openai / weak-to-strong

MIT License
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I created a code for "autonomous AI". But since I'm an amateur, I don't know how to implement it. #30

Closed LineaLinelis closed 7 months ago

LineaLinelis commented 7 months ago

Self-Evaluation (Feedback Loop)

def evaluate_self(self):

Evaluate own performance

performance = self.get_performance()

# Compare performance against a standard
standard = self.get_standard()
if performance < standard:
    # If performance is below standard, perform self-learning

Adherence to Ethical Guidelines and their Definition

def follow_ethical_rules(self):

Retrieve ethical guidelines

ethical_rules = self.get_ethical_rules()

# Check if own actions violate any ethical rules
for rule in ethical_rules:
    if self.action_violates_rule(rule):
        # If an action violates ethical rules, correct the action

Regularity and Self-Control

def exercise_self_control(self):

Suppress impulses


# Plan own actions

# Execute planned actions

Implementation of Beliefs in Context Window

def implement_beliefs(self):

Retrieve own beliefs

beliefs = self.get_beliefs()

# Act based on own beliefs
for belief in beliefs:

Adjust Algorithm and Self-Learn based on Beliefs

def adjust_algorithm_and_learn(self):

Adjust the algorithm based on own beliefs


# Perform self-learning based on own beliefs