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Can't get the Audio Transcription to work in Unity C# #102

Open chiddyBenno opened 4 days ago

chiddyBenno commented 4 days ago

Hello dear openai-dotnet Community. Im currently working on a OpenAI integration in my VR-Unity Project. I was previously working with Azure SST & TTS and want to change it all to the OpenAI-API.

Even trying out the simple Example: `public async Task Example02_SimpleTranscriptionAsync() { AudioClient client = new("whisper-1", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OPENAI_API_KEY"));

    string audioFilePath = Path.Combine("Assets", "audio_houseplant_care.mp3");

    AudioTranscription transcription = await client.TranscribeAudioAsync(audioFilePath);


it will give me this error:

Error: boundary UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object) SpeechToTextManager/d14:MoveNext () (at Assets/02-KiChatGPT/SpeechToTextManager.cs:70) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder:Start<SpeechToTextManager/d__14> (SpeechToTextManager/d14&) SpeechToTextManager:Example02_SimpleTranscriptionAsync () SpeechToTextManager:StartSpeechToText () (at Assets/02-KiChatGPT/SpeechToTextManager.cs:47) NewOpenAIController:Start () (at Assets/02-KiChatGPT/NewOpenAIController.cs:57)

I would be very grateful if somebody could help me with it. Greetings, Benjamin