openai / retro

Retro Games in Gym
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Determinism #114

Open christopherhesse opened 5 years ago

christopherhesse commented 5 years ago

Issue summary

Stella set_state seems to be a little odd:

import retro

for game in sorted(
    if not game.endswith('-Atari2600'):

    env = retro.make(game=game)

    act = env.action_space.sample()

    initial_state = env.em.get_state()
    ram1 = env.get_ram()

    ram2 = env.get_ram()

    if not (ram1 == ram2).all():
        print('failed', game)


This prints:

failed Jamesbond-Atari2600
failed MontezumaRevenge-Atari2600

I would expect this to not fail, but I might be using set_state() incorrectly.

System information

christopherhesse commented 5 years ago

@endrift is this likely to be some bug in retro_serialize/retro_unserialize in libretro-stella? I noticed some stella workarounds in emulator.cpp:

Actually it also fails on AsterixAndTheGreatRescue-Genesis, am I missing something and this is actually not supposed to work?

christopherhesse commented 5 years ago

I think I might be mis-using set_state(), closing for now.

christopherhesse commented 5 years ago

Actually @endrift it looks like this is the only way to restore states in a reasonable way, am I missing something?

christopherhesse commented 5 years ago

I made a more elaborate test script:

Here are the failures, ignoring other known issues:

failed: AddamsFamily-GameBoy (failed ram)
failed: BakuretsuSenshiWarrior-GameBoy (failed ram)
failed: Jamesbond-Atari2600 (failed ram)
failed: MontezumaRevenge-Atari2600 (failed ram)
failed: Pong-Atari2600 (failed ram)
failed: SuperMarioWorld2-Snes (failed ram)
christopherhesse commented 5 years ago

According to endrift, updating stella might fix this.

endrift commented 5 years ago

There's a crash in libretro being tracked by I can try fixing that to see if it also fixes this.

christopherhesse commented 5 years ago

Thanks for pushing that fix, but the ram values are still not what my script predicts they should be, so either my script is broken or else there's some stella non-determinism going on.

christopherhesse commented 5 years ago

I updated the script to compare to the ALE versions:

The results show that ALE passes this test fine, while retro does not:

python --pattern "*pong*"
failed ram
failed: Pong-Atari2600
python --pattern "*montezuma*"
failed ram
failed ram
failed ram
failed: MontezumaRevenge-Atari2600

Looks like elevator action has some known issues with ALE:

There's like two different kinds of state restore used in ALE:

endrift commented 5 years ago

The second one only works due to them messing around with the internals of Stella, which we haven't done. I looked into this at one point.

christopherhesse commented 5 years ago

Ah good to know, so do you think it's likely that all of these are issues with state not being entirely saved by the individual cores?

endrift commented 5 years ago

Could be. Or being loaded properly.

christopherhesse commented 5 years ago

ALE may not be fully deterministic either:

christopherhesse commented 4 years ago

Here's an idea for a deterministic wrapper that may work for non-lua-based scenarios:

christopherhesse commented 4 years ago

Added this to the examples:

It's unclear why Stella is so slow to restore a state, but GameBoy games hanging is a known issue: