openach / docker-openach

Docker with OpenACH, running Apache, mod_php, and SQLite
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Unable to find ODFI with routing number... #6

Closed sbrendtro closed 4 years ago

sbrendtro commented 4 years ago

Originally posted by @ramesh8830 in

Users have encountered an error when running the user setup command:

./openach user setup --user_id=ced64f44-1959-443d-a38f-0178f650050d --name="Test Originator" --identification=112358130 --routing_number=101000187 --account_number=1234567890

Unable to find ODFI with routing number 101000187

sbrendtro commented 4 years ago

We recently changed the fedach and fedwire commands, as the data is no longer publicly available. A bug in our change allowed the reloadAll subcommand to truncate the fedach/fedwire tables before displaying a message that the data was unavailable. Without the distributed fedach data, users cannot add any new data that is verified against these routing numbers.

This has been fixed in openach/openach:1.9.3, and openach/docker-openach:1.9.3:

docker pull openach/openach:latest

You may need to remove your existing database and restart the docker container to reinitialize from the distributed data:

sudo rm runtime/db/openach.db
docker-compose up -d

Once the fedach table is replaced with the distributed data, the user setup command should work correctly.

If you know of a public source of FedACH data (or have access to a private source you can share), let us know and we can add the data to OpenACH. Sadly, the Federal Reserve decided to restrict access to this information (see - Downloading the Directory)