openai / universe

Universe: a software platform for measuring and training an AI's general intelligence across the world's supply of games, websites and other applications.
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"Run Your First Agent" : DuskDrive never starts #155

Closed katk0smos closed 6 years ago

katk0smos commented 7 years ago

(First, please check for solutions to many common problems)

Expected behavior

I'm running the "Run your first agent" example on the It starts succesfully, which is clear since the agent is outputting the actions at the bottom of the screen, but the mouse never actually clicks the start button. In essence, it never even makes it to the main menu. This could be a duplicate, but I've searched all of the issues (Closed and open), and nothing came up. I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. The system is up to date. Computer specs can be provided as needed. (If you don't want to wait, search up the specs of the "Gateway NV52L15u". I've added 4GBs of SODIMM RAM, making the total 8GBs.) I'm fairly new to Linux, but I know basic terminal usage, and I know what to look for in logs in the case of a crash. This is different.

Actual behavior

[2017-02-23 20:22:17,829] Making new env: flashgames.DuskDrive-v0
[2017-02-23 20:22:17,839] Writing logs to file: /tmp/universe-4706.log
[2017-02-23 20:22:17,866] Ports used: []
[2017-02-23 20:22:17,867] [0] Creating container: Run the same thing by hand as: docker run -p 5900:5900 -p 15900:15900 --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --ipc host --privileged
[2017-02-23 20:22:18,986] Remote closed: address=localhost:15900
[2017-02-23 20:22:18,991] Remote closed: address=localhost:5900
[2017-02-23 20:22:18,992] At least one sockets was closed by the remote. Sleeping 1s...
universe-j3KA07-0 | Setting VNC and rewarder password: openai
universe-j3KA07-0 | [Fri Feb 24 02:22:19 UTC 2017] Waiting for /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 to be created (try 1/10)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] 
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Xvnc TigerVNC 1.7.0 - built Sep  8 2016 10:39:22
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Copyright (C) 1999-2016 TigerVNC Team and many others (see README.txt)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] See for information on TigerVNC.
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Underlying X server release 11400000, The X.Org Foundation
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] 
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension VNC-EXTENSION
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension Generic Event Extension
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension SHAPE
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension XTEST
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension BIG-REQUESTS
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension SYNC
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension XC-MISC
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension XFIXES
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension RENDER
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension RANDR
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension DAMAGE
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension RECORD
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension DPMS
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension X-Resource
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension XVideo
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Initializing built-in extension GLX
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] 
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Fri Feb 24 02:22:19 2017
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  vncext:      VNC extension running!
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  vncext:      Listening for VNC connections on all interface(s), port 5900
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  vncext:      created VNC server for screen 0
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] [dix] Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1/, removing from list!
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] [dix] Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/, removing from list!
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] [dix] Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/, removing from list!
universe-j3KA07-0 | [Fri Feb 24 02:22:19 UTC 2017] [/usr/local/bin/sudoable-env-setup] Disabling outbound network traffic for none
universe-j3KA07-0 | [init] [2017-02-24 02:22:19,151] Launching, recorder_logdir=/tmp/demo
universe-j3KA07-0 | [init] [2017-02-24 02:22:19,155] Launching, recorder_logdir=/tmp/demo
universe-j3KA07-0 | [init] [2017-02-24 02:22:19,159] Launching, recorder_logdir=/tmp/demo
universe-j3KA07-0 | [init] [2017-02-24 02:22:19,190] PID 55 launched with command ['sudo', '-H', '-u', 'nobody', 'DISPLAY=:0', 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=/dev/null', '/app/universe-envs/controlplane/bin/', '--rewarder-port=15901']
universe-j3KA07-0 | [init] [2017-02-24 02:22:19,247] init detected end of child process 58 with exit code 0, not killed by signal
universe-j3KA07-0 | WebSocket server settings:
universe-j3KA07-0 |   - Listen on :5898
universe-j3KA07-0 |   - Flash security policy server
universe-j3KA07-0 |   - No SSL/TLS support (no cert file)
universe-j3KA07-0 |   - proxying from :5898 to localhost:5900
[2017-02-23 20:22:19,993] Remote closed: address=localhost:5900
[2017-02-23 20:22:19,994] Remote closed: address=localhost:15900
[2017-02-23 20:22:19,996] At least one sockets was closed by the remote. Sleeping 1s...
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  Connections: accepted:
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:19 [error] 64#64: *1 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: ""
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] - openai [24/Feb/2017:02:22:19 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 502 182 "-" "-"
universe-j3KA07-0 | [init] [2017-02-24 02:22:20,070] init detected end of child process 17 with exit code 0, not killed by signal
universe-j3KA07-0 | [reward_recorder] [2017-02-24 02:22:20,541] Listening on
universe-j3KA07-0 | [vnc_recorder] [2017-02-24 02:22:20,639] Listening on
[2017-02-23 20:22:20,998] Using the golang VNC implementation
[2017-02-23 20:22:20,998] Using VNCSession arguments: {'subsample_level': 2, 'start_timeout': 7, 'fine_quality_level': 50, 'encoding': 'tight'}. (Customize by running "env.configure(vnc_kwargs={...})"
[2017-02-23 20:22:21,006] [0] Connecting to environment: vnc://localhost:5900 password=openai. If desired, you can manually connect a VNC viewer, such as TurboVNC. Most environments provide a convenient in-browser VNC client: http://localhost:15900/viewer/?password=openai
2017/02/23 20:22:21 I0223 20:22:21.006948 4706 gymvnc.go:417] [0:localhost:5900] opening connection to VNC server
2017/02/23 20:22:21 I0223 20:22:21.015673 4706 gymvnc.go:550] [0:localhost:5900] connection established
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] 
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Fri Feb 24 02:22:20 2017
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:20 [info] 64#64: *1 client closed keepalive connection
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  Connections: closed: (Clean disconnection)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  EncodeManager: Framebuffer updates: 0
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  EncodeManager:   Total: 0 rects, 0 pixels
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  EncodeManager:          0 B (1:-nan ratio)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] 
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Fri Feb 24 02:22:21 2017
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  Connections: accepted:
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  SConnection: Client needs protocol version 3.8
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  SConnection: Client requests security type VncAuth(2)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  VNCSConnST:  Server default pixel format depth 24 (32bpp) little-endian rgb888
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  VNCSConnST:  Client pixel format depth 24 (32bpp) little-endian bgr888
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:21,113] [INFO:root] Starting with the following: command=['/app/universe-envs/controlplane/bin/', '--rewarder-port=15901'] args=Namespace(bot_demonstration=False, demonstration=False, env_id=None, idle_timeout=None, integrator_mode=False, no_env=False, no_rewarder=False, no_scorer=False, no_vexpect=False, remotes='vnc://', rewarder_fps=60, rewarder_port=15901, verbosity=0) env=environ({'SUDO_COMMAND': '/app/universe-envs/controlplane/bin/ --rewarder-port=15901', 'LOGNAME': 'nobody', 'MAIL': '/var/mail/nobody', 'HOSTNAME': '3d2ae9da74e1', 'SUDO_UID': '0', 'USERNAME': 'nobody', 'HOME': '/nonexistent', 'USER': 'nobody', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin', 'SUDO_GID': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'SUDO_USER': 'root', 'DISPLAY': ':0', 'SHELL': '/usr/sbin/nologin', 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS': '/dev/null'})
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:21,114] [INFO:root] [EnvStatus] Changing env_state: None (env_id=None) -> None (env_id=None) (episode_id: 0->0, fps=60)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:21,114] [INFO:universe.rewarder.remote] Starting Rewarder on port=15901
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:21,120] [INFO:universe.extra.universe.wrappers.logger] Running VNC environments with Logger set to print_frequency=5. To change this, pass "print_frequency=k" or "print_frequency=None" to "env.configure".
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:21,124] [INFO:universe.remotes.hardcoded_addresses] No rewarder addresses were provided, so this env cannot connect to the remote's rewarder channel, and cannot send control messages (e.g. reset)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:21,124] [INFO:universe.envs.vnc_env] Using the golang VNC implementation
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:21,124] [INFO:universe.envs.vnc_env] Using VNCSession arguments: {'compress_level': 9, 'encoding': 'zrle', 'subsample_level': 2, 'fine_quality_level': 50, 'start_timeout': 7}. (Customize by running "env.configure(vnc_kwargs={...})"
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:21,125] [INFO:universe.envs.vnc_env] Printed stats will ignore clock skew. (This usually makes sense only when the environment and agent are on the same machine.)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:21,131] [INFO:universe.envs.vnc_env] [0] Connecting to environment: vnc:// password=openai. If desired, you can manually connect a VNC viewer, such as TurboVNC. Most environments provide a convenient in-browser VNC client: http://None/viewer/?password=openai
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:21,131] [INFO:universe.extra.universe.envs.vnc_env] [0] Connecting to environment details: vnc_address= vnc_password=openai rewarder_address=None rewarder_password=openai
universe-j3KA07-0 | 2017/02/24 02:22:21 I0224 02:22:21.132128 60 gymvnc.go:417] [0:] opening connection to VNC server
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:21,132] [INFO:root] [EnvStatus] Changing env_state: None (env_id=None) -> resetting (env_id=None) (episode_id: 0->1, fps=60)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:21,132] [INFO:root] [MainThread] Env state: env_id=None episode_id=1
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  Connections: accepted:
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  SConnection: Client needs protocol version 3.8
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  SConnection: Client requests security type VncAuth(2)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  VNCSConnST:  Server default pixel format depth 24 (32bpp) little-endian rgb888
universe-j3KA07-0 | 2017/02/24 02:22:21 I0224 02:22:21.139821 60 gymvnc.go:550] [0:] connection established
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  VNCSConnST:  Client pixel format depth 24 (32bpp) little-endian bgr888
universe-j3KA07-0 | [Fri Feb 24 02:22:21 UTC 2017] [/usr/local/bin/sudoable-env-setup] Disabling outbound network traffic for none
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:21,187] [INFO:gym_flashgames.launcher] [MainThread] Launching new Chrome process (attempt 0/10)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:21,187] [INFO:root] Replacing selenium_wrapper_server since we currently do it at every episode boundary
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:21,446] [selenium_wrapper_server] Calling webdriver.Chrome()
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:21,594] [INFO:universe.rewarder.remote] Client connecting: peer=tcp4: observer=False
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:21,595] [INFO:universe.rewarder.remote] WebSocket connection established
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:21 [info] 64#64: *5 client closed connection while waiting for request, client:, server:
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:21 [info] 64#64: *6 client closed connection while waiting for request, client:, server:
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:21 [info] 64#64: *7 client closed connection while waiting for request, client:, server:
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:21 [info] 64#64: *8 client closed connection while waiting for request, client:, server:
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:21 [info] 64#64: *9 client closed connection while waiting for request, client:, server:
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:21 [info] 64#64: *10 client closed connection while waiting for request, client:, server:
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:21 [info] 64#64: *11 client closed connection while waiting for request, client:, server:
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:21 [info] 64#64: *12 client closed connection while waiting for request, client:, server:
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:21 [info] 64#64: *13 client closed connection while waiting for request, client:, server:
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:21 [info] 64#64: *14 client closed connection while waiting for request, client:, server:
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:21,674] [INFO:universe.rewarder.remote] CONNECTION STATUS: Marking connection as active: observer=False peer=tcp4: total_conns=1
[2017-02-23 20:22:21,712] [0:localhost:5900] Sending reset for env_id=flashgames.DuskDrive-v0 fps=60 episode_id=0
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:21,714] [INFO:universe.rewarder.remote] Received reset message: {'headers': {'sent_at': 1487902941.712608, 'message_id': 10, 'episode_id': '0'}, 'method': 'v0.env.reset', 'body': {'env_id': 'flashgames.DuskDrive-v0', 'seed': None, 'fps': 60}}
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:23 [info] 64#64: *15 client sent invalid request while reading client request line, client:, server: , request: "CONNECT HTTP/1.1"
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:23 [info] 64#64: *16 client sent invalid request while reading client request line, client:, server: , request: "CONNECT HTTP/1.1"
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:23,222] [selenium_wrapper_server] Call to webdriver.Chrome() completed: 1.78s
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:23,223] [INFO:gym_flashgames.launcher] [MainThread] Navigating browser to url=http://localhost
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:24 [info] 64#64: *17 client sent invalid request while reading client request line, client:, server: , request: "CONNECT HTTP/1.1"
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:24,631] [INFO:root] [EnvStatus] Changing env_state: resetting (env_id=None) -> running (env_id=None) (episode_id: 1->1, fps=60)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:24,651] [INFO:root] [EnvStatus] Changing env_state: running (env_id=None) -> resetting (env_id=flashgames.DuskDrive-v0) (episode_id: 1->2, fps=60)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:24,653] [ERROR:root] Closing server (via subprocess.close()) and all chromes (via pkill chromedriver || :; pkill chrome || :)
universe-j3KA07-0 | Manhole[1487902944.6541]: Patched <built-in function fork> and <built-in function fork>.
universe-j3KA07-0 | Manhole[1487902944.6547]: Manhole UDS path: /tmp/manhole-60
universe-j3KA07-0 | Manhole[1487902944.6547]: Waiting for new connection (in pid:60) ...
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:24,660] [INFO:root] [Rewarder] Blocking until env finishes resetting
universe-j3KA07-0 | [init] [2017-02-24 02:22:24,676] init detected end of child process 114 with exit code 0, killed by SIGTERM: 15
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:24,680] [INFO:root] [EnvController] RESET CAUSE: changing out environments due to v0.env.reset (with episode_id=0): flashgames.DuskDrive-v0 -> flashgames.DuskDrive-v0 (new episode_id=2 fps=60)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:24,680] [INFO:root] [EnvController] Env state: env_id=flashgames.DuskDrive-v0 episode_id=2
universe-j3KA07-0 | [init] [2017-02-24 02:22:24,686] init detected end of child process 129 with exit code 0, not killed by signal
universe-j3KA07-0 | [init] [2017-02-24 02:22:24,690] init detected end of child process 353 with exit code 0, killed by SIGTERM: 15
universe-j3KA07-0 | [init] [2017-02-24 02:22:24,723] init detected end of child process 336 with exit code 0, killed by SIGTERM: 15
universe-j3KA07-0 | [Fri Feb 24 02:22:24 UTC 2017] [/usr/local/bin/sudoable-env-setup] Allowing outbound network traffic to non-private IPs for git-lfs. (Going to fetch files via git lfs.)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [unpack-lfs] [2017-02-24 02:22:24,936] Unpacking files for flashgames.DuskDrive-v0
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:25 [info] 64#64: *19 client closed connection while waiting for request, client:, server:
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:25 [info] 64#64: *18 client closed keepalive connection
universe-j3KA07-0 | [unpack-lfs] [2017-02-24 02:22:25,101] Merged 5 files from /tmp/flashgames.DuskDrive-v0/public -> /app/universe-envs/flashgames/build/public/flashgames.DuskDrive-v0
universe-j3KA07-0 | [unpack-lfs] [2017-02-24 02:22:25,105] Merged 20 files from /tmp/flashgames.DuskDrive-v0/private -> /app/universe-envs/flashgames/build/private/flashgames.DuskDrive-v0
universe-j3KA07-0 | [unpack-lfs] [2017-02-24 02:22:25,106] Completed unpack for flashgames.DuskDrive-v0 in 0.170s
universe-j3KA07-0 | [Fri Feb 24 02:22:25 UTC 2017] [/usr/local/bin/sudoable-env-setup] [debug] unpack-lfs completed with status code: 0. Created completion file: /usr/local/openai/git-lfs/flashgames.DuskDrive-v0
universe-j3KA07-0 | [Fri Feb 24 02:22:25 UTC 2017] [/usr/local/bin/sudoable-env-setup] Disabling outbound network traffic for flashgames.DuskDrive-v0
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:25,244] [INFO:gym_flashgames.launcher] [EnvController] Launching new Chrome process (attempt 0/10)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:25,244] [INFO:root] Replacing selenium_wrapper_server since we currently do it at every episode boundary
universe-j3KA07-0 | [init] [2017-02-24 02:22:25,297] init detected end of child process 128 with exit code 0, killed by SIGTERM: 15
universe-j3KA07-0 | [init] [2017-02-24 02:22:25,298] init detected end of child process 125 with exit code 0, not killed by signal
universe-j3KA07-0 | [init] [2017-02-24 02:22:25,298] init detected end of child process 126 with exit code 0, not killed by signal
universe-j3KA07-0 | [init] [2017-02-24 02:22:25,298] init detected end of child process 117 with exit code 0, not killed by signal
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:25,516] [selenium_wrapper_server] Calling webdriver.Chrome()
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:27 [info] 64#64: *20 client sent invalid request while reading client request line, client:, server: , request: "CONNECT HTTP/1.1"
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:27 [info] 64#64: *21 client sent invalid request while reading client request line, client:, server: , request: "CONNECT HTTP/1.1"
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:27 [info] 64#64: *22 client sent invalid request while reading client request line, client:, server: , request: "CONNECT HTTP/1.1"
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:27,303] [selenium_wrapper_server] Call to webdriver.Chrome() completed: 1.79s
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:27,305] [INFO:gym_flashgames.launcher] [EnvController] Navigating browser to url=http://localhost/flashgames.DuskDrive-v0
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:27,729] [INFO:root] [EnvController] Running command: /app/universe-envs/controlplane/bin/play_vexpect -e flashgames.DuskDrive-v0 -r vnc:// -d
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:22:28 [info] 64#64: *26 client sent invalid request while reading client request line, client:, server: , request: "CONNECT HTTP/1.1"
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:29,471] [play_vexpect] No rewarder addresses were provided, so this env cannot connect to the remote's rewarder channel, and cannot send control messages (e.g. reset)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:29,471] [play_vexpect] Using the golang VNC implementation
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:29,471] [play_vexpect] Using VNCSession arguments: {'encoding': 'zrle', 'fine_quality_level': 50, 'compress_level': 0, 'subsample_level': 2, 'start_timeout': 7}. (Customize by running "env.configure(vnc_kwargs={...})"
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:29,472] [play_vexpect] Printed stats will ignore clock skew. (This usually makes sense only when the environment and agent are on the same machine.)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:29,478] [play_vexpect] [0] Connecting to environment: vnc:// password=openai. If desired, you can manually connect a VNC viewer, such as TurboVNC. Most environments provide a convenient in-browser VNC client: http://None/viewer/?password=openai
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:29,478] [play_vexpect] [0] Connecting to environment details: vnc_address= vnc_password=openai rewarder_address=None rewarder_password=openai
universe-j3KA07-0 | 2017/02/24 02:22:29 I0224 02:22:29.479187 680 gymvnc.go:417] [0:] opening connection to VNC server
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] 
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Fri Feb 24 02:22:29 2017
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  Connections: accepted:
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  SConnection: Client needs protocol version 3.8
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  SConnection: Client requests security type VncAuth(2)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  VNCSConnST:  Server default pixel format depth 24 (32bpp) little-endian rgb888
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  VNCSConnST:  Client pixel format depth 24 (32bpp) little-endian bgr888
universe-j3KA07-0 | 2017/02/24 02:22:29 I0224 02:22:29.483267 680 gymvnc.go:550] [0:] connection established
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:22:30,495] [play_vexpect] Waiting for any of [MaskState<initializing0>] to activate
universe-j3KA07-0 | 2017/02/24 02:22:34 I0224 02:22:34.011097 60 gymvnc.go:374] [0:] update queue max of 60 reached; pausing further updates
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] 2017/02/24 02:23:24 [info] 64#64: *3 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while proxying upgraded connection, client:, server: , request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "localhost:15900"
universe-j3KA07-0 | [nginx] - openai [24/Feb/2017:02:23:24 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 101 1785 "-" "AutobahnPython/0.17.1"
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:23:24,690] [INFO:universe.rewarder.remote] WebSocket connection closed: connection was closed uncleanly (peer dropped the TCP connection without previous WebSocket closing handshake)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [2017-02-24 02:23:24,691] [INFO:universe.rewarder.remote] [Twisted] Active client disconnected (sent 11 messages). Still have 0 active clients left
[2017-02-23 20:23:24,698] [0] Closing rewarder connection
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 10, in <module>
    observation_n, reward_n, done_n, info = env.step(action_n)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gym/", line 110, in step
    observation, reward, done, info = self._step(action)
  File "/home/mason/universe/universe/wrappers/", line 20, in _step
    universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] 
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc] Fri Feb 24 02:23:24 2017
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  Connections: closed: (Clean disconnection)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  EncodeManager: Framebuffer updates: 595
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  EncodeManager:   Tight:
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  EncodeManager:     Solid: 71 rects, 3.89757 Mpixels
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  EncodeManager:            1.10938 KiB (1:13724.6 ratio)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  EncodeManager:     Bitmap RLE: 292 rects, 3.42586 Mpixels
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  EncodeManager:                 45.0674 KiB (1:297.015 ratio)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  EncodeManager:     Indexed RLE: 308 rects, 598.408 kpixels
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  EncodeManager:                  46.3369 KiB (1:50.5243 ratio)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  EncodeManager:   Tight (JPEG):
observation_n, reward_n, done_n, info = self.env.step(action_n)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gym/", line 110, in step
    observation, reward, done, info = self._step(action)
  File "/home/mason/universe/universe/wrappers/", line 30, in _step
    observation_n, reward_n, done_n, info_n = self.env.step(action_n)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gym/", line 110, in step
    observation, reward, done, info = self._step(action)
  File "/home/mason/universe/universe/wrappers/", line 117, in _step
    observation_n, reward_n, done_n, info = self._substep(action_n)
  File "/home/mason/universe/universe/wrappers/", line 132, in _substep
    observation_n, reward_n, done_n, info = self.env.step(action_n)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gym/", line 110, in step
    observation, reward, done, info = self._step(action)
  File "/home/mason/universe/universe/envs/", line 464, in _step
  File "/home/mason/universe/universe/envs/", line 537, in _handle_crashed_n
    universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  EncodeManager:     Full Colour: 243 rects, 2.84034 Mpixels
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  EncodeManager:                  581.7 KiB (1:19.0784 ratio)
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  EncodeManager:   Total: 914 rects, 10.7622 Mpixels
universe-j3KA07-0 | [tigervnc]  EncodeManager:          674.214 KiB (1:62.3696 ratio)
raise error.Error('{}/{} environments have crashed! Most recent error: {}'.format(len(self.crashed), self.n, errors))
universe.error.Error: 1/1 environments have crashed! Most recent error: {'0': 'Rewarder session failed: Lost connection: connection was closed uncleanly (peer dropped the TCP connection without previous WebSocket closing handshake) (clean=False code=1006)'}
[2017-02-23 20:23:24,715] Killing and removing container: id=3d2ae9da74e11b4ec99f5f441832c00caa8b3b941accbb08baf51290525ca21b


Please include the result of running

$ uname -a ; python --version; pip show universe gym tensorflow numpy go-vncdriver Pillow
Linux The-Waffle-Cave-Linux 4.4.0-64-generic #85-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 20 11:50:30 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Python 2.7.12
Name: universe
Version: 0.21.2
Summary: Universe: a software platform for measuring and training an AI's general intelligence across the world's supply of games, websites and other applications.
Author: OpenAI
License: UNKNOWN
Location: /home/mason/universe
Requires: autobahn, docker-py, docker-pycreds, fastzbarlight, go-vncdriver, gym, Pillow, PyYAML, six, twisted, ujson
Name: gym
Version: 0.7.3
Summary: The OpenAI Gym: A toolkit for developing and comparing your reinforcement learning agents.
Author: OpenAI
License: UNKNOWN
Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
Requires: requests, six, numpy, pyglet
Name: tensorflow
Version: 1.0.0
Summary: TensorFlow helps the tensors flow
Author: Google Inc.
License: Apache 2.0
Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
Requires: mock, numpy, protobuf, wheel, six
Name: numpy
Version: 1.12.0
Summary: NumPy: array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects.
Author: NumPy Developers
License: BSD
Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
Name: go-vncdriver
Version: 0.4.19
Summary: UNKNOWN
Home-page: UNKNOWN
Author-email: UNKNOWN
License: UNKNOWN
Location: /home/mason/go-vncdriver
Requires: numpy
Name: Pillow
Version: 4.0.0
Summary: Python Imaging Library (Fork)
Author: Alex Clark (Fork Author)
License: Standard PIL License
Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
Requires: olefile
tlbtlbtlb commented 7 years ago

Can you a try a different environment to see if it's specific to DuskDrive? flashgames.NeonRace-v0 or flashgames.HeatRushFuture-v0 are good choices.

katk0smos commented 7 years ago

flashgames.NeonRace-v0 works. I'm able to run the starter agent just fine with Pong, so I know it's not universe.

tlbtlbtlb commented 7 years ago

DuskDrive doesn't seem to work on some systems, though we can't reproduce it on any of our machines here. But there are dozens of other games.

clemens-tolboom commented 7 years ago

On Mac I had trouble with the REPL way running DuskDrive and NeonRace

So I created a script for it and now DuskDrive and NeonRace runs. And VNC pops up too. Trying to close then reopen VNC fails. Not sure what that means.

papi656 commented 7 years ago

@clemens-tolboom I am experiencing the same problem.

How did you solved it?

clemens-tolboom commented 7 years ago

So I created a script for it and now DuskDrive and NeonRace runs.

nevaryyy commented 6 years ago

manually connected open vnc://localhost:5901 created a script clemens-tolboom's solution is work for me 👍