openalm / Extension-UtilitiesPack

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Sample *.json file? #63

Closed SeamusMcGurk closed 7 years ago

SeamusMcGurk commented 7 years ago


I'm trying to set up a token replacement for my config files. I have the source filename set to: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/TFS Web Build 1.0/Corporate Art\app.RM.config (Here, the RM file is the tokenized config file using token) The destination filename is set to the true name of the config file: Company.Client.Corporate.exe.config I have the json file on the build server at: \0111-03-0555-01\c$\BuildFiles\Transforms.json

The transforms.json file has the following data in it: [ { "CompanyTestDomain": {"QA4"}, "Environment": {""}, "CheckForContext": {"true"}, "ServiceTierAppHost": {""}, "ServiceTierCsHost": {""}, "ReportServer": {""}, "ReportID": {"systemID"}, "ReportDomain": {"Corp"}, "ReportPWord": {"Password"} } ]

The powershell is executed C:\Users\Public\Downloads\agent\tasks\Tokenizer\2.0.2\tokenize.ps1 The next line is grey as opposed to black which all the other information is:

[debug]Performing the operation "Copy File" on target "Item:

C:\Agent_work\85c7a0d97\TFS Web Build 1.0\CorporateArt\app.RM.config Destination: C:\Users\Public\Downloads\agent\tasks\Tokenizer\2.0.2\Isagenix.Clients.CorporateBackOffice.exe.config.tmp". after which, I start getting messages that it's Updating token 'CompanyTestDomain' No value found for token 'CompanyTestDomain'

So, can someone help me figure out what i'm doing wrong?

harshil93 commented 7 years ago

Take a look here for the right format.