openalea / StructureAnalysis

Plant structure analysis
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Fix sequence analysis wrappers #8

Closed jbdurand closed 8 years ago

jbdurand commented 8 years ago

Update wrappers with respect to new c++ headers and python syntax Modify SConscript so as to add -DDEBUG flag if contains Debug=1 (please Christophe have a look at this)

pradal commented 8 years ago

@jbdurand I just read the PR. You can either set this flag in the directly. However, if you think that the DEBUG flag is connected directly to the debug compilation(-g), then we have to set this flag in the stones of SConscript.

PS: Rather then Christophe in your messages, just add @pradal, and I will receive a notification.

pradal commented 8 years ago

@jbdurand : In stat_tool, this is already done. It is however a good idea to fix this in all packages.

jbdurand commented 8 years ago

@pradal : Yes I think we always use -g and -DDEBUG simultaneously. But I have no objection to adding a new specific flag in, which would be added separately from Debug