Hi, I've created a "Song" using google colab but with the "Co-composite" function. Is there any way to upsample this with the "zs-top-level-final.t" file?
The problem is that I don't know how to upsample the File it came with. It's not an ordinairy file that you can just upsample.
Download to the file for any testingzs-top-level-final (1).zip
I have zipped the file up and I send it here if you need to do any testing of some kind. (This is also the file that I want to use for upsampling)
Backstory Hi, I've created a "Song" using google colab but with the "Co-composite" function. Is there any way to upsample this with the "zs-top-level-final.t" file? Problem The problem is that I don't know how to upsample the File it came with. It's not an ordinairy file that you can just upsample. Download to the file for any testing zs-top-level-final (1).zip I have zipped the file up and I send it here if you need to do any testing of some kind. (This is also the file that I want to use for upsampling)