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OpenAI.Assistants.AssistantResponseFormat is not deserializable #67

Open douglasware opened 1 week ago

douglasware commented 1 week ago

Maybe I misunderstand this property. I can set it and read it, but serializing with System.Text.Json doesn't yield a value for this property on serialize, and deserialize fails with:

System.NotSupportedException: Deserialization of types without a parameterless constructor, a singular parameterized constructor, or a parameterized constructor annotated with 'JsonConstructorAttribute' is not supported. Type 'OpenAI.Assistants.AssistantResponseFormat'.

As a simple property with three valid values, the implementation of this property is (to me) exotic and strange, why doesn't it use an enum or really any other normal .NET approach?

dspear commented 1 week ago

You don't create the object. Just use one of the existing predefined objects. In your case, just assign the static object AssistantResponseFormat.JsonObject.

douglasware commented 1 week ago

Sorry for not being clear. I’m trying to serialize and deserialize AssistantCreationOptions which doesn’t appear to be possible due to this property’s class definition.

trrwilson commented 1 week ago

Hello, @douglasware -- thanks for getting in touch.

System.ClientModel uses the ModelReaderWriter type (and a supporting IJsonModel<T> interface behind the scenes) to support serialization and deserialization; you can achieve equivalent dehydration/hydration with code like the following:

AssistantCreationOptions assistantOptions = new()
    Name = "Test Assistant",
    ResponseFormat = AssistantResponseFormat.JsonObject,
    Tools =
        new FunctionToolDefinition("get_current_weather", "Gets the current weather at the user's location"),
BinaryData serializedAssistantOptions = ModelReaderWriter.Write(assistantOptions);

AssistantCreationOptions deserializedAssistantOptions
    = ModelReaderWriter.Read<AssistantCreationOptions>(serializedAssistantOptions);

I'll follow up with the team on the inconsistency when using standard System.Text.Json patterns; it's certainly confusing as-is.

douglasware commented 1 week ago

Thanks! Some additional feedback, if you don't plan to support normal serialization of these objects, please be clear about it. If that is the case, I personally will keep using REST instead.

I'm trying to use this library with Durable Task Framework and this kind of thing that prevents crossing process boundaries is a deal-breaker.

It's not just json... lots of serialization bits require things like parameterless constructors. It is easier to use normal REST approaches to get this behavior than it is to create poco's and marshal it all by hand.

I haven't got into messages and threads yet, can I expect similar problems there?