openai / coinrun

Code for the paper "Quantifying Transfer in Reinforcement Learning"
MIT License
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How to check Done/Termination condition in the Scalarised version of Coinrun #30

Closed Unimax closed 5 years ago

Unimax commented 5 years ago

Basically i need standard Scalar version of the Coinrun env (like a gym env) so i can apply various q-learning algos. (i will be using pytorch not that it matters)

From one of the resolved issue i get my hands on the Scalarise class but the level is not changing for some reason it's saying "CoinRun ignores resets" on the console probably becuase of "env.reset()"

example script (i placed it in

def testing():
    episodes = 10
    env = Scalarize(make('standard', num_envs=1))
    for i in range(episodes):
        start_state = env.reset()  
        while True:
            action = np.random.randint(0, env.action_space.n)
            next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
            if done or reward > 0:
Unimax commented 5 years ago

am sorry after writing this i figured out that i hardcoded the number of levels somewhere in my code.

closing the issue.