openairplay / openairplay

Enabling Airplay just like on Apple OSX on Ubuntu and possibly other non-apple OSes
MIT License
347 stars 55 forks source link

Do you still want an Apple TV? #19

Open toomim opened 3 years ago

toomim commented 3 years ago

I'd be happy to buy one for you, if it would help development on this project!

robobenklein commented 3 years ago

I don't think I'm the best person to donate to for this, it's been more than 4 years since I've touched any of the Apple protocols and I don't have any other Apple devices anymore to do packet capture / reverse engineering with. I expect there are other people more motivated and with more recent knowledge.

DevBennyturtle commented 3 years ago

Although I don't want an apple TV, I would love to try and work on this project. At the moment the main reason why it is broken is because pyqt4 (the program it uses to make a gui) is gone from apt and pip (the linux app store). I can probably fix it but it would take some time. Of course id try to add some features along the way :)

lukelex commented 2 years ago

Setup a GitHub Sponsored account and you might see money coming down your way to put time on this. :wink:

robobenklein commented 2 years ago

After years being unmaintained this is still the project I get asked to fix the most.

I might have an old iPad that could be used to test with / packet capture from a relative. (Had a broken home button) If it still works then I might be able to update this project given an Apple TV.

Don't send any money my way yet until I can say for sure I can use it though, because other than that I don't have anything Apple in the house. (Unless there's someone crazy enough to also send a working iDevice along with a TV for reverse engineering)

DevBennyturtle commented 2 years ago

As I posted In “looking for devs” I might try to rewrite this from the ground up with possibly a good gui and py3+tk Once I get the repo up I’ll let you guys know. Also if anyone has an Apple TV for cheap I would like to buy it to test. I will mention I’m going into electrical engineering not CS so might not be the best person for the job but I’ll try

erebion commented 1 year ago

I'd also be willing to donate if donations are accepted.

Honestly AirPlay is the only reason that could make me buy an Apple product and we all want to avoid that, right? :p

I really don't like that this is not available on other systems and I'd like to see at least some small progress. :)

I'd love to see this get into a state where it could get packaged and for example show up in the Debian repos.

DevBennyturtle commented 1 year ago

If I'm being honest, I haven't gotten back into programming in a while since my post. I'm mainly focusing on hardware engineering, but I can try to resume the project. If you have discord I can send you my contact, so you can beta test stuff. I have an apple tv now but idk what generation it is

erebion commented 1 year ago

If you have discord I can send you my contact, so you can beta test stuff.

I've got Matrix, Signal, email.

You can find my Matrix ID on my profile page here on GitHub, if you replace the character in the middle of the Matrix ID you get the email addresss. Sorry I have to give it to you like this, I just want to avoid spam. xD

I'm definitely willing to try out beta stuff and give feedback. :)

I have an apple tv now but idk what generation it is

They're easy to identify:

PoleTransformer commented 1 year ago

I also recommend developing on Apple TV Gen 4 or later because old Apple TVs are lacking features found on the latest models(ie PUT requests for photos). So unofficial protocol documents like this aren't relevant anymore.

erebion commented 1 year ago

So unofficial protocol documents like this aren't relevant anymore.

It's still important to know what does not work on older models so that compatibility can be ensured.

erebion commented 1 year ago

@DevBennyturtle Maybe you could also set up a page on LiberaPay so I and maybe others can fund you with some (small and rather symbolic) amount, as I think it is very valuable to have a working open source AirPlay implementation on Linux/Android/whatever.

It's such a shame these protocols aren't open and see wide use, as they're great.

Casuallynoted commented 7 months ago

Would also love to help support this in any way I can.

erebion commented 7 months ago

And I'd still be willing to donate for this, if it helps. :)

PoleTransformer commented 7 months ago

And I'd still be willing to donate for this, if it helps. :)

Are you donating hardware or funding? Im willing to setup Liberapay if there's enough interest. This project has been dead for a while now. Im hoping to revive it.

erebion commented 7 months ago

Whatever will help. Hardware will be expensive because of shipping, I guess.

ronlaws86 commented 1 week ago

I stumbled upon this because i'm looking for a similar solution. Kodi supports Airplay (As an audio receiver) So at the very minimum, you could test some things against that without the need of an Apple Device.

Edit: Years ago I used to use FairPlay to cast to raspberry pi but it stopped working, i think there were some dubious things going on in the code as it vanished for a while,
Edit2: RPiPlay impliments the screen mirroring seems to be an updated fork/implementation of it

Anyway, Apple TV 2/3rd gen can be found for peanuts second hand these days as they're obsolete e-waste that are mostly useless now except for online radio and Airplay. (i know i own one :sob:)