openalpr / train-ocr

Input files and scripts necessary to train the license plate OCR
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Add trained data for Swiss license plates #34

Open maechler opened 7 years ago

maechler commented 7 years ago

We are currently training the Swiss license plate font and I would like to create a pull request out of this. Since Switzerland is surrounded by EU countries, we also need to deal with EU plates. That is why we actually got the best results by adding the Swiss license plate style as an additional font to the EU trained data. When creating the pull request, should I add the data to eu or create a new config for ch?

maechler commented 6 years ago

I attach the trained data files for anyone interested in using them until this issue is resolved. The file lch.traineddata contains only the Swiss font data, the file leu.traineddata contains the EU fonts and the Swiss font. Even though our test data only consisted of Swiss license plates we got better results using leu.traineddata.

bhavna7 commented 6 years ago

Hie maechler, Can you help with how to attach our custom fonts to the leu.traineddata. it would be a great help.

looking forward to hear from you soon. thanks in advance

maechler commented 6 years ago

@bhavna7 The documentation chapter "Training OCR" tells you how to add your custom fonts:

PetarMG-BG commented 5 years ago

@bhavna7 The documentation chapter "Training OCR" tells you how to add your custom fonts:

Hi @bhavna7 , I'm trying to train tessaract for austrian lp, but I have an issue. Could you please spend some time to tell or show us about your approach how you train the data. Especially how did you make the tif file, and how you combine the files for leu.traineddata. Thanks!

maechler commented 5 years ago

@PetarMG-BG we had a similar discussion starting here:

Maybe @alucard079 could help you, as he recently used the training tools.

alucard079 commented 5 years ago

@PetarMG-BG what part are you now?

PetarMG-BG commented 5 years ago

@alucard079 currently I'm using a tif and box files for austrian lp, provided in some of the treads here. The problem of this files are the quality of the images. How did you generate them?

alucard079 commented 5 years ago

@PetarMG-BG markus @maechler provided a for me. I think his code with a minimum revision will make it work.

@PetarMG-BG anw, I recompiled again the openalpr because I reinstalled my linux again, will you help me in compilling it again? I'm having a problem with "make".

PetarMG-BG commented 5 years ago

@alucard079 what is the error of make?

alucard079 commented 5 years ago


jayjupdhig commented 4 years ago

What exactly do i need to to with that swiss data?

There are many directories:

What are the steps from A-Z so OpenAlpr (Open Sopurce) is able to recognize swiss car numbers?

Thank you for your feedback.

maechler commented 4 years ago


I have not used OpenALPR in a while, so I might be missing something here, but I'll try my best to answer your question.

  1. Download the trained data:
  2. Decide whether you want to use it for EU and Swiss plates (a) or for Swiss plates only (b): a.1. Copy leu.traineddata to runtime_data/ocr/tessdata and overwrite the existing file. Use the regular EU configuration and you are probably done. b.1. Copy lch.traineddata to runtime_data/ocr/tessdata b.2. Add a file ch.conf to runtime_data/config with the content from below. We use eu.xml for the detector as it works well enough. b.3. Add a file ch.patterns to runtime_data/postprocess with the content from below.


; Single-line Swiss style plates

; 35-50; 45-60, 55-70, 65-80, 75-90
char_analysis_min_pct = 0.35
char_analysis_height_range = 0.15
char_analysis_height_step_size = 0.10
char_analysis_height_num_steps = 5

segmentation_min_speckle_height_percent = 0.2
segmentation_min_box_width_px = 5
segmentation_min_charheight_percent = 0.4;
segmentation_max_segment_width_percent_vs_average = 2.0;

plate_width_mm = 300
plate_height_mm = 80

multiline = 0

char_height_mm = 55
char_width_mm = 30
char_whitespace_top_mm = 13
char_whitespace_bot_mm = 13

template_max_width_px = 184
template_max_height_px = 46

; Higher sensitivity means less lines
plateline_sensitivity_vertical = 18
plateline_sensitivity_horizontal = 55

; Regions smaller than this will be disqualified
min_plate_size_width_px = 65
min_plate_size_height_px = 18

; Results with fewer or more characters will be discarded
postprocess_min_characters = 3
postprocess_max_characters = 8

detector_file = eu.xml

ocr_language = lch

; Override for postprocess letters/numbers regex. 
postprocess_regex_letters = [ABDEFGHIJLNORSTUVWZ]
postprocess_regex_numbers = [0-9]

; Whether the plate is always dark letters on light background, light letters on dark background, or both
; value can be either always, never, or auto
invert = auto


ch  [APM]######
jayjupdhig commented 4 years ago

thank you very much, will try it!! :-)

jayjupdhig commented 4 years ago

and: so i saw, a swiss configuration was not added until now:

jayjupdhig commented 4 years ago

OpenALPR seems to have a bug with TESSDATA_xxx variable:

The only possible way seems to be that:

cp /usr/share/openalpr/runtime_data/ocr/tessdata/leu.traineddata /usr/share/openalpr/runtime_data/ocr

Act of resignation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jayjupdhig commented 4 years ago

OK, so:

1. wget
2. unzip
3. cp ./leu.traineddata /usr/share/openalpr/runtime_data/ocr (So NO tessdata directory due to this [CENSORED] bug!!!)
4. alpr -c eu n.jpg -> "No license plates found."

So: Doesn't work, all in all...

jayjupdhig commented 4 years ago

I think it's a product strategy to make the opensource version completely unusable, so the people buy it because they are resignated.

I think i'm right with that.

jayjupdhig commented 4 years ago

So the OS version is just a decoy, nothing else....!!

jayjupdhig commented 4 years ago

And i don't like that strategy. Because it's not honest.

Because of that, now i try it with, hehe!! :-)

jayjupdhig commented 4 years ago

OK thx...