openai / procgen

Procgen Benchmark: Procedurally-Generated Game-Like Gym-Environments
MIT License
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Is there a way to remove QT dependency if not needed when build? #77

Closed YukunJ closed 2 years ago

YukunJ commented 2 years ago

Hello: I am currently use Procgen in my project as a third-party dependency. However, I ran into small problem as it requires the QT module to be pre-installed. But I am not using Procgen in the "interactive" way. The following is my current bazel-build file.

    // part of my workspace file
        name = "procgen",
        sha256 = "8d443b7b8fba44ef051b182e9a87abfa4e05292568e476ca1e5f08f9666a1b72",
        strip_prefix = "procgen-0.10.7/procgen/src/",
        urls = [
        build_file = "//third_party/procgen:procgen.BUILD",

package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
    name = "procgen",
    srcs = glob(["*.cpp", "games/*.cpp"]),
    hdrs = glob(["*.h"]),

But it won't compile right now as it couldn't find the QT library. I am wondering: I) is it possible to dynamically link the QT library to the Procgen without pre-install? II) Is there a version of Procgen that does not rely on QT GUI, purely backend? Or where could I possibly just edit the Procgen file to remove those functionality related to QT GUI (is this possible?) Thanks!

YukunJ commented 2 years ago


jordan-schneider commented 2 years ago

How did you resolve this?

YukunJ commented 2 years ago

actually I didn't quite solve the problem I envisioned, i.e. I didn't remove all the lines and functions about the QT library, although I don't need it.

Instead, I just use ( with a few patches to make the import header file consistent and move on.