Docker can be installed using Docker Desktop or Docker Engine, and kind can be installed using Homebrew or as a Golang package
Download the Dockerfile and config.yaml from the oaicinstaller repository (currently located here)
Create a kind cluster with kind create cluster --image=kindest/node:v1.16.15 --config=config.yaml
Build the Dockerfile with docker build -t oaic . which will configure kind through kubectl, install Helm, deploy the near-RT RIC and the srsRAN software
Current issues:
TLS certificate doesn't include the address host.docker.internal, which prevents Helm from being configured inside a Docker container (a new TLS certificate needs to be issued)
Configuring the Kubernetes cluster could be done outside of Docker, but requires extra steps
It may not be a good idea to run all of the scripts inside of a Dockerfile like it is currently as the end user will have to rebuild the Dockerfile instead of being able to pull the Docker image directly from Docker Hub, etc.
The best we could currently do is allow the end user to use Docker Compose to pull multiple OAIC images from Docker Hub at once
We should look to see if kind supports running commands directly, either through its config.yaml, a Dockerfile, or some other solution.
Current steps:
kind create cluster --image=kindest/node:v1.16.15 --config=config.yaml
docker build -t oaic .
which will configure kind through kubectl, install Helm, deploy the near-RT RIC and the srsRAN softwareCurrent issues:
, which prevents Helm from being configured inside a Docker container (a new TLS certificate needs to be issued)