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Code for the paper "DeepType: Multilingual Entity Linking by Neural Type System Evolution"
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What scores does Table 1 use on the paper? #26

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

On the paper, Table 1 (c) shows the entity linking scores, but how to solve them especially CoNLL scores?

(c) Entity Linking model Comparison. 
Link Count only: 68.614
manual (oracle): 98.217

For example, some mentions and its candidate entities are there.

doc_id, mention, candidate entity, label
1, apple, Apple Pie, True
1, apple, Apple (company), False
1, apple, Apple (fruits), False

If it predicts one entity that has the highest score of each mentions, I don't need to use false candidates to solve accuracy, but I don't know the Table 1 used false candidates or not.

How did you solve the Table 1 (c) scores?


JonathanRaiman commented 6 years ago

If I understand correctly the data you are referring to also provides a "proposal set" of entities for each mention, and marks one of the proposed entities as correct, while others are incorrect? Table 1 measured for all mentions given in the CoNLL eval set the accuracy at recovering the true entity under the proposal set of any entity in Wikipedia/Wikidata (e.g. not just those proposed by CoNLL).

ghost commented 6 years ago

Well, I just used AIDA CoNLL-YAGO dataset, and prepared it for solving accuracy like this:

out = []
with open('../conll_dataset/aida-yago2-dataset/AIDA-YAGO2-dataset.tsv') as f:
    index = 1
    me = []
    ss = []
    first = True
    for line in f:
        if line.startswith('-DOCSTART-'):
            if first:
                first = False
            out.append([index, ' '.join(ss), list(set(me))])
            index += 1
            me = []
            ss = []
            line_spl = line.replace('\n', '').split('\t')
            if len(line_spl) > 4:
                if line_spl[1] == 'B':
                    me.append((line_spl[2], line_spl[4].replace('','')))
data = out

data[0] is like this:

# [doc_id, doc_text, [pairs of mention and true entity] ]
 'EU rejects German call to boycott British lamb .  Peter Blackburn  BRUSSELS 1996-08-22  The European Commission said on Thursday it disagreed with German advice to consumers to shun British lamb until scientists determine whether mad cow disease can be transmitted to ...... ',
 [('Loyola de Palacio', 'Loyola_de_Palacio'),
  ('Britain', 'United_Kingdom'),
  ('Germany', 'Germany'),
  ('European Commission', 'European_Commission'),
  ('France', 'France'),
  ('Europe', 'Europe'),
  ('BRUSSELS', 'Brussels'),

and calculated accuracy:

for d in tqdm_notebook(data):
    # sentence of the target document
    sentence = d[1]

    # ts are target mentions on the document
    ts = [str(t[0]) for t in d[2]]
    true_entities = [str(t[1]).replace('_', ' ') for t in d[2]]

    # tokenize sentence by using target mentions
    # and model_probs is the output of get_probs function from the notebook you added
    tokenize = partial(en_tokenize, ts=ts)
    sent_splits, model_probs = solve_model_probs(sentence, tagger, tokenize=tokenize)

    # predicted entities that have the highest score of each mentions
    pred_entities = run(ts, sent_splits, model_probs, indices2title, type_oracle, trie, trie_index2indices_values, trie_index2indices_counts)

    # append result: true -> true entity, pred -> predicted entity
    results += [{'doc_id':d[0], 'mention':x, 'true': y, 'pred': z} for x,y,z in zip(ts, true_entities, pred_entities)]

df = pd.DataFrame(results)
matched = df['pred'] == df['true']
length = df['pred'].shape[0]
assert len(df['pred']) == len(df['true'])
accuracy = float(sum(matched))/float(length)

Is this correct way to calculate accuracy?

lbozarth commented 4 years ago

I'm stuck on this same part, the accuracy calculated this way is 0.7 though.