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Can't sync to movescount MaxTemp >= MinTemp #56

Closed punknroll closed 10 years ago

punknroll commented 10 years ago

New logs are not synced with movescount anymore. The error says:

Failed to upload log, replied with " ""MaxTemp must be greater than or equal to MinTemp"" "

Here is the log file:

svenstorp commented 10 years ago

Hum, fishy! The logfile actually suggest that MaxTemp IS greater than MinTemp... What version were you using? 0.2 or latest master?

punknroll commented 10 years ago

I use latest master!

punknroll commented 10 years ago

git pull and running ./ again should be sufficient to run the latest version?

punknroll commented 10 years ago

Here is a new small log for testing...same problem:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE openambitlog>
<openambitlog version="1.0">
        <Name>Suunto Ambit2</Name>
                <Type id="792">activity</Type>
                <Type id="61440">unknown</Type>
                <Type id="777">lap-info</Type>
                    <Type id="31">Start</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="786">time</Type>
                <Type id="783">gps-base</Type>
                <Type id="795">position</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="61440">unknown</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="776">distance-source</Type>
                <DistanceSource id="2">GPS</DistanceSource>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="772">log-pause</Type>
                <Type id="785">gps-tiny</Type>
                <Type id="777">lap-info</Type>
                    <Type id="30">Pause</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
                <Type id="777">lap-info</Type>
                    <Type id="1">Manual</Type>
                <Type id="512">periodic</Type>
svenstorp commented 10 years ago

I can confirm I get the same issue with a log from today (a sync last week worked fine), have obviously changed something...

svenstorp commented 10 years ago

Oh dear, I might need to revise my previous post!

Short story: When building from source, make sure new libambit.h header file is resolved to newest version, e.g. make sure there is no libambit.h under /usr/include OR run ./ script.

Long story: A while back there was a change in the public header file of the libambit (libambit.h), rendering compatibility issues between different versions of libambit and openambit UI. In my case, I did rebuild both libambit and openambit, but had still the old header file installed in (/usr/include/libambit.h). Since libambit.h is internal in libambit, libambit was built with the new header file, while openambit still resolved to the old header file in /usr/include/libambit.h...

svenstorp commented 10 years ago

@punknroll Are you really sure that it is the log you have attached that causes the error? For the problem I describe above, the MaxTemp is really < MinTemp.

punknroll commented 10 years ago

I removed /usr/include/libambit.h and did a fresh git clone and ran ./ Now the error is gone. Thanx for help.