as described in the OpenAI documentation here, you can retrieve the search result by adding include[]=step_details.tool_calls[*].file_search.results[*].content query string to a GetRunStep call.
Steps to reproduce
add the following code for initialization of the httpClient:
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.BaseAddress = OpenAIHelpers.AzureOAIEndpoint;
var token = await new DefaultAzureCredential().GetTokenAsync(new Azure.Core.TokenRequestContext([""]));
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token.Token);
this code to get the retreived chunks from the vector db:
private static async Task GetSearchInfo(RunStepUpdate runStepUpdate)
if (runStepUpdate.UpdateKind != StreamingUpdateReason.RunStepCompleted
|| !runStepUpdate.Value.Details.ToolCalls.Any(t => t.ToolKind == RunStepToolCallKind.FileSearch))
return; // skip if not completed or doesn't use file search
var SearchInfoQueryString = "include[]=step_details.tool_calls[*].file_search.results[*].content";
string endpoint = $"/openai/threads/{runStepUpdate.Value.ThreadId}/runs/{runStepUpdate.Value.RunId}/steps/{runStepUpdate.Value.Id}";
var response = await httpClient.GetAsync($"{endpoint}?{SearchInfoQueryString}&api-version=2024-09-01-preview");
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var rootNode = JsonNode.Parse(json);
var searchResults = rootNode?["step_details"]?["tool_calls"]?[0]?["file_search"]?["results"]?
.AsArray().Select(r => JsonSerializer.Deserialize<string>(r?["content"]?[0]?["text"]));
Debug.WriteLine("Search Results:");
Debug.WriteLine(string.Join("\n\n", searchResults ?? []));
and this code to run the streaming response:
private static async Task OutputCompletionStreaming(AssistantThread thread, Assistant assistant, RunCreationOptions runOptions)
var asyncUpdates = OpenAIHelpers.OpenAIAssistantClient.CreateRunStreamingAsync(thread.Id, assistant.Id, runOptions);
ThreadRun? currentRun;
currentRun = null;
List<ToolOutput> outputsToSubmit = [];
await foreach (var update in asyncUpdates ?? AsyncEnumerable.Empty<StreamingUpdate>())
switch (update)
case RequiredActionUpdate requiredActionUpdate:
// handle tool calls
case MessageStatusUpdate messageStatus:
//Debug.WriteLine($" {messageStatus.UpdateKind} {messageStatus.Value.Id}");
case MessageContentUpdate contentUpdate:
if (contentUpdate.TextAnnotation != null)
// Reference to RAG results
Debug.WriteLine($" --> From file: {contentUpdate.TextAnnotation.InputFileId}, replacement: {contentUpdate.TextAnnotation.TextToReplace}");
case RunUpdate runUpdate:
currentRun = runUpdate;
Debug.WriteLine($"{runUpdate.UpdateKind} {runUpdate.Value.Id}");
if (runUpdate.UpdateKind == StreamingUpdateReason.RunFailed)
Console.WriteLine($"{ConsoleColors.Red}Error: {runUpdate.Value.LastError.Message}");
case RunStepUpdate runStepUpdate:
$" {runStepUpdate.UpdateKind} {runStepUpdate.Value.Id} " +
$"Tools: [ {runStepUpdate.Value.Details.ToolCalls.Select(t => t.ToolKind.ToString()).StringJoin("; ")} ] ");
await GetSearchInfo(runStepUpdate);
while (currentRun?.Status.IsTerminal == false);
You'll see that whenever the file search tool is called, the results are always empty.
The same exact code (except few changes in how httpClient is initialized) works with vanilla OpenAI SDK.
Azure OpenAI
Describe the bug
as described in the OpenAI documentation here, you can retrieve the search result by adding
query string to a GetRunStep call.Steps to reproduce
add the following code for initialization of the httpClient:
this code to get the retreived chunks from the vector db:
and this code to run the streaming response:
You'll see that whenever the file search tool is called, the results are always empty. The same exact code (except few changes in how httpClient is initialized) works with vanilla OpenAI SDK.
Code snippets
No response
.NET version
Library version