openai / universe

Universe: a software platform for measuring and training an AI's general intelligence across the world's supply of games, websites and other applications.
MIT License
7.45k stars 956 forks source link

Agent Crashes after opening selenium window: Unexpected Fault Address #152

Closed nnegrey closed 7 years ago

nnegrey commented 7 years ago

(First, please check for solutions to many common problems)

Expected behavior

Expected demo app to open and run the game

Actual behavior

Get a unexpected fault address issue after window opens

[2017-02-16 10:54:24,381] Making new env: flashgames.DuskDrive-v0
[2017-02-16 10:54:24,400] Writing logs to file: /tmp/universe-65743.log
[2017-02-16 10:54:24,477] Ports used: dict_keys([])
[2017-02-16 10:54:24,478] [0] Creating container: Run the same thing by hand as: docker run -p 5900:5900 -p 15900:15900 --privileged --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --ipc host
[2017-02-16 10:54:25,540] Remote closed: address=localhost:5900
[2017-02-16 10:54:25,541] Remote closed: address=localhost:15900
[2017-02-16 10:54:25,545] At least one sockets was closed by the remote. Sleeping 1s...
universe-cC4jaf-0 | Setting VNC and rewarder password: openai
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [Thu Feb 16 18:54:25 UTC 2017] Waiting for /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 to be created (try 1/10)
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [Thu Feb 16 18:54:25 UTC 2017] [/usr/local/bin/sudoable-env-setup] Disabling outbound network traffic for none
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [init] [2017-02-16 18:54:25,938] Launching, recorder_logdir=/tmp/demo
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [init] [2017-02-16 18:54:25,953] Launching, recorder_logdir=/tmp/demo
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [init] [2017-02-16 18:54:25,959] Launching, recorder_logdir=/tmp/demo
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [init] [2017-02-16 18:54:25,976] PID 51 launched with command ['sudo', '-H', '-u', 'nobody', 'DISPLAY=:0', 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=/dev/null', '/app/universe-envs/controlplane/bin/', '--rewarder-port=15901']
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] 
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Xvnc TigerVNC 1.7.0 - built Sep  8 2016 10:39:22
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Copyright (C) 1999-2016 TigerVNC Team and many others (see README.txt)
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] See for information on TigerVNC.
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Underlying X server release 11400000, The X.Org Foundation
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] 
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension VNC-EXTENSION
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension Generic Event Extension
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension SHAPE
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension XTEST
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension BIG-REQUESTS
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension SYNC
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension XC-MISC
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension XFIXES
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension RENDER
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension RANDR
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension DAMAGE
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension RECORD
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension DPMS
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension X-Resource
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension XVideo
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension GLX
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] 
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Thu Feb 16 18:54:26 2017
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc]  vncext:      VNC extension running!
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc]  vncext:      Listening for VNC connections on all interface(s), port 5900
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc]  vncext:      created VNC server for screen 0
[2017-02-16 10:54:26,546] Remote closed: address=localhost:5900
[2017-02-16 10:54:26,555] Remote closed: address=localhost:15900
[2017-02-16 10:54:26,559] At least one sockets was closed by the remote. Sleeping 1s...
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] [dix] Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1/, removing from list!
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] [dix] Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/, removing from list!
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] [dix] Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/, removing from list!
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc]  Connections: accepted:
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [init] [2017-02-16 18:54:26,743] init detected end of child process 54 with exit code 0, not killed by signal
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [init] [2017-02-16 18:54:26,805] init detected end of child process 16 with exit code 0, not killed by signal
universe-cC4jaf-0 | WebSocket server settings:
universe-cC4jaf-0 |   - Listen on :5898
universe-cC4jaf-0 |   - Flash security policy server
universe-cC4jaf-0 |   - No SSL/TLS support (no cert file)
universe-cC4jaf-0 |   - proxying from :5898 to localhost:5900
[2017-02-16 10:54:27,559] Remote closed: address=localhost:15900
[2017-02-16 10:54:27,561] At least one sockets was closed by the remote. Sleeping 1s...
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/16 18:54:27 [error] 64#64: *1 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: ""
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] 
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Thu Feb 16 18:54:27 2017
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc]  Connections: closed: (Clean disconnection)
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc]  EncodeManager: Framebuffer updates: 0
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc]  EncodeManager:   Total: 0 rects, 0 pixels
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc]  EncodeManager:          0 B (1:-nan ratio)
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [nginx] - openai [16/Feb/2017:18:54:27 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 502 182 "-" "-"
[2017-02-16 10:54:28,561] Using the golang VNC implementation
[2017-02-16 10:54:28,561] Using VNCSession arguments: {'start_timeout': 7, 'encoding': 'tight', 'fine_quality_level': 50, 'subsample_level': 2}. (Customize by running "env.configure(vnc_kwargs={...})"
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/16 18:54:28 [info] 64#64: *1 client closed keepalive connection
[2017-02-16 10:54:28,568] [0] Connecting to environment: vnc://localhost:5900 password=openai. If desired, you can manually connect a VNC viewer, such as TurboVNC. Most environments provide a convenient in-browser VNC client: http://localhost:15900/viewer/?password=openai
2017/02/16 10:54:28 I0216 10:54:28.569254 65743 gymvnc.go:417] [0:localhost:5900] opening connection to VNC server
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] 
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc] Thu Feb 16 18:54:28 2017
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc]  Connections: accepted:
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc]  SConnection: Client needs protocol version 3.8
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc]  SConnection: Client requests security type VncAuth(2)
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc]  VNCSConnST:  Server default pixel format depth 24 (32bpp) little-endian rgb888
2017/02/16 10:54:28 I0216 10:54:28.583279 65743 gymvnc.go:550] [0:localhost:5900] connection established
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc]  VNCSConnST:  Client pixel format depth 24 (32bpp) little-endian bgr888
2017-02-16 10:54:28.692 Python[65743:513364] ApplePersistenceIgnoreState: Existing state will not be touched. New state will be written to /var/folders/0d/3jzn8r_13dx_p2645h90q1rh0000gn/T/org.python.python.savedState
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [reward_recorder] [2017-02-16 18:54:28,371] Listening on
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [vnc_recorder] [2017-02-16 18:54:28,432] Listening on
[2017-02-16 10:54:29,133] [0:localhost:5900] Waiting on rewarder: failed to complete WebSocket handshake. Retry in 1s (slept 0s/7s): connection was closed uncleanly (WebSocket connection upgrade failed (502 - BadGateway))
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/16 18:54:28 [error] 64#64: *3 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "localhost:15900"
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [nginx] - openai [16/Feb/2017:18:54:28 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 502 182 "-" "AutobahnPython/0.17.1"
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/16 18:54:28 [info] 64#64: *3 client closed keepalive connection
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [2017-02-16 18:54:28,835] [INFO:root] Starting with the following: command=['/app/universe-envs/controlplane/bin/', '--rewarder-port=15901'] args=Namespace(bot_demonstration=False, demonstration=False, env_id=None, idle_timeout=None, integrator_mode=False, no_env=False, no_rewarder=False, no_scorer=False, no_vexpect=False, remotes='vnc://', rewarder_fps=60, rewarder_port=15901, verbosity=0) env=environ({'SUDO_COMMAND': '/app/universe-envs/controlplane/bin/ --rewarder-port=15901', 'DISPLAY': ':0', 'SUDO_UID': '0', 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS': '/dev/null', 'USER': 'nobody', 'SUDO_USER': 'root', 'SHELL': '/usr/sbin/nologin', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'MAIL': '/var/mail/nobody', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin', 'LOGNAME': 'nobody', 'HOSTNAME': '71c3cbcf5cbf', 'USERNAME': 'nobody', 'SUDO_GID': '0', 'HOME': '/nonexistent'})
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [2017-02-16 18:54:28,836] [INFO:root] [EnvStatus] Changing env_state: None (env_id=None) -> None (env_id=None) (episode_id: 0->0, fps=60)
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [2017-02-16 18:54:28,837] [INFO:universe.rewarder.remote] Starting Rewarder on port=15901
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [2017-02-16 18:54:28,842] [INFO:universe.extra.universe.wrappers.logger] Running VNC environments with Logger set to print_frequency=5. To change this, pass "print_frequency=k" or "print_frequency=None" to "env.configure".
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [2017-02-16 18:54:28,844] [INFO:universe.remotes.hardcoded_addresses] No rewarder addresses were provided, so this env cannot connect to the remote's rewarder channel, and cannot send control messages (e.g. reset)
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [2017-02-16 18:54:28,845] [INFO:universe.envs.vnc_env] Using the golang VNC implementation
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [2017-02-16 18:54:28,846] [INFO:universe.envs.vnc_env] Using VNCSession arguments: {'fine_quality_level': 50, 'compress_level': 9, 'encoding': 'zrle', 'subsample_level': 2, 'start_timeout': 7}. (Customize by running "env.configure(vnc_kwargs={...})"
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [2017-02-16 18:54:28,848] [INFO:universe.envs.vnc_env] Printed stats will ignore clock skew. (This usually makes sense only when the environment and agent are on the same machine.)
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [2017-02-16 18:54:28,857] [INFO:universe.envs.vnc_env] [0] Connecting to environment: vnc:// password=openai. If desired, you can manually connect a VNC viewer, such as TurboVNC. Most environments provide a convenient in-browser VNC client: http://None/viewer/?password=openai
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [2017-02-16 18:54:28,857] [INFO:universe.extra.universe.envs.vnc_env] [0] Connecting to environment details: vnc_address= vnc_password=openai rewarder_address=None rewarder_password=openai
universe-cC4jaf-0 | 2017/02/16 18:54:28 I0216 18:54:28.858398 53 gymvnc.go:417] [0:] opening connection to VNC server
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc]  Connections: accepted:
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc]  SConnection: Client needs protocol version 3.8
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc]  SConnection: Client requests security type VncAuth(2)
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc]  VNCSConnST:  Server default pixel format depth 24 (32bpp) little-endian rgb888
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [tigervnc]  VNCSConnST:  Client pixel format depth 24 (32bpp) little-endian bgr888
universe-cC4jaf-0 | 2017/02/16 18:54:28 I0216 18:54:28.863989 53 gymvnc.go:550] [0:] connection established
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [2017-02-16 18:54:28,867] [INFO:root] [EnvStatus] Changing env_state: None (env_id=None) -> resetting (env_id=None) (episode_id: 0->1, fps=60)
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [2017-02-16 18:54:28,868] [INFO:root] [MainThread] Env state: env_id=None episode_id=1
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [Thu Feb 16 18:54:28 UTC 2017] [/usr/local/bin/sudoable-env-setup] Disabling outbound network traffic for none
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [2017-02-16 18:54:28,909] [INFO:gym_flashgames.launcher] [MainThread] Launching new Chrome process (attempt 0/10)
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [2017-02-16 18:54:28,909] [INFO:root] Replacing selenium_wrapper_server since we currently do it at every episode boundary
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [2017-02-16 18:54:29,146] [selenium_wrapper_server] Calling webdriver.Chrome()
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [2017-02-16 18:54:29,719] [INFO:universe.rewarder.remote] Client connecting: peer=tcp4: observer=False
universe-cC4jaf-0 | [2017-02-16 18:54:29,720] [INFO:universe.rewarder.remote] WebSocket connection established
unexpected fault address 0x363b9b828519
fatal error: fault
[signal 0xb code=0x1 addr=0x363b9b828519 pc=0x363b9b828519]

goroutine 17 [running, locked to thread]:
runtime.throw(0x103698e98, 0x5)
    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.1/libexec/src/runtime/panic.go:527 +0x90 fp=0xc82080fb50 sp=0xc82080fb38
    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.1/libexec/src/runtime/sigpanic_unix.go:27 +0x2ba fp=0xc82080fba0 sp=0xc82080fb50
runtime.cgocall(0x10331e860, 0xc82080fc00, 0x3ff0000000000000)
    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.1/libexec/src/runtime/cgocall.go:124 +0x150 fp=0xc82080fbd0 sp=0xc82080fba0
    ??:0 +0x31 fp=0xc82080fc00 sp=0xc82080fbd0*Window).SwapBuffers(0xc8200b6000)
    /private/var/folders/0d/3jzn8r_13dx_p2645h90q1rh0000gn/T/pip-build-2fh7pti2/go-vncdriver/.build/src/ +0x24 fp=0xc82080fc10 sp=0xc82080fc00*VNCGL).Render(0xc820568200)
    /private/var/folders/0d/3jzn8r_13dx_p2645h90q1rh0000gn/T/pip-build-2fh7pti2/go-vncdriver/.build/src/ +0xef fp=0xc82080fcb0 sp=0xc82080fc10*VNCSession).Render(0xc820084140, 0xc820014c00, 0x0, 0x0)
    /private/var/folders/0d/3jzn8r_13dx_p2645h90q1rh0000gn/T/pip-build-2fh7pti2/go-vncdriver/.build/src/ +0x513 fp=0xc82080fd60 sp=0xc82080fcb0*VNCBatch).Render(0xc82002c098, 0xc820e38b40, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    /private/var/folders/0d/3jzn8r_13dx_p2645h90q1rh0000gn/T/pip-build-2fh7pti2/go-vncdriver/.build/src/ +0x9c fp=0xc82080fdf8 sp=0xc82080fd60
main.GoVNCDriver_VNCSession_render(0x100f61900, 0x104e25978, 0x0, 0x0)
    /private/var/folders/0d/3jzn8r_13dx_p2645h90q1rh0000gn/T/pip-build-2fh7pti2/go-vncdriver/.build/src/ +0x248 fp=0xc82080fe90 sp=0xc82080fdf8
runtime.call32(0x0, 0x7fff5ef8da18, 0x7fff5ef8daa8, 0x20)
    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.1/libexec/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:437 +0x3e fp=0xc82080feb8 sp=0xc82080fe90
    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.1/libexec/src/runtime/cgocall.go:252 +0x10c fp=0xc82080fef0 sp=0xc82080feb8
    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.1/libexec/src/runtime/cgocall.go:177 +0xd7 fp=0xc82080ff50 sp=0xc82080fef0
runtime.cgocallback_gofunc(0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.1/libexec/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:801 +0x60 fp=0xc82080ff60 sp=0xc82080ff50
    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.1/libexec/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1696 +0x1 fp=0xc82080ff68 sp=0xc82080ff60

goroutine 5 [select]:*VNCSession).connect(0xc820084140, 0xc82001a3c0, 0x0, 0x0)
    /private/var/folders/0d/3jzn8r_13dx_p2645h90q1rh0000gn/T/pip-build-2fh7pti2/go-vncdriver/.build/src/ +0x1d27*VNCSession).start.func1(0xc820084140, 0xc82001a3c0)
    /private/var/folders/0d/3jzn8r_13dx_p2645h90q1rh0000gn/T/pip-build-2fh7pti2/go-vncdriver/.build/src/ +0x2b
created by*VNCSession).start
    /private/var/folders/0d/3jzn8r_13dx_p2645h90q1rh0000gn/T/pip-build-2fh7pti2/go-vncdriver/.build/src/ +0x88

goroutine 18 [syscall, locked to thread]:
    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.1/libexec/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1696 +0x1

goroutine 6 [chan receive]:*VNCSession).start.func2(0xc820084140)
    /private/var/folders/0d/3jzn8r_13dx_p2645h90q1rh0000gn/T/pip-build-2fh7pti2/go-vncdriver/.build/src/ +0x4f
created by*VNCSession).start
    /private/var/folders/0d/3jzn8r_13dx_p2645h90q1rh0000gn/T/pip-build-2fh7pti2/go-vncdriver/.build/src/ +0xaa

goroutine 19 [IO wait]:
net.runtime_pollWait(0x104dc10b8, 0x72, 0xc82000e2a0)
    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.1/libexec/src/runtime/netpoll.go:157 +0x60
net.(*pollDesc).Wait(0xc8200ba140, 0x72, 0x0, 0x0)
    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.1/libexec/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:73 +0x3a
net.(*pollDesc).WaitRead(0xc8200ba140, 0x0, 0x0)
    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.1/libexec/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:78 +0x36
net.(*netFD).Read(0xc8200ba0e0, 0xc8200b4770, 0x1, 0x8, 0x0, 0x1040f70c8, 0xc82000e2a0)
    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.1/libexec/src/net/fd_unix.go:232 +0x23a
net.(*conn).Read(0xc8200c8008, 0xc8200b4770, 0x1, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.1/libexec/src/net/net.go:172 +0xe4
io.ReadAtLeast(0x104dc11a8, 0xc8200c8008, 0xc8200b4770, 0x1, 0x8, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.1/libexec/src/io/io.go:298 +0xe6
io.ReadFull(0x104dc11a8, 0xc8200c8008, 0xc8200b4770, 0x1, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.1/libexec/src/io/io.go:316 +0x62
encoding/binary.Read(0x104dc11a8, 0xc8200c8008, 0x104dc1270, 0x103a17cc0, 0x10357c5c0, 0xc8200b4760, 0x0, 0x0)
    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.1/libexec/src/encoding/binary/binary.go:148 +0x136*ClientConn).mainLoop(0xc8200cc000)
    /private/var/folders/0d/3jzn8r_13dx_p2645h90q1rh0000gn/T/pip-build-2fh7pti2/go-vncdriver/.build/src/ +0x641
created by
    /private/var/folders/0d/3jzn8r_13dx_p2645h90q1rh0000gn/T/pip-build-2fh7pti2/go-vncdriver/.build/src/ +0x18a

goroutine 20 [select]:*VNCSession).connect.func2(0xc8200c6060, 0xc820084140)
    /private/var/folders/0d/3jzn8r_13dx_p2645h90q1rh0000gn/T/pip-build-2fh7pti2/go-vncdriver/.build/src/ +0x285
created by*VNCSession).connect
    /private/var/folders/0d/3jzn8r_13dx_p2645h90q1rh0000gn/T/pip-build-2fh7pti2/go-vncdriver/.build/src/ +0xac0

goroutine 51 [select]:*VNCSession).maintainFrameBuffer(0xc820084140, 0xc82001a3c0, 0x0, 0x0)
    /private/var/folders/0d/3jzn8r_13dx_p2645h90q1rh0000gn/T/pip-build-2fh7pti2/go-vncdriver/.build/src/ +0x75a*VNCSession).connect.func3(0xc820084140, 0xc82001a3c0)
    /private/var/folders/0d/3jzn8r_13dx_p2645h90q1rh0000gn/T/pip-build-2fh7pti2/go-vncdriver/.build/src/ +0x2b
created by*VNCSession).connect
    /private/var/folders/0d/3jzn8r_13dx_p2645h90q1rh0000gn/T/pip-build-2fh7pti2/go-vncdriver/.build/src/ +0x1733


Please include the result of running

$ uname -a ; python --version; pip show universe gym tensorflow numpy go-vncdriver Pillow

Darwin 16.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 16.4.0: Thu Dec 22 22:53:21 PST 2016; root:xnu-3789.41.3~3/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
Python 2.7.10
Name: universe
Version: 0.21.2
Summary: Universe: a software platform for measuring and training an AI's general intelligence across the world's supply of games, websites and other applications.
Author: OpenAI
License: UNKNOWN
Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Requires: autobahn, docker-py, docker-pycreds, fastzbarlight, go-vncdriver, gym, Pillow, PyYAML, six, twisted, ujson
Name: gym
Version: 0.7.3
Summary: The OpenAI Gym: A toolkit for developing and comparing your reinforcement learning agents.
Author: OpenAI
License: UNKNOWN
Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Requires: requests, six, numpy, pyglet
Name: numpy
Version: 1.11.0
Summary: NumPy: array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects.
Author: NumPy Developers
License: BSD
Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Name: go-vncdriver
Version: 0.4.19
Summary: UNKNOWN
Home-page: UNKNOWN
Author-email: UNKNOWN
License: UNKNOWN
Location: /Users/noahnegrey/Projects/go-vncdriver
Requires: numpy
Name: Pillow
Version: 3.4.2
Summary: Python Imaging Library (Fork)
Author: Alex Clark (Fork Author)
License: Standard PIL License
Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
tlbtlbtlb commented 7 years ago

Probably the same as Most likely cause is OpenGL drivers incompatible with go-glfw. Can you run glxgears and glxinfo in the same context as the universe container? Is it loading binary OpenGL drivers? (set export LIBGL_DEBUG=1 before running universe to find out).

nnegrey commented 7 years ago

Running the glxgears works fine. I've updated my go version to 1.8 and running Python 3.6.0

glxinfo output:

name of display: /private/tmp/
display: /private/tmp/  screen: 0
direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.4
server glx extensions:
    GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_EXT_import_context, GLX_EXT_visual_info, 
    GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_OML_swap_method, GLX_SGIS_multisample, 
client glx vendor string: Mesa Project and SGI
client glx version string: 1.4
client glx extensions:
    GLX_ARB_create_context, GLX_ARB_create_context_profile, 
    GLX_ARB_create_context_robustness, GLX_ARB_fbconfig_float, 
    GLX_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB, GLX_ARB_get_proc_address, GLX_ARB_multisample, 
    GLX_EXT_buffer_age, GLX_EXT_create_context_es2_profile, 
    GLX_EXT_create_context_es_profile, GLX_EXT_fbconfig_packed_float, 
    GLX_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB, GLX_EXT_import_context, 
    GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap, GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, 
    GLX_INTEL_swap_event, GLX_MESA_copy_sub_buffer, 
    GLX_MESA_multithread_makecurrent, GLX_MESA_query_renderer, 
    GLX_MESA_swap_control, GLX_OML_swap_method, GLX_OML_sync_control, 
    GLX_SGIS_multisample, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig, GLX_SGIX_pbuffer, 
    GLX_SGIX_visual_select_group, GLX_SGI_make_current_read, 
    GLX_SGI_swap_control, GLX_SGI_video_sync
GLX version: 1.4
GLX extensions:
    GLX_ARB_get_proc_address, GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_EXT_import_context, 
    GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, 
    GLX_MESA_multithread_makecurrent, GLX_OML_swap_method, 
    GLX_SGIS_multisample, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig
OpenGL vendor string: Intel Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: Intel HD Graphics 4000 OpenGL Engine
OpenGL version string: 2.1 INTEL-10.22.29
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20
OpenGL extensions:
    GL_APPLE_aux_depth_stencil, GL_APPLE_client_storage, 
    GL_APPLE_element_array, GL_APPLE_fence, GL_APPLE_float_pixels, 
    GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range, GL_APPLE_flush_render, 
    GL_APPLE_object_purgeable, GL_APPLE_packed_pixels, GL_APPLE_pixel_buffer, 
    GL_APPLE_rgb_422, GL_APPLE_row_bytes, GL_APPLE_specular_vector, 
    GL_APPLE_texture_range, GL_APPLE_transform_hint, 
    GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object, GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range, 
    GL_APPLE_vertex_point_size, GL_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators, 
    GL_APPLE_ycbcr_422, GL_ARB_color_buffer_float, GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float, 
    GL_ARB_depth_clamp, GL_ARB_depth_texture, GL_ARB_draw_buffers, 
    GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex, GL_ARB_draw_instanced, 
    GL_ARB_fragment_program, GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow, 
    GL_ARB_fragment_shader, GL_ARB_framebuffer_object, 
    GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB, GL_ARB_half_float_pixel, 
    GL_ARB_half_float_vertex, GL_ARB_instanced_arrays, GL_ARB_multisample, 
    GL_ARB_multitexture, GL_ARB_occlusion_query, GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object, 
    GL_ARB_point_parameters, GL_ARB_point_sprite, GL_ARB_provoking_vertex, 
    GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map, GL_ARB_shader_objects, 
    GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod, GL_ARB_shading_language_100, GL_ARB_shadow, 
    GL_ARB_sync, GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp, GL_ARB_texture_compression, 
    GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc, GL_ARB_texture_cube_map, 
    GL_ARB_texture_env_add, GL_ARB_texture_env_combine, 
    GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar, GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3, 
    GL_ARB_texture_float, GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat, 
    GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two, GL_ARB_texture_rectangle, 
    GL_ARB_texture_rg, GL_ARB_transpose_matrix, GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra, 
    GL_ARB_vertex_blend, GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object, GL_ARB_vertex_program, 
    GL_ARB_vertex_shader, GL_ARB_window_pos, GL_ATI_separate_stencil, 
    GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3, GL_ATI_texture_float, 
    GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once, GL_EXT_abgr, GL_EXT_bgra, GL_EXT_blend_color, 
    GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate, GL_EXT_blend_func_separate, 
    GL_EXT_blend_minmax, GL_EXT_blend_subtract, GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint, 
    GL_EXT_debug_label, GL_EXT_debug_marker, GL_EXT_draw_buffers2, 
    GL_EXT_draw_range_elements, GL_EXT_fog_coord, GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit, 
    GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample, GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled, 
    GL_EXT_framebuffer_object, GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB, 
    GL_EXT_geometry_shader4, GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters, 
    GL_EXT_gpu_shader4, GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays, GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil, 
    GL_EXT_packed_float, GL_EXT_provoking_vertex, GL_EXT_rescale_normal, 
    GL_EXT_secondary_color, GL_EXT_separate_specular_color, 
    GL_EXT_shadow_funcs, GL_EXT_stencil_two_side, GL_EXT_stencil_wrap, 
    GL_EXT_texture_array, GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1, 
    GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc, GL_EXT_texture_env_add, 
    GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, GL_EXT_texture_integer, 
    GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias, GL_EXT_texture_rectangle, GL_EXT_texture_sRGB, 
    GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode, GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent, 
    GL_EXT_timer_query, GL_EXT_transform_feedback, GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra, 
    GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip, GL_NV_blend_square, GL_NV_conditional_render, 
    GL_NV_depth_clamp, GL_NV_fog_distance, GL_NV_light_max_exponent, 
    GL_NV_texgen_reflection, GL_NV_texture_barrier, GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap, 
    GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp, GL_SGIS_texture_lod

80 GLX Visuals
    visual  x   bf lv rg d st  colorbuffer  sr ax dp st accumbuffer  ms  cav
  id dep cl sp  sz l  ci b ro  r  g  b  a F gb bf th cl  r  g  b  a ns b eat
0x022 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 16  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0c1 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x0c2 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x0c3 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 32  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x0c4 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 32  0  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x0c5 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x0c6 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x0c7 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 32  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x0c8 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 32  8  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x0c9 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x0ca 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x0cb 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 32  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x0cc 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 32  0  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x0cd 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x0ce 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x0cf 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 32  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x0d0 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 32  8  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x0d1 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x0d2 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4  0  0  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x0d3 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4 32  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x0d4 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4 32  0  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x0d5 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x0d6 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4  0  8  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x0d7 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4 32  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x0d8 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4 32  8  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x0d9 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x0da 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4  0  0  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x0db 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4 32  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x0dc 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4 32  0  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x0dd 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x0de 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4  0  8  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x0df 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4 32  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x0e0 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4 32  8  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x0e1 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0e2 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0e3 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 16  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0e4 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 16  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0e5 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 24  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0e6 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 24  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0e7 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0e8 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0e9 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 16  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0ea 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 16  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0eb 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 24  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0ec 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 24  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0ed 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0ee 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0ef 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 16  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0f0 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 16  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0f1 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 24  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0f2 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 24  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0f3 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0f4 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0f5 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 16  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0f6 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 24  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0f7 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 24  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0f8 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0f9 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0fa 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 16  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0fb 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 16  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0fc 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 24  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0fd 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 24  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0fe 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0ff 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2  0  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x100 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 16  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x101 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 16  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x102 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 24  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x103 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 24  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x104 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x105 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x106 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 16  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x107 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 16  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x108 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 24  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x109 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 24  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x10a 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x10b 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2  0  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x10c 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 16  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x10d 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 16  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x10e 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 24  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x10f 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 24  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None

128 GLXFBConfigs:
    visual  x   bf lv rg d st  colorbuffer  sr ax dp st accumbuffer  ms  cav
  id dep cl sp  sz l  ci b ro  r  g  b  a F gb bf th cl  r  g  b  a ns b eat
0x041 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x042 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x043 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 32  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x044 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 32  0  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x045 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x046 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x047 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 32  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x048 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 32  8  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x049 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x04a 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x04b 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 32  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x04c 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 32  0  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x04d 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x04e 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x04f 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 32  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x050 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 32  8  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x051 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x052 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4  0  0  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x053 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4 32  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x054 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4 32  0  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x055 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x056 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4  0  8  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x057 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4 32  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x058 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4 32  8  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x059 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x05a 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4  0  0  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x05b 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4 32  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x05c 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4 32  0  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x05d 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x05e 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4  0  8  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x05f 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4 32  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 Slow
0x060 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  4 32  8  0  0  0  0 16 1 Slow
0x061  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x062  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x063  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0 16  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x064  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0 16  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x065  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0 24  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x066  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0 24  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x067 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x068 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x069 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 16  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x06a 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 16  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x06b 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 24  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x06c 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 24  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x06d  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x06e  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x06f  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0 16  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x070  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0 16  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x071  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0 24  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x072  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0 24  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x073 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x074 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x075 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 16  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x076 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 16  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x077 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 24  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x078 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 24  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x079  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x07a  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x07b  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0 16  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x07c  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0 16  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x07d  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0 24  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x07e  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0 24  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x07f 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x080 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x081 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 16  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x082 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 16  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x083 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 24  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x084 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 24  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x085  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x086  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x087  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0 16  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x088  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0 16  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x089  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0 24  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x08a  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  0 24  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x08b 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x08c 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0  0  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x08d 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 16  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x08e 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 16  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x08f 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 24  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x090 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  0 24  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x091  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x092  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x093  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2 16  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x094  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2 16  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x095  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2 24  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x096  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2 24  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x097 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x098 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x099 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 16  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x09a 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 16  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x09b 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 24  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x09c 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 24  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x09d  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x09e  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2  0  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x09f  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2 16  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0a0  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2 16  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0a1  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2 24  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0a2  0 tc  1  16  0 r  . .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2 24  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0a3 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0a4 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2  0  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0a5 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 16  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0a6 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 16  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0a7 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 24  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0a8 24 tc  1  32  0 r  . .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 24  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0a9  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0aa  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0ab  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2 16  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0ac  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2 16  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0ad  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2 24  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0ae  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2 24  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0af 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0b0 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0b1 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 16  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0b2 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 16  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0b3 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 24  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0b4 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 24  0  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0b5  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0b6  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2  0  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0b7  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2 16  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0b8  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2 16  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0b9  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2 24  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0ba  0 tc  1  16  0 r  y .   5  5  5  1 .  .  2 24  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0bb 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2  0  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0bc 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2  0  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0bd 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 16  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0be 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 16  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
0x0bf 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 24  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x0c0 24 tc  1  32  0 r  y .   8  8  8  8 .  .  2 24  8  0  0  0  0  8 1 None
nnegrey commented 7 years ago

Updated versions via python3

$ uname -a ; python3 --version; pip3 show universe gym tensorflow numpy go-vncdriver Pillow

Darwin 16.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 16.4.0: Thu Dec 22 22:53:21 PST 2016; root:xnu-3789.41.3~3/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
Python 3.6.0
Name: universe
Version: 0.21.2
Summary: Universe: a software platform for measuring and training an AI's general intelligence across the world's supply of games, websites and other applications.
Author: OpenAI
License: UNKNOWN
Location: /Users/noahnegrey/Projects/universe
Requires: autobahn, docker-py, docker-pycreds, fastzbarlight, go-vncdriver, gym, Pillow, PyYAML, six, twisted, ujson
Name: gym
Version: 0.7.3
Summary: The OpenAI Gym: A toolkit for developing and comparing your reinforcement learning agents.
Author: OpenAI
License: UNKNOWN
Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages
Requires: requests, pyglet, numpy, six
Name: numpy
Version: 1.12.0
Summary: NumPy: array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects.
Author: NumPy Developers
License: BSD
Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages
Name: go-vncdriver
Version: 0.4.19
Summary: UNKNOWN
Home-page: UNKNOWN
Author-email: UNKNOWN
License: UNKNOWN
Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages
Requires: numpy
Name: Pillow
Version: 4.0.0
Summary: Python Imaging Library (Fork)
Author: Alex Clark (Fork Author)
License: Standard PIL License
Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages
Requires: olefile
tlbtlbtlb commented 7 years ago

Your OpenGL drivers look good. This crash never seems to happen on OSX El Capitan. (Report is from OSX Sierra). I'm not sure what's different, or if this happens for every Sierra user or just some.

I now suspect the problem is that go-vncdriver/vncgl doesn't correctly enforce that GL calls are only made from one thread. See and It does call LockOSThread, but I'm not sure that every call is made from the same go thread. In particular, not SetupRendering.

This will need some investigation.

nnegrey commented 7 years ago

Modifying go-vncdriver/vncgl and adding runtime.LockOSThread() to INIT then rebuilding got it to work. Thanks!

tlbtlbtlb commented 7 years ago

It is called in the init function -- do you mean you added it to Init?