openalm / Extension-UtilitiesPack

Release Management utility tasks
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Token Replacement does not seem to be modifying the file #64

Closed j-re closed 7 years ago

j-re commented 7 years ago

Hi, The token replacement does not appear to be working for me. Below is the log output from release manager:

[section]Starting: Tokenizer: Transform Source filename

Task : Tokenize with XPath/Regular expressions Description : Replaces and/or XPath for XML documents with User Defined variables or configuration json document Version : 2.0.2 Author : ms-devlabs Help : More Information

Environment: DEV_CM Updating token 'targethostname' [section]Finishing: Tokenizer: Transform Source filename [section]Finishing: Release

Below is the Environment config:


Below is the Token Config: setup

Below is a snapshot from the file where the token was exists:

      <site name="dfdfdsf"  targetHostName="__targethostname__" />
j-re commented 7 years ago

Ahhh, ignore me. The issue was I though the tokenisation was running on the deployed server. It is infact running on the Agent. I just needed to move the tokenisation BEFOReE the DeployAzureRM step.