openalias / dnscrypt-python

DNSCrypt Python Library
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iOS version compatible with 64 bits #2

Closed jmsalvadortwonav closed 9 years ago

jmsalvadortwonav commented 9 years ago

I sent you an email few weeks ago asking you about a new iOS release compatible with 64 bits of your library.

This is due to Apple force the iOS apps that must be compatible with 64 bits before 1st of June.

Would you release a 64 bits compatible version of iOS before 1st of June ?

Please, tell me something about the compatibility of your library in order to have a reaction and be compatible in that date. Time is running fast.

Thanks in advance Josep-Miquel

fluffypony commented 9 years ago

@soulianisrahm hi - I haven't seen any emails come in about that, did you send it to

Either way, I don't think that bitwise compatibility is an issue with this python library, but I stand to be corrected.

jmsalvadortwonav commented 9 years ago

I sent the mails to contact in

I didn't know exactly where to send it

sorry for the inconvenience

El 04/05/2015 a las 15:51, Riccardo Spagni escribió:

@soulianisrahm hi - I haven't seen any emails come in about that, did you send it to

Either way, I don't think that bitwise compatibility is an issue with this python library, but I stand to be corrected.

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fluffypony commented 9 years ago

Oh that's for dnscrypt-proxy: - this is dnscrypt-python :)