openairplay / AirplayMirroringGo

A cross platform AirPlay mirroring client by Go
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Apple TV Simulator #6

Open gedw99 opened 2 years ago

gedw99 commented 2 years ago

I am trying to test this with an Apple TV sim.

I setup my apple ID account and turned on airplay, but from my local ios and mac devices cannot send anything to it.

Anyone have any tips ??

Screenshot 2022-01-10 at 14 27 13

Screenshot 2022-01-10 at 14 29 11

joseph-bing-han commented 2 years ago

Sorry I just have an Apple TV gen 3. Give me some time to confirm this please.

gedw99 commented 2 years ago

thanks @joseph-bing-han

The SIM i used is Apple TV 2nd gen. I did not know there is a 3rd gen, but will check in ym Simulator.

From my Mac desktop, i can see the Sim Apple TV is enrolled into my Apple account. So it "should work".

From my IOS mobile i would not "share" with my simulated Apple TV. So it might not be the golang code.

When i tried using the golang code i also got no Apple TV showing up the the list. I am on Mac but it should not matter.

gedw99 commented 2 years ago

I got the Gen 3 Apple TV Sim going now and will see if i can get the golang working with it.

the FPS is MUCH higher too. 18.67, compared to 1 for the Gen 2 Apple TV i was running in SIM.

Screenshot 2022-01-12 at 22 41 44

gedw99 commented 2 years ago

When i pair from my IOS to the Apple TV SIM ( running on the Mac laptop), the pairing works, but then the IOS disconnects.

Its really weird.. Both devices are on the same 5 ghz wifi.

joseph-bing-han commented 2 years ago

Maybe AppleTV Simulator doesn't support aiplay? I cannot pair Remote App (iOS 12.5.5) and AppleTV Simulator on my MacBook. I can ping AppleTV SIM's ip, however cannot connect its' port 7000. image image

gedw99 commented 2 years ago

hey @joseph-bing-han

thanks for trying out what i am also doing...

I got the iOS remote to pair with the Apple TV simulator. But after pairing you can’t do anything !!

So o then tried pairing Xcode to the Apple TV sim.

I did some googling and saw some sites saying that Apple TV Sim just does not pair with Xcode easily. I tried to do it from Xcode and failed. I was doing that because maybe it needs that magic pairing in order to allow the other things to happen.

Have you tried to get Xcode to "see" the Apple TV SIm ?

DO you have a local Apple Developer Certificate ?

gedw99 commented 2 years ago

I found an Apple TV gen 3 for 30 bucks . Will just get that because the SIM is too problematic.