openai / openai-dotnet

The official .NET library for the OpenAI API
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.CompleteChatAsync freezes without any exceptions. non-async version of the method works fine #94

Open yarmoliq opened 2 days ago

yarmoliq commented 2 days ago

Hi. When our application is deployed on aws, the .CompleteChatAsync method stops working. Locally everything works fine. The timeout is configured

    public class OpenAiService
        private readonly string apiKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["openai.apikey"];
        private readonly string model = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["openai.model"];
        private readonly float temperature = Convert.ToSingle(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["openai.temperature"]);
        private readonly int timeout = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["openai.timeout"]);
        private ChatClient client;

        public OpenAiService()
            var options = new OpenAIClientOptions()
                NetworkTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeout),
            client = new ChatClient(model, apiKey, options);

            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol |= SecurityProtocolType.Tls11;
            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol |= SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

        public async Task<string> SendRequestToOpenAiAsync(OpenAI.Chat.ChatMessage[] messages)
                var completion = await client.CompleteChatAsync(messages);

                return completion.Value.Content[0].Text;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.SaveLog($"OPENAI request error occurred:");
                Log.SaveLog(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace + ex.Source);

                return null;

but still no exceptions at all. The application just freezes.

When switched to .CompleteChat, everything starts working when deployed.

2024/06/28 09:21:19   Running start turn for turn 145163
2024/06/28 09:21:21   1
2024/06/28 09:21:26   2
2024/06/28 09:21:26   Finished running start turn for turn 145163
2024/06/28 09:21:27   Successfully sent email ***
after changing CompleteChat to CompleteChatAsync
2024/06/28 09:23:47   Running start turn for turn 145163
2024/06/28 09:23:49   1