Hi — we just submitted a new version of scales and while our own reverse dependency check didn't catch any issues with patientProfilesVis, CRAN did. This is the failure output they shared:
Package: patientProfilesVis
Check: tests
New result: ERROR
Running ‘testthat.R’ [39s/42s]
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Complete output:
[ FAIL 2 | WARN 2 | SKIP 20 | PASS 365 ]
== Skipped tests (20) ==================================================================================================================================================================================
* On CRAN (20): 'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:46:2', 'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:82:2', 'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:124:2', 'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:154:2',
'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:197:2', 'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:252:2', 'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:316:2', 'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:381:2',
'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:420:2', 'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:475:2', 'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:531:2', 'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:570:2',
'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:622:2', 'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:671:2', 'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:723:2', 'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:775:2',
'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:820:2', 'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:878:2', 'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:908:2', 'test_createSubjectProfileReport.R:939:2'
== Failed tests ========================================================================================================================================================================================
-- Failure ('test_timeTransformations.R:6:2'): A hyperbolic arc-sin transformation is correctly extracted --
`timeTrans` inherits from `'transform'` not `'character'`.
-- Failure ('test_timeTransformations.R:19:2'): A hyperbolic arc-sin transformation handling negative values is correctly extracted --
`timeTrans` inherits from `'transform'` not `'character'`.
[ FAIL 2 | WARN 2 | SKIP 20 | PASS 365 ]
Error: Test failures
Execution halted
You'll probably get a mail from CRAN soon, but this will allow you some more time to fix the test
Thanks for the notification!
A fix has been included in the version 2.0.6 of the package (7e660e9094e3519f5d8de6d86cbb1331e08e80a7), on its way to CRAN.
Hi — we just submitted a new version of scales and while our own reverse dependency check didn't catch any issues with patientProfilesVis, CRAN did. This is the failure output they shared:
You'll probably get a mail from CRAN soon, but this will allow you some more time to fix the test