main Repository (OSS)                                       : 59838 s
Main Update Repository                                      : 59837 s
google-chrome                                               : 59837 s
multimedia                                                  : 59837 s
packman                                                     : 59837 s
openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Debug                                   : 59836 s
Open H.264 Codec (openSUSE Tumbleweed)                      : 59836 s
openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Source                                  : 59835 s

Can we show those in minutes/hours depending on how long the last refresh was ago? Seconds is growing a bit big

bzeller commented 3 months ago

Also should the --userinstalled and --autoinstalled switches be in search also? Might be a non existing usecase but i could see all lib* packages that are autoinstalled

mlandres commented 3 months ago

Can we show those in minutes/hours depending on how long the last refresh was ago? Seconds is growing a bit big

That's "formating the Time since last refresh needs to be done"...

mlandres commented 3 months ago

Also should the --userinstalled and --autoinstalled switches be in search also?

We may do this as well. The lists in packages were just low hanging.