Open fedjo opened 4 days ago
I would just suggest using the docker compose to build (and tag) and push the docker images, this avoid any mistakes in the naming of the tags, and instead you can just set it once in the docker-compose.yml file.
that is, along side the build option you put also the image option:
then you can do docker compose build backend
in the case of the pest and disease management compose file)
and then do a docker compose push
and if possible please try to have the container image names the same as the repository, it avoids confusion:
so for example, for the service this would mean the image name should be:
And @fedjo, just to complement your detailed instructions, for the people using FastAPI the middleware you are looking for should be this one:
A part from these small details I would say the instructions are clear and precise :+1:
This issue will serve as a guide to integrate each service with the Gatekeeper using the bootstrap app.
The steps will be needed for each of the services to be integrated<service-name>:latest
and push it to registry.Note: Please validate for Packages page that the image is public
Note: The YAML file must receive as environment variables
@arruda @pranavnbapat @vlf-stefan-drobic Please double check the process we discussed and give feedback