Connect login with gatekeeper api when running the farm calendar in prod.
probably will requires changing prod. settings.
Need to check:
Do we need to use load a gatekeeper specific template for registration (keep same visual identity), or just use an API endpoint and handle the visual identity on the local app?
Do we have already a base html template with the visual identity for the OpenAgri project as a whole?
Changed a little the idea will be to just redirect to gatekeeper on login, if gatekeeper URL is set, otherwise just use standard django login to simplify dev
Connect login with gatekeeper api when running the farm calendar in prod. probably will requires changing prod. settings.
Need to check: Do we need to use load a gatekeeper specific template for registration (keep same visual identity), or just use an API endpoint and handle the visual identity on the local app? Do we have already a base html template with the visual identity for the OpenAgri project as a whole?
Depends on #1